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Re: .NET Framework Interop (CLR, C#, VB)

Posted: 03 Mar 2023, 14:07
by robodesign

I am trying to use this library to open a Windows Store add-on purchase. But I do not know how to properly invoke the C# code from here:

Code: Select all

using Windows.Services.Store
using System.Threading.Tasks 

public async void PurchaseAddOn(string storeId)
    if (context == null)
        context = StoreContext.GetDefault();

        // Obtain window handle by passing in pointer to the window object
        var hwnd = WinRT.Interop.WindowNative.GetWindowHandle(windowObject);
        // Initialize the dialog using wrapper funcion for IInitializeWithWindow
        WinRT.Interop.InitializeWithWindow.Initialize(context, hwnd);

        // If your app is a desktop app that uses the Desktop Bridge, you
        // may need additional code to configure the StoreContext object.
        // For more info, see

    workingProgressRing.IsActive = true;
    StorePurchaseResult result = await context.RequestPurchaseAsync(storeId);
    workingProgressRing.IsActive = false;

    // Capture the error message for the operation, if any.
    string extendedError = string.Empty;
    if (result.ExtendedError != null)
        extendedError = result.ExtendedError.Message;

    switch (result.Status)
        case StorePurchaseStatus.AlreadyPurchased:
            textBlock.Text = "The user has already purchased the product.";

        case StorePurchaseStatus.Succeeded:
            textBlock.Text = "The purchase was successful.";

        case StorePurchaseStatus.NotPurchased:
            textBlock.Text = "The purchase did not complete. " +
                "The user may have cancelled the purchase. ExtendedError: " + extendedError;

        case StorePurchaseStatus.NetworkError:
            textBlock.Text = "The purchase was unsuccessful due to a network error. " +
                "ExtendedError: " + extendedError;

        case StorePurchaseStatus.ServerError:
            textBlock.Text = "The purchase was unsuccessful due to a server error. " +
                "ExtendedError: " + extendedError;

            textBlock.Text = "The purchase was unsuccessful due to an unknown error. " +
                "ExtendedError: " + extendedError;

    return textBlock;
the AHK part:

Code: Select all

#include CLR.ahk
FileRead c#, code.cs

asm := CLR_CompileC#(c#, "System.dll | Windows.Services.Store | System.Threading.Tasks | WinRT")
obj := CLR_CreateObject(asm, "Foo")
winStoreID := "9NQRH8V7RF9NLIFE"
r := obj.PurchaseAddOn(winStoreID)
msgbox, %r%
return r

I get the following error: missing header files for Windows.Services.Store , WinRT and System.Threading.Tasks.

Thank you.

Best regards, Marius.

Re: .NET Framework Interop (CLR, C#, VB)

Posted: 16 Apr 2024, 11:37
by xMaxrayx
sorry Im lost here how to use compiled DLL?

  • * c# source

    Code: Select all

    namespace consoleDLLtest_v2
        public class ClassHello_v2
            public string Hi()
                return "Hi, this is from DLL";
    * Filename :

    * Net framework version:
    about 4.5