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Re: Screen clipping

Posted: 23 Oct 2016, 20:29
by Joe Glines
@rommmcek : Thank you! :) I tried it on mine and it seems to work well. I too always wanted to have my screen fonts a bit larger but didn't know how to adapt this code to it. Now can have the best of both worlds!

Re: Screen clipping

Posted: 24 Oct 2016, 06:49
by paik1002
I added the script, re-compiled & ran it standalone, but unfortunately that didn't help. I think my problem does not have anything to do with 32/64 bits.

Re: Screen clipping

Posted: 30 Oct 2016, 09:50
by Joe Glines
@Paik1002 - it sound like you need to do some troubleshooting to see what does/doesn't work. Does the script launch? does the hotkey trigger jump you into the correct function? what folder are you running it from? Do you have rights to that folder? etc.

Re: Screen clipping

Posted: 23 Nov 2016, 06:36
by raonerule
Very helpful tool,, thank you for sharing..

Re: Screen clipping

Posted: 27 Nov 2016, 11:03
by redtwo
rommmcek wrote:Try to finde Gui %g%: +AlwaysOnTop -caption +Border +ToolWindow +LastFound and convert to Gui %g%: +AlwaysOnTop -caption +Border +ToolWindow +LastFound -DPIScale
I know it has been a while but I finally got around to fixing this. I wanted to say it worked perfectly.


Re: Screen clipping

Posted: 19 Feb 2017, 11:17
by Arumba
Would it be possible to change the script so that instead of sending an image to outlook, it sends it to imgur?

Re: Screen clipping

Posted: 19 Feb 2017, 13:09
by Joe Glines
It already does that!

Re: Screen clipping

Posted: 19 Feb 2017, 13:35
by Arumba
It creates a local copy in bmp and jpg, and it puts it on the clipboard, but where exactly is it automatically uploading to ?? I guess I missed that part?

Re: Screen clipping

Posted: 19 Feb 2017, 14:17
by Joe Glines
How about you search for IMUGR in the script...

Re: Screen clipping

Posted: 19 Feb 2017, 14:32
by Arumba
Look, I'm not an idiot, I'm just asking for some help here. You don't have to be such an ass.

Here's your own damn script to prove you wrong:

And even if I misspell it like you did:

Perhaps someone else would like to answer, I've about had it already with this guy.


I'm not a registered user on this forum so it isn't letting me post very often, so I took the time to solve this problem myself. For the record, not only is the site mispelled in the code, but its also not in the original post. One would assume that the original post would be kept up to date so that when someone downloads the script they are getting the newest version, rather than having to read through the entire thread just to find the correct download link. Why even keep a link in the first post at all if you aren't going to keep it up to date?

Thanks for a delightful experience on these forums.

Re: Screen clipping

Posted: 19 Feb 2017, 15:00
by Joe Glines
If you were have scrolled down a slight bit you would see there was another post which incorporated the Imugr ... 088#p65149

Also, all youi had to do was search this post and you would have found the reference. IMHO I was not being a smartass, I was merely trying to get you to do some work on your end. Your response is quite pathetic and I hope you do NOT use my script as I don't think you deserve to have help if you're ready to blow-up at someone for a simiple remark as asking you to perform a search which takes 10 seconds.

Crash windows 7

Posted: 25 Feb 2017, 11:11
by Enric Sargon
I have been using the script for a few days now and it is amazing. It works exactly as I would like, and I am so happy to have found this!
I do get a crash on occasion though and I cannot figure out why... I end up having a lagged mouse cursor until I can close the error prompt, and then I reload the script and it continues to work.

Here is the prompt I get:

This only happens when trying to use the script, not just randomly.

Re: Screen clipping

Posted: 25 Feb 2017, 17:29
by Joe Glines
@Enric Sargon- I haven't seen anyone else report this error. Are you using any other AutoHotkey scripts? I so, do they have the same issue? Does the errror come up at a particualr time or at random? The only thing I can even suggest is to try running it at an Admin level. (create a shortcut to the scirpt then Right click the shortcut and enable "run as admin")

Re: Screen clipping

Posted: 25 Feb 2017, 18:51
by Enric Sargon
It is the only script I am using. I downloaded AutoHotKey, put the script together, and ran it. I am on windows 7, 64 bit, and the crash seems to happen when making a clip too quickly after another clip. I don't think it has ever happened on the first clip after loading the script, it's only as a subsequent clip that causes the crash.

Could it just be a problem with autohotkey itself and not the script?

Re: Screen clipping

Posted: 26 Feb 2017, 07:50
by Enric Sargon
It crashed again, this time I expanded the dialogue to see if this information might help?

Application Name: AutoHotkeyU32.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 589450dd
Fault Module Name: gdiplus.DLL_unloaded
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 4ce7b714
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 6b957953
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

Re: Screen clipping

Posted: 26 Feb 2017, 17:10
by Joe Glines
@Enric First thing I'd try is updating your version of AutoHotkey. I don't think this will help, but better rule it out than not know.

Do you typically run 64 or 32 bit version? I run the 32 bit version and have some code at the beginning to force launching in 32 bit. Do you have the gdi library installed? Did you make any customizations to the script?

Re: Screen clipping

Posted: 28 Feb 2017, 11:08
by ajhalls
I just found out about this very awesome script last night and in configuring it today I wanted to mention a couple things. The IMGUR API is an Oauth2 API that it is looking for, once you setup your account you need to visit this page: and give it a name. It will then give you back a Client ID and a Secret, you want to use the Client ID which would look like this: "1f5d7b08D100625".

I also noticed it only works on my primary monitor for some reason. If I try clipping from the other monitors, it just comes out black. My primary monitor is a 4K set to 150% scaling, the others are 1080p set to 100%.

I also realized that my primary monitor is on my onboard Intel video card, where the other two are on a GeForce GT 740. Not sure any of that matters, but it might help know what is going on.

Re: Screen clipping

Posted: 01 Mar 2017, 17:27
by Joe Glines
@ajhalls - The IMUGR authentication is mentioned on the first page. As for the issue with other desktops, I have four which are driven from 2 video cards. It works fine on mine and I don't have any "black" issues. Every once in a while the pasting will dump in a box with a questionmark but that is rare...

Re: Screen clipping

Posted: 24 Mar 2017, 05:26
by skownar
Hi !

First, thanks for your tool, it will really help me :)

Well, I'm working on a macro helper for GUI Testing in my company.

We have applications which makes Acc or Com in troubles. So, tests for theses apps are image based.

My question is :

Do you have an idea about automate image snipping, maybe by modifying your tool, but without highlight or change bgcolor of a clickable element when mouse is over this one ?

Because currently, I able to
call your tool within a script, by sending key and make them pressed until mouse left is up, save & rename output image
But , when I perform a click on ImageSearch, images don't match.

Thanks in advance :)

Re: Screen clipping

Posted: 24 Mar 2017, 05:38
by Joe Glines
I think all you'd have to do find the spot where it is submitting the x/y coordinates and just provide them (then let it continue on). My script already has the functionality to save to a local folder.