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Re: NotStr() : Switch between multiple states

Posted: 19 May 2020, 08:18
by piddly
Another approach: Added parameter 'b' (=1 for previous element). Case-sensitivity lost.

Code: Select all

h := "a|ba|b|ab|aa|bb", n := "Ba"
Msgbox % Neighbour(h, n,,1) ; a

n = first element returns empty string. Code can be fixed to return last element.

Code: Select all

Neighbour(h, n = "", s = "|", b = 0)
{ z := StrSplit(h, s)[1], h := s h s z s, arr := StrSplit(StrReplace(h, s n s, "¢"), "¢"), arrr := StrSplit(arr[2 - b], s)
 return n = "" ? z : arr[1] = h ? "" : arrr[b = 0 ? 1 : arrr.MaxIndex()]

Cycle thru open Explorer windows

Posted: 21 May 2020, 08:38
Run script and use hotkeys Win+n (next) and Win+b (before) to cycle through open explorer windows.

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force

#n:: WinActivate, % "ahk_id" NotStr( WinExist("A"), Explorer_hList(0) )  ; Next
#b:: WinActivate, % "ahk_id" NotStr( WinExist("A"), Explorer_hList(1) )  ; Before

Explorer_hList(Rev:=0) {
Local Window, hWnd, hList := "" 
   For  Window in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
    If ( Window.Name="Windows Explorer" or Window.Name="File Explorer" ) 
     && ( hWnd := WinExist( "ahk_id" . Window.hWnd) )  
          Rev ? hList .= hWnd . "|" : hList := hWnd . "|" . hList
Return RTrim(hList,"|")

NotStr(S:="", Z:="", D:="|") {               ; NotStr v0.6b By SKAN on D34M/D34R @
Local Q, LS:=StrLen(S), LZ:=StrLen(Z), LD:=StrLen(D), P1, P2, Q
Return SubStr(LZ?Z:1,(P1:=LS+LZ=0||S=Z?1:InStr(Z,(S)(D),0,0-LZ+LS+LD)?LS+LD+1:InStr(Z,(D)(S),0,LZ

Re: NotStr() : Switch between multiple states

Posted: 21 May 2020, 09:11
by burque505
:clap: Wow. What a great script, @SKAN. That gets added to my startup scripts for sure.
Thank you!!!!!

Re: NotStr() : Switch between multiple states

Posted: 21 May 2020, 10:37
burque505 wrote:
21 May 2020, 09:11
:clap: Wow. What a great script, @SKAN. That gets added to my startup scripts for sure.
:) :thumbup:

PS: I'm too building one master startup script for explorer...