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Re: Columbus - a fast program launcher/searcher

Posted: 08 Aug 2014, 08:50
by runie
- Added a search function to the Item Manager
- Fixed a bug where new users wouldn't be able to make a working dir
- Tray menu will not appear until master file is downloaded
- "Show Columbus" in the Tray menu toggles the window now
- The ImageList won't get huuuuge now
- Fixed a few other minor things.

- Fixed a BIG bug related to saving the settings.
- Fixed a bug (thanks xZomBie!) where the main gui gets bigger and bigger
- Removed #NoEnv - caused nothing but trouble :p
- WindowSwitcher gui doesn't get re-made on opening
- Fixed some bugged entries in the docslist.
- Some small (but important!) changes in the code

New Item Manager:

Re: Columbus - a fast program launcher/searcher

Posted: 08 Aug 2014, 13:56
by joedf

Re: Columbus - a fast program launcher/searcher

Posted: 08 Aug 2014, 18:23
by runie
Thanks ^^

Re: Columbus - a fast program launcher/searcher

Posted: 17 Aug 2014, 11:20
by runie
- Users can report bugs from the program itself now! Use /bug or /report or choose "Send bug report" from the Tray menu.
- Item verification removes uninstalled Steam games now
- A few unneeded functions removed
- Made the update gui a bit smaller


Re: Columbus - a fast program launcher/searcher

Posted: 18 Aug 2014, 06:38
by DataLife
Would you mind explaining how you did the report bug feature.

Code: Select all

	BR := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
	BR.Open("POST", "")
	BR.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
	BR.Send("desc=" UriEncode(desc) "&name=" UriEncode(A_ComputerName) "&email=" (email ? UriEncode(email) : "Unknown_email"))

Re: Columbus - a fast program launcher/searcher

Posted: 18 Aug 2014, 09:48
by runie
DataLife wrote:Would you mind explaining how you did the report bug feature.

Code: Select all

	BR := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
	BR.Open("POST", "")
	BR.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
	BR.Send("desc=" UriEncode(desc) "&name=" UriEncode(A_ComputerName) "&email=" (email ? UriEncode(email) : "Unknown_email"))
Actually GeekDude wrote most of that code. But it simply makes an HTTP object, Opens up and makes a POST request which sends a string to the server. The server receives and formats the string of text and saves it to a file on my server, which I can then read. The server side code is:

Code: Select all

file_put_contents("bugreports/Bug report - " . $_POST["name"] . ".txt", "Name: " . $_POST["name"] . "\nEmail: " . $_POST["email"] . "\n\nDescription:\n" . $_POST["desc"] . "\n\n-----------------------------\n\n", FILE_APPEND);
It's simple but very effective :p

Re: Columbus - a fast program launcher/searcher

Posted: 29 Aug 2014, 14:31
by runie
- Reported by tuanlam86: Square brackets can now be used inside item names
- Fixed an issue where the wrong item would get launched
- Fixed an issue where saving resizing coords were off by some pixels
- Cleaned up a bit in the code
- PLEASE! - if you notice a bug (there might be some) use the /bug command!

- Fixed the flickering in the WindowSwitcher
- Last version had wrong icon in the compiled version. Fixed.

- Icons got messed up when using the delete hotkey to delete items from the main gui
- New options to the bug reporter: optionally send item list and settings summary
- Some bug fixes in the bug reporter

Re: Columbus - a fast program launcher/searcher

Posted: 29 Aug 2014, 16:34
by DataLife
DataLife wrote:Would you mind explaining how you did the report bug feature.

Code: Select all

	BR := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
	BR.Open("POST", "")
	BR.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
	BR.Send("desc=" UriEncode(desc) "&name=" UriEncode(A_ComputerName) "&email=" (email ? UriEncode(email) : "Unknown_email"))

Re: Columbus - a fast program launcher/searcher

Posted: 29 Aug 2014, 21:27
by Coco
DataLife wrote:
DataLife wrote:Would you mind explaining how you did the report bug feature.

Code: Select all

	BR := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
	BR.Open("POST", "")
	BR.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
	BR.Send("desc=" UriEncode(desc) "&name=" UriEncode(A_ComputerName) "&email=" (email ? UriEncode(email) : "Unknown_email"))
Bump! ... 993#p23993

Re: Columbus - a fast program launcher/searcher

Posted: 30 Aug 2014, 12:41
by DataLife
Coco wrote:
DataLife wrote:
DataLife wrote:Would you mind explaining how you did the report bug feature.

Code: Select all

	BR := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
	BR.Open("POST", "")
	BR.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
	BR.Send("desc=" UriEncode(desc) "&name=" UriEncode(A_ComputerName) "&email=" (email ? UriEncode(email) : "Unknown_email"))
Bump! ... 993#p23993

thanks, I don't know how I overlooked the response.

Re: Columbus - a fast program launcher/searcher

Posted: 02 Sep 2014, 21:31
by badmojo

is there a possibility to add custom folders into the search path?

Re: Columbus - a fast program launcher/searcher

Posted: 07 Sep 2014, 07:27
by runie
badmojo wrote:hello,

is there a possibility to add custom folders into the search path?
Do you mean to limit the search to a folder or to add everything inside a folder? To add items to the list you can simply drag and drop.


Re: Columbus - a fast program launcher/searcher

Posted: 07 Sep 2014, 07:57
by pomJ
I have problems dragging lnk files because columbus always resolves the lnk without parameters.
A good example is a chrome app lnk file. Adding such a shortcut to columbus just starts chrome itself without parameters.

Would it be possible to either have columbus to interpret the lnk and launch with parameters or to have an option to launch the actual lnk file? (I hope I have explained it so you understand what I mean)

Re: Columbus - a fast program launcher/searcher

Posted: 08 Sep 2014, 09:07
by runie
pomJ wrote:I have problems dragging lnk files because columbus always resolves the lnk without parameters.
A good example is a chrome app lnk file. Adding such a shortcut to columbus just starts chrome itself without parameters.

Would it be possible to either have columbus to interpret the lnk and launch with parameters or to have an option to launch the actual lnk file? (I hope I have explained it so you understand what I mean)
Chrome apps should be detected automatically? try a /reset or check the /manager to check if you've deleted the chrome app shortcuts.

Re: Columbus - a fast program launcher/searcher

Posted: 08 Sep 2014, 16:44
by pomJ
Run1e wrote:
pomJ wrote:I have problems dragging lnk files because columbus always resolves the lnk without parameters.
A good example is a chrome app lnk file. Adding such a shortcut to columbus just starts chrome itself without parameters.

Would it be possible to either have columbus to interpret the lnk and launch with parameters or to have an option to launch the actual lnk file? (I hope I have explained it so you understand what I mean)
Chrome apps should be detected automatically? try a /reset or check the /manager to check if you've deleted the chrome app shortcuts.

I did a reset and dragged a chrome app to columbus. When I launch it I just start chrome. Without the parameters.
The section in the settings file looks like this:

[FM - APP]
Directory=C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
Icon=C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe

Thus the parameter " --app=" is missing.

Re: Columbus - a fast program launcher/searcher

Posted: 10 Sep 2014, 08:14
by runie
I have it fixed in the next version. I don't know when that's gonna be out though.

Re: Columbus - a fast program launcher/searcher

Posted: 10 Sep 2014, 15:30
by pomJ
Run1e wrote:I have it fixed in the next version. I don't know when that's gonna be out though.
Great! Looking forward to it

Re: Columbus - a fast program launcher/searcher

Posted: 18 Sep 2014, 17:11
by runie
pomJ wrote: Great! Looking forward to it
Implemented. Update to version 0.46 for the functionality.

- Moved some controls in the Manager
- Parameters are included in added items
- /reset would mess up *sometimes*

Re: Columbus - a fast program launcher/searcher

Posted: 19 Sep 2014, 01:14
by jNizM
CoD4 (+Promod) <3 Best game in History =)

Re: Columbus - a fast program launcher/searcher

Posted: 19 Nov 2014, 14:57
by runie

Yep. I've rewritten this thing once again! That might be why there was such a huge gap between this update and the last one. But officially we are now on v0.50!

Here's the changelog for this refreshing rewrite:

- Faster and improved registry parser
- WindowSwitcher has icons!!
- Windows can be closed from the WindowSwitcher (press delete)
- Frequently used items and on the TOP of the list now!
- Accidentally deleted/hidden items can be restored instantly with CTRL+Z
- Better stability
- Simpler settings menu
- Mostly re-written code

Here's two gifs showing off two new features:

You can close windows from the new WindowSwitcher that has icons by selecting and pressing delete

You can restore recently deleted items from the main gui without going into the manager (CTRL+Z)

The program is not 100% feature complete yet but I will presume it's not long until as there's only minor things missing (like the /docs command).

Enjoy :D
