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Re: Internet Explorer Element Spy (alternative to iWB2 Learner)

Posted: 11 Mar 2017, 11:14
by Joe Glines
@rommmcek I just tried it with IE11 and , even wiht status bar visible, it did not work correclty at different zoom levels. :( I don't have time to dive into it now but will next week. If you get a chance to review, that would be awesome! Thank you so much for your work!!!

Re: Internet Explorer Element Spy (alternative to iWB2 Learner)

Posted: 11 Mar 2017, 18:08
by rommmcek
Here is test code:

Code: Select all

GetTextFromPoint() {
   ;~ Acc := Acc_ObjectFromPoint(child, _Xc-_Wc*3, _Yc+_Hc/2)  ; uncomment this line inserting parametrs from MouseMove command
   Acc := Acc_ObjectFromPoint(child)                           ; comment this line out
   try value := Acc.accValue(child)
   if Not value
      try value := Acc.accName(child)
   return value
WinActivate, ahk_class IEFrame
WinWaitActive, ahk_class IEFrame
ControlGetPos, _Xc, _Yc, _Wc, _Hc, BrowserFrameGripperClass1, ahk_class IEFrame
MouseMove, _Xc-_Wc*3, _Yc+_Hc/2    ; -----> adjust, so Mouse pointer hits ZoomLevel (ToolbarWindow32X Control) then commnent this line out
IEZoom:= RTrim(getTextFromPoint(), "%")
MsgBox, % IeZoom
#Include, Acc.ahk
Edit: GetZoomLevel2 on last edited post should be easier!

Re: Internet Explorer Element Spy (alternative to iWB2 Learner)

Posted: 12 Mar 2017, 06:09
by rommmcek
Important: IExporer window should be maximized!

Re: Internet Explorer Element Spy (alternative to iWB2 Learner)

Posted: 15 Mar 2017, 10:26
by rommmcek
Not Maximized vs. Restored state were responsible but position! (When maximized pos is ~ 0,0). Made a fix, but Control is pretty dodgy, so in some circumstances may still not work. Note: Control for Zoom Level must bi visible by eye (may not be overlaid, not even by iWB2_Learner).

Edit: Get newer version below!

Re: Internet Explorer Element Spy (alternative to iWB2 Learner)

Posted: 15 Mar 2017, 15:48
by Joe Glines
@rommmcek thanks for the work on this! I tried the Zoom1.1 version. At first it didn't work, then suddenly it did (for a minute) then stopped, then went back to working again. I wonder what is going on with it...

Anyway, thanks fore working on it! While the zoom setting is an annoyance, it would be great to have it working correctly!

Re: Internet Explorer Element Spy (alternative to iWB2 Learner)

Posted: 16 Mar 2017, 12:16
by rommmcek
Try this version it should perform faster and more reliable. However on may system (Win 10) work all versions pretty good.
Ultimate goal: Working without visible Control!

Re: Internet Explorer Element Spy (alternative to iWB2 Learner)

Posted: 17 Mar 2017, 06:30
by Joe Glines
Wow! That seems to work perfectly! :)

Re: Internet Explorer Element Spy (alternative to iWB2 Learner)

Posted: 28 Mar 2017, 00:34
by rommmcek
Thanks to jeeswg now we have it working without visible control!
Edit: Below is a new version respecting DPIScale!

Re: Internet Explorer Element Spy (alternative to iWB2 Learner)

Posted: 28 Mar 2017, 06:21
by Joe Glines
Awesome! Worked reliably for me. I turned off the transparency on line 320 as that bothers me but looks great! Perhaps we can have a radio button near the top to toggle transparency?

Re: Internet Explorer Element Spy (alternative to iWB2 Learner)

Posted: 30 Mar 2017, 07:49
by sinkfaze
Why does the bounding rectangle now overflow? Tested this at various zoom levels on IE11.
3-30-2017 7-44-17 AM.jpg
3-30-2017 7-44-17 AM.jpg (170.39 KiB) Viewed 6916 times

Re: Internet Explorer Element Spy (alternative to iWB2 Learner)

Posted: 30 Mar 2017, 08:57
by Joe Glines
Very odd! I just tested with IE11 and do not have a similar issue.

Re: Internet Explorer Element Spy (alternative to iWB2 Learner)

Posted: 01 Apr 2017, 10:37
by rommmcek
This is a pretty old script and the author then didn't care about Zoom and DPIScale.

Edit: Use version 3.2 below.

Re: Internet Explorer Element Spy (alternative to iWB2 Learner)

Posted: 02 Apr 2017, 16:54
by Joe Glines
Cool! :) Thanks @rommcek!

Re: Internet Explorer Element Spy (alternative to iWB2 Learner)

Posted: 09 Jul 2017, 06:36
by rommmcek
Made some more minor aesthetical changes.
@Joe Glines: Thank you, for starting changes & prompt feedback!

Re: Internet Explorer Element Spy (alternative to iWB2 Learner)

Posted: 22 Sep 2017, 08:38
by Visioneer
Needs a little work. But some great improvements. Love that zooming works feature.
First the cross would not go away. (mouse pointer would not return). I went into control panel,
accessibility for mouse, to get pointer back. Then later the thing could not be deleted. Had to reboot.
This was after I had compiled it I think. Hopefully jeeswg will be involved again.

Re: Internet Explorer Element Spy (alternative to iWB2 Learner)

Posted: 29 Sep 2017, 03:50
by rommmcek
I couldn't reproduce any of issues you reported. I compiled to 32 bit (ansi & Unicode) as well as 64 bit, running on Win10 64 bit machine. All worked fine for me. Did you try original script after experiencing trouble with this version?
P.s.: As for Q-s & wishes (you already removed)
I don't feel like much of the author, so do as before. A link to the source code (of the original author) is always appropriate!
Wishes concerning features and ini file, I suppose, are too specific and I'm afraid you'll have to do the stuff by yourself.

Re: Internet Explorer Element Spy (alternative to iWB2 Learner)

Posted: 14 Nov 2018, 00:45
by xcracked
Hi,everyone! Thanks for the effort , I want to know how to make this script work on WinXP and IE8

Re: Internet Explorer Element Spy (alternative to iWB2 Learner)

Posted: 14 Nov 2018, 09:53
by rommmcek
Re. iWB2 Learner: Unfortunately it seems, this code was not designed for IE8, even on IE9 the sourceIndex of elements in IE9 may not be reliable.

Re: Internet Explorer Element Spy (alternative to iWB2 Learner)

Posted: 27 Dec 2018, 17:08
by burque505
@rommmcek, I used your script elsewhere and didn't credit you, I clearly should have. Attached is a slightly modded version adding back in the index field, which I'm prone to use.
Thanks again for it, the zoom works great.

Re: Internet Explorer Element Spy (alternative to iWB2 Learner)

Posted: 29 Dec 2018, 00:21
by rommmcek
rommmcek wrote:I don't feel like much of the author
, but thanks anyway.
The zoom is actually jeeswg's code, I only implemented it in iWB2 Learner
P.s.: As a rising Html capacity could you translate to Ahk window.devicePixelRatio? It works in Html script!