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Re: ImagePut - Image library for converting to files, streams, windows, base64, urls, cursors, screen coordinates, clipb

Posted: 18 Oct 2021, 08:49
by tuzi
iseahound wrote:
14 Oct 2021, 11:23
Great tutorial! :bravo:

Edit: I added it to the github page. I can only speak chinese so I just copied your sentence. :lol:
You mean you can talk with chinese not spell? That's amazing!!! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

By the way, I told everyone around me who use ahk that if you want to do anything with image, try using imageput first, and then switch to something else if it doesn't work. It works really well! :bravo:

Re: ImagePut - Image library for converting to files, streams, windows, base64, urls, cursors, screen coordinates, clipb

Posted: 18 Oct 2021, 09:07
by tuzi
I want to use ImagePutHIcon() to load an icon for tray menu display, but I get an error message.
Did I do something wrong?

win10 x64

Code: Select all

Menu, Tray, Add, test, handler


ico:=Base64PNG_to_HICON(ico1)  ; this work
; ico:=ImagePutHIcon(ico1)       ; this not work 

; show a icon in tray menu
Menu, Tray, Icon, test, HICON:%ico%



#Include ImagePut.ahk

Base64PNG_to_HICON(Base64PNG, W:=0, H:=0) {     ;   By SKAN on D094/D357 @
Local BLen:=StrLen(Base64PNG), Bin:=0,     nBytes:=Floor(StrLen(RTrim(Base64PNG,"="))*3/4)
  Return DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptStringToBinary", "Str",Base64PNG, "UInt",BLen, "UInt",1
            ,"Ptr",&(Bin:=VarSetCapacity(Bin,nBytes)), "UIntP",nBytes, "UInt",0, "UInt",0)
       ? DllCall("CreateIconFromResourceEx", "Ptr",&Bin, "UInt",nBytes, "Int",True, "UInt"
                 ,0x30000, "Int",W, "Int",H, "UInt",0, "UPtr") : 0            

Re: ImagePut - Image library for converting to files, streams, windows, base64, urls, cursors, screen coordinates, clipb

Posted: 18 Oct 2021, 10:56
by iseahound


For this case, I think you should use SKAN's function, it should be faster.

Raymond Chen explains why CreateIconFromResourceEx supports PNG files. (Answer: It supports PNG compression inside ICO files, but to minimize confusion, they decided to allow PNG files as well.)

Re: ImagePut - Image library for converting to files, streams, windows, base64, urls, cursors, screen coordinates, clipb

Posted: 18 Oct 2021, 20:00
by tuzi
iseahound wrote:
18 Oct 2021, 10:56


For this case, I think you should use SKAN's function, it should be faster.

Raymond Chen explains why CreateIconFromResourceEx supports PNG files. (Answer: It supports PNG compression inside ICO files, but to minimize confusion, they decided to allow PNG files as well.)
Thank you. works now.

A small suggestion, maybe change the version number to 1.2.1?

Re: ImagePut - Image library for converting to files, streams, windows, base64, urls, cursors, screen coordinates, clipb

Posted: 28 Dec 2021, 19:02
by iseahound
One thing I really want to implement is collections, which could be:
  • Pages of a PDF
  • Frames of a GIF
  • Files in a Folder or CBZ
  • Recording of a window / screen ?
But here's the issue. Not all image types support multiple images. So this is the behavior I have in mind:

Let's say the input is a collection, for example a GIF:
1) If the output supports only one image, only the first image is the output.
a) Allow the user to select which image in the collection is the output.
b) If the user says to process the entire collection, ignore the user and only output the first image in the GIF.

So here's the weird part. If the output supports a collection of images, and the input is a collection of images, always process every image by default.
So if you convert a PDF to GIF, you get an animated gif of all the pages. (weird)
And if you convert a folder to a PDF, you get a PDF of all the images in the folder (normal)

Does anyone have any ideas surrounding this topic?

ImagePutBuffer - ImageSearch & PixelSearch

Posted: 05 May 2022, 13:07
by iseahound
Just added a few useful functions to ImagePutBuffer including ImageSearch, PixelSearch, SetAlpha, TransColor, and ColorKey.

ColorKey - Replaces one ARGB color with another.
SetAlpha - Sets the alpha channel of the entire image.
Transcolor - Change the transparency of one RGB color. You could make all white pixels with different transparencies the same.

Code: Select all

; Capture the screen.
pic := ImagePutBuffer(0)

; Display the image and move the cursor to the found pixel.
xy := pic.PixelSearch(0x1235FF)
MouseMove xy[1], xy[2]

;Imagesearch Example
xy := pic.ImageSearch("test_image.png")
MouseMove xy[1], xy[2]

;If you need to run image search multiple times, create a buffer for the second image so it will be faster.
test_image := ImagePutBuffer("test_image.png")
xy := pic.ImageSearch(test_image)
MouseMove xy[1], xy[2]

Re: ImagePut - Image library for converting to files, streams, windows, base64, urls, cursors, screen coordinates, clipb

Posted: 20 May 2022, 01:49
by mickey12
I want to convert multiple 8k Png to 4k Jpg. can somebody help me with the code as i have not much knowledge of coding I looked at the documentation and its bit confusing for me so please if anyone can help. Thanks

Re: ImagePut - Image library for converting to files, streams, windows, base64, urls, cursors, screen coordinates, clipb

Posted: 20 May 2022, 07:48
by iseahound
You just write:

imageputfile({file: "myfile.png", scale:0.5}, "output.jpg", 100) ;JPEG compression

Re: ImagePut - Image library for converting to files, streams, windows, base64, urls, cursors, screen coordinates, clipb

Posted: 20 May 2022, 11:00
by mickey12
thank you that works you are great.
I have 2 question :
1. I want to give exact resolution i.e. 4096 *4096 instead of scale.

Code: Select all

imageputfile({file: "myfile.png", scale:0.5}, "output.jpg", 100) ;JPEG compression
2. When i convert transparent png image to jpg. Transparent part is replaced by black so is it possible to change that and make it white color.
But thanks anyway genius work.

Re: ImagePut - Image library for converting to files, streams, windows, base64, urls, cursors, screen coordinates, clipb

Posted: 20 May 2022, 12:26
by iseahound
imageputfile({file: "myfile.png", scale:[4096, 4096]}, "output.jpg", 100) ;JPEG compression

2. This is the first time I've seen a use case for this. You may have to run it through ImagePutHBitmap to replace the alpha color.

Code: Select all

hBitmap := ImagePutHBitmap({file: "myfile.png", scale:[4096, 4096]}, 0xFFFFFF) ; Alpha color
ImagePutFile(hBitmap, "output.jpg", 100) ;JPEG compression
ImageDestroy(hBitmap) ; Otherwise it will leak memory. 
EDIT: Oh well, #2 doesn't work properly. It could be done with DrawImage() or assembly, but it doesn't seem like a common enough use case at the moment.

Re: ImagePut - Image library for converting to files, streams, windows, base64, urls, cursors, screen coordinates, clipb

Posted: 25 May 2022, 08:05
by mickey12
I have checked this few time #2 working for me. so when you said "#2 doesn't work properly. ". Do you find any error or quality issue in that.
Also I wonder if we have option to Increase brightness of images also?

Re: ImagePut - Image library for converting to files, streams, windows, base64, urls, cursors, screen coordinates, clipb

Posted: 19 Jul 2022, 00:51
by earlbond84
Hi @iseahound,

Any idea why ImagePutBuffer will not update the captured window while the window is inactive?

pic := ImagePutBuffer({window: "wintitle"})


Re: ImagePut - Image library for converting to files, streams, windows, base64, urls, cursors, screen coordinates, clipb

Posted: 19 Jul 2022, 07:34
by iseahound
Are you seeing a visible change in the window and ImagePutBuffer is not copying those changes? If your window is occluded, it will likely not be redrawn due to power saving features (esp on windows 11)

Re: ImagePut - Image library for converting to files, streams, windows, base64, urls, cursors, screen coordinates, clipb

Posted: 07 Aug 2022, 02:49
by Spitzi
Hi @iseahound

I stumbled upon ImagePut and I asked me if I could use it for my project: I have grayscale images with colored text on it, and I would like to convert the image to white with black text (to improve OCR)

my questions:
1) can that be done with ImagePut? And will it be fast?
2) how does ImagePut - ImageSearch compare to the ahk-ImageSearch regarding speed and robustness

Thanks Simon

Re: ImagePut - Image library for converting to files, streams, windows, base64, urls, cursors, screen coordinates, clipb

Posted: 09 Jan 2023, 20:59
by pgarza
@iseahound hello i really love this library and the work you put into it, is there anyway you can explain in simple terms how one can use your library as a replacement to built-in pixelgetcolor using variables for x,y?

Ive already figured out how to use your version of pixelsearch using screen coordinates, but im confused as to how to retrieve the color at x, y variable for further comparison.

Code: Select all

PixelGetColor, OutputVar, X, Y [, Alt|Slow|RGB]
if OutputVar = color

Re: ImagePut - Image library for converting to files, streams, windows, base64, urls, cursors, screen coordinates, clipb

Posted: 10 Jan 2023, 18:12
by iseahound
Ah I see the problem, I never specified the exact copy and paste-able code for doing so.

Code: Select all

screen_capture := ImagePutBuffer(1) ; Capture Primary Screen
color := screen_capture[100, 200]
MsgBox % color
The docs should be much clearer now.

Re: ImagePut - Image library for converting to files, streams, windows, base64, urls, cursors, screen coordinates, clipb

Posted: 11 Jan 2023, 03:50
by pgarza
iseahound wrote:
10 Jan 2023, 18:12
Ah I see the problem, I never specified the exact copy and paste-able code for doing so.

Code: Select all

screen_capture := ImagePutBuffer(1) ; Capture Primary Screen
color := screen_capture[100, 200]
MsgBox % color
The docs should be much clearer now.
thank you!

Re: ImagePut - Image library for converting to files, streams, windows, base64, urls, cursors, screen coordinates, clipb

Posted: 17 Nov 2023, 11:41
by fiendhunter
@iseahound if you can help me, it would be great.
I need to capture part of the screen as 512 color. And convert into base64 string to compare images strings in bin file.
my goal is compare and get most similar string as result in fastest way. Currently bin file has 625 image total 121MB.

I store the png files into ".bin" file with using "`n" as delimiter.

Code: Select all

str := ImagePutBase64(FileName, "png") ; Returns base64 string.

fileappend, %str% `n, %A_ScriptDir%\ABase64PNG.bin

Code: Select all

FileRead, base64Strings, %A_ScriptDir%\ABase64PNG.bin
base64Array := StrSplit(base64Strings, "`n")
The png files are 512 color range.
Color composition of 512 color is:
dec : 0, 36, 72, 109, 145, 182, 218, 255
hex : 0x00, 0x24, 0x48, 0x6D, 0x91, 0xB6, 0xDA, 0xFF

Code: Select all

Gdip_PNGtoQ8PNG(thebitmap, RGBQuantize := 8) {
	pToken := Gdip_Startup()
	; Load the png with LoadPicture()
	pBitmapResource := Gdip_CreateARGBBitmapFromHBITMAP(thebitmap)
	Gdip_GetImageDimensions(pBitmapResource, wResource, hResource)
	Gdip_LockBits(pBitmapResource, 0, 0, wResource, hResource, strideResource, scanResource, bitmapDataResource)
	lookup := {1:0, 2:36, 3:72, 4:109, 5:145, 6:182, 7:218, 8:255}
	; quantization with 512 color = (Photoshop posterization by 8)
loop, % hResource
   y := A_Index - 1
   loop, % wResource
      x := A_Index - 1
      pixelColorResource := NumGet(ScanResource+0, (A_Index-1)*4 + y*StrideResource, "uint")
	  if (pixelColorResource != 0x000000)
      Red := (pixelColorResource >> 16) & 0xFF
      Green := (pixelColorResource >> 8) & 0xFF
      Blue := pixelColorResource & 0xFF
Red := lookup[(Red // 32) + 1]
Green := lookup[(Green // 32) + 1]
Blue := lookup[(Blue // 32) + 1]
		; add 0xFF000000
	  pixelColorResource := (Red << 16) | (Green << 8) | Blue
	  pixelColorResource := pixelColorResource | 0xFF000000
      NumPut(pixelColorResource, ScanResource+0, (A_Index-1)*4 + y*StrideResource, "uint")
	Gdip_UnlockBits(pBitmapResource, bitmapDataResource)
	; Save the bitmap to a file
	Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile(pBitmapResource, "C:\Q8\" thebitmapnowName ".png")

Re: ImagePut - Image library for converting to files, streams, windows, base64, urls, cursors, screen coordinates, clipb

Posted: 02 Jan 2024, 22:42
by ElVerdaderoJuan
I need help :headwall: .

I create a simple GUI to test it but there are errors for show the image in the GUI.

The text is saved in "Str" correctly, therefore the error may be at the time of creating the GUI

This is the code with the error :terms:

Code: Select all

#Include <ImagePut>

Str := ImagePutBase64("Lobo.jpg")

MyGui := Gui()
Pic := MyGui.Add("Pic", "w600 h-1 +Border", "HBITMAP:*" Str)
MyGui.OnEvent("Escape", (*) => ExitApp())
MyGui.OnEvent("Close", (*) => ExitApp())

Re: ImagePut - Image library for converting to files, streams, windows, base64, urls, cursors, screen coordinates, clipb

Posted: 03 Jan 2024, 03:41
by wineguy
@ElVerdaderoJuan - I don't actually use ImagePut, but HBITMAP requires a handle, not Base64 Text as you have supplied.

According to ImagePut Wiki, you probably want ImagePutHBitmap instead of ImagePutBase64.