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Re: Rufaydium WebDriver 1.7.2 (no selenium/websocket)

Posted: 03 May 2023, 02:13
by Xeo786
Jasonosaj wrote:
02 May 2023, 12:50
Apologies if this is a ridiculous question. I've been slamming my head against the issue and cannot figure it out, even AFTER searching. If the answer is already in this thread, it's my lack of techinical knowhow that is creating the issue. In any event, I have a website and I want to input text in an edit. The following JS works in the console:

Code: Select all

const input = document.querySelector('input[name="cfDisplay"]');
input.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) {
  if (event.keyCode === 13) {
    input.value = "your text here";
I have tried a variety of approaches and for the life of me cannot get it to work using Rufaydium. I had THOUGHT that the following would work, but no.

Code: Select all

		JS = 
			const input = document.querySelector('input[name="cfDisplay"]')
			input.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) {
			if (event.keyCode === 13) {
				input.value = "your text here"
Can anyone spot what I'm doing wrong? Unfortunately cannot give access to the page in question...
For executing JS ou can just use

Code: Select all

to setting value to some element

Code: Select all

Session.getElementById("myForm").value := "your text"
Session.querySelector('input[name="cfDisplay"]').value := "your text"
and also you can simlulate keystrokes using sendkey no need to use event,

Code: Select all

Session.querySelector('input[name="cfDisplay"]').sendkey("your text")

Re: Rufaydium WebDriver 1.7.2 (no selenium/websocket)

Posted: 23 May 2023, 16:36
by automater
I need some help changing the start and end date fields on a page - I got this code to work in the developer console:

Code: Select all

var datePickers = document.querySelectorAll('kat-date-picker');
datePickers[0].value = '04/19/2023'; // Start date
datePickers[1].value = '05/20/2023'; // End date
When I add it to my AHK script like below, it doesn't work:

Code: Select all

datePickers := Page.QuerySelectorAll("kat-date-picker")
datePickers[0].value := "04/20/2023" ; // Start date
datePickers[1].value := "05/21/2023" ; // End date
For reference, below are the elements that I'm targeting:

Start date:

Code: Select all

<kat-date-picker locale="en-US" class="css-jfggi0" autocomplete="off" value="04/22/2023"><span slot="private-light-dom" style="max-width: 0px; max-height: 0px; overflow: hidden;"></span></kat-date-picker>
End date:

Code: Select all

<kat-date-picker locale="en-US" class="css-jfggi0" autocomplete="off" value="05/22/2023"><span slot="private-light-dom" style="max-width: 0px; max-height: 0px; overflow: hidden;"></span></kat-date-picker>
What am I doing wrong?

Re: Rufaydium WebDriver 1.7.2 (no selenium/websocket)

Posted: 31 May 2023, 22:20
by JerryMaguire
There is a frame in the web page, how can I query selector the original session content after clicking a link and executing session.back() to return to the previous web page

Re: Rufaydium WebDriver 1.7.2 (no selenium/websocket)

Posted: 01 Jun 2023, 01:13
by JerryMaguire
I use Chrome.capabilities.addArg("--disable-popup-blocking"), no effect

Manual execution of Chrome can normally prevent pop-up windows, and webdriver manually executes the profile using the same path

Do you know why?

Re: Rufaydium WebDriver 1.7.2 (no selenium/websocket)

Posted: 01 Jun 2023, 13:05
by Jasonosaj
I am trying to get around using FindText to identify the location of a dropdown menu element that requires physical interaction before I am able to get text sent (using send command, not Rufaydium; I can't get Rufaydium to work due my lack of understanding as to all of the elements that need to be changed for the changes to have any effect on the form).
I am able to get the X & Y coordinates of the element using the following code:

Code: Select all

myElement := session.querySelector("select[name='billingCodeSelectList']")
myElement_Location := myElement.rect()
for k, v in myElement_Location
    if (k == "x")
        varX := v
    If (k == "y")
        varY := v
These coordinates are accurate relative to the frame, but not with regard to the window or screen. The goal is to have a script that clicks the element and then sends a text string, regardless of the resolution, color palette (e.g., night light active), etc. Can anyone come up with a way to determine the position of varX and varY relative to either the screen or window (i.e., inclusive of the tab bar, address bar, bookmarks bar, etc.)? Perhaps another way to skin this cat?
All help is greatly appreciated!!!

Re: Rufaydium WebDriver 1.7.2 (no selenium/websocket)

Posted: 03 Jun 2023, 22:28
by JerryMaguire

Then I found a way to block popups

First refer to
Block pop-up windows

By default, ChromeDriver configures Chrome to allow pop-up windows. If you want to block pop-ups (i.e., restore the normal Chrome behavior when it is not controlled by ChromeDriver), do the following:
ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
Then refer to here

Code: Select all

Rufaydium is really amazing. Using AutoHotkey + Rufaydium + WebDriver, it is really easy to use in web automation and web crawling. Compared with Python + Selenium + BeautifulSoup + WebDriver, the environment setting is relatively simple

Re: Rufaydium WebDriver 1.7.2 (no selenium/websocket)

Posted: 08 Jun 2023, 21:02
by Hope151
Dear Xeo786,

I would like to propose that you create a book with practical examples of using the excellent library Rufaydium. Examples would be public websites, with different functionalities and difficulties.

I would be one of the first readers to purchase your book.

Congratulations for the excellent work.

Re: Rufaydium WebDriver 1.7.2 (no selenium/websocket)

Posted: 29 Jun 2023, 10:37
by separateattention
Hey Xeo, can you help me with this code:

Code: Select all

Driver := "some directory"
Chrome := new Rufaydium(Driver)
Chrome.capabilities.HeadlessMode := true
Page := Chrome.NewSession()
Even with Chrome.capabilities.addArg("--headless") and Chrome.capabilities.HeadlessMode := true, Im still get a windows that says
User is required to install "wkhtmltopdf" in order to enable pdf printing without headless mode
Any idea?

Re: Rufaydium WebDriver 1.7.2 (no selenium/websocket)

Posted: 06 Jul 2023, 16:31
by separateattention
Jasonosaj wrote:
01 Jun 2023, 13:05
I am trying to get around using FindText to identify the location of a dropdown menu element that requires physical interaction before I am able to get text sent (using send command, not Rufaydium; I can't get Rufaydium to work due my lack of understanding as to all of the elements that need to be changed for the changes to have any effect on the form).
I am able to get the X & Y coordinates of the element using the following code:

Code: Select all

myElement := session.querySelector("select[name='billingCodeSelectList']")
myElement_Location := myElement.rect()
for k, v in myElement_Location
    if (k == "x")
        varX := v
    If (k == "y")
        varY := v
These coordinates are accurate relative to the frame, but not with regard to the window or screen. The goal is to have a script that clicks the element and then sends a text string, regardless of the resolution, color palette (e.g., night light active), etc. Can anyone come up with a way to determine the position of varX and varY relative to either the screen or window (i.e., inclusive of the tab bar, address bar, bookmarks bar, etc.)? Perhaps another way to skin this cat?
All help is greatly appreciated!!!
Could you share the html code of the dropdown? What I think you want could be done easier

Re: Rufaydium WebDriver 1.7.2 (no selenium/websocket)

Posted: 17 Jul 2023, 15:35
by cristalgrip
There is a way to have two different ahk script running with two different Chrome pages (one page for script)?

Re: Rufaydium WebDriver 1.7.2 (no selenium/websocket)

Posted: 19 Jul 2023, 15:47
by cristalgrip
cristalgrip wrote:
17 Jul 2023, 15:35
There is a way to have two different ahk script running with two different Chrome pages (one page for script)?
The problem I have is with

It works only for one Session. If I try the same with two simultaneous session, it crash
image.png (11.27 KiB) Viewed 3901 times

Re: Rufaydium WebDriver 1.7.2 (no selenium/websocket)

Posted: 28 Jul 2023, 14:37
by Taras
Please, help. Rufaydium throws an error "Rufaydium is unable to access Driver Session". How can this be fixed?

The latest version of Rufaydium was released on Nov 3, 2022. I have a version of Opera that was released a few days before this update, so the error is probably not due to the version of Opera

Code: Select all

opera := new Rufaydium("operadriver.exe") ; will Download/Load operadriver
Page := opera.NewSession() 

Re: Rufaydium WebDriver 1.7.2 (no selenium/websocket)

Posted: 16 Aug 2023, 08:18
by Xeo786
cristalgrip wrote:
19 Jul 2023, 15:47
cristalgrip wrote:
17 Jul 2023, 15:35
There is a way to have two different ahk script running with two different Chrome pages (one page for script)?
The problem I have is with

It works only for one Session. If I try the same with two simultaneous session, it crash
Profile folder is in used by normal chrome instance
Profile folder cannot be used by both webdriver + normal browser instance
You ahve to close all normal chrome tabs than you can create webdriver session

Re: Rufaydium WebDriver 1.7.2 (no selenium/websocket)

Posted: 16 Aug 2023, 08:22
by Xeo786
Taras wrote:
28 Jul 2023, 14:37
Please, help. Rufaydium throws an error "Rufaydium is unable to access Driver Session". How can this be fixed?

The latest version of Rufaydium was released on Nov 3, 2022. I have a version of Opera that was released a few days before this update, so the error is probably not due to the version of Opera

Code: Select all

opera := new Rufaydium("operadriver.exe") ; will Download/Load operadriver
Page := opera.NewSession()
Opera driver failed to downlaod, you can download driver manually

Re: Rufaydium WebDriver 1.7.2 (no selenium/websocket)

Posted: 16 Aug 2023, 08:25
by Xeo786
cristalgrip wrote:
17 Jul 2023, 15:35
There is a way to have two different ahk script running with two different Chrome pages (one page for script)?
two separate webdriver executeable with separate ports can handle separate browser sessions
just look into the example there and just change port of the one driver

Re: Rufaydium WebDriver 1.7.2 (no selenium/websocket)

Posted: 16 Aug 2023, 21:48
by JerryMaguire
@Xeo786 can you help this issue?

ChromeDriver Cannot auto download
For versions 115 and newer
Starting with M115 the ChromeDriver release process is integrated with that of Chrome. The latest Chrome + ChromeDriver releases per release channel (Stable, Beta, Dev, Canary) are available at the Chrome for Testing (CfT) availability dashboard. As a result, you might no longer have a need for version selection — you could choose any available CfT version and simply download the correspondingly-versioned ChromeDriver binary.

For automated version downloading one can use the convenient CfT JSON endpoints.

If you still have a need for version selection (e.g. to match a non-CfT Chrome binary with a compatible ChromeDriver binary), look up the Chrome binary’s MAJOR.MINOR.BUILD version in the latest-patch-versions-per-build JSON endpoints to find the corresponding ChromeDriver version.


Re: Rufaydium WebDriver 1.7.2 (no selenium/websocket)

Posted: 17 Aug 2023, 14:50
by separateattention
separateattention wrote:
29 Jun 2023, 10:37
Hey Xeo, can you help me with this code:

Code: Select all

Driver := "some directory"
Chrome := new Rufaydium(Driver)
Chrome.capabilities.HeadlessMode := true
Page := Chrome.NewSession()
Even with Chrome.capabilities.addArg("--headless") and Chrome.capabilities.HeadlessMode := true, Im still get a windows that says
User is required to install "wkhtmltopdf" in order to enable pdf printing without headless mode
Any idea?
@Xeo786 sorry but cant still figure this out :(

Re: Rufaydium WebDriver 1.7.2 (no selenium/websocket)

Posted: 18 Aug 2023, 02:44
by cristalgrip
JerryMaguire wrote:
16 Aug 2023, 21:48
@Xeo786 can you help this issue?

ChromeDriver Cannot auto download
For versions 115 and newer
Starting with M115 the ChromeDriver release process is integrated with that of Chrome. The latest Chrome + ChromeDriver releases per release channel (Stable, Beta, Dev, Canary) are available at the Chrome for Testing (CfT) availability dashboard. As a result, you might no longer have a need for version selection — you could choose any available CfT version and simply download the correspondingly-versioned ChromeDriver binary.

For automated version downloading one can use the convenient CfT JSON endpoints.

If you still have a need for version selection (e.g. to match a non-CfT Chrome binary with a compatible ChromeDriver binary), look up the Chrome binary’s MAJOR.MINOR.BUILD version in the latest-patch-versions-per-build JSON endpoints to find the corresponding ChromeDriver version.

For a temporary solution, may I suggest to downgrade Chrome to the previous version and then deactivate the autoupgrade. Of course is not the best solution but it works.

Re: Rufaydium WebDriver 1.7.2 (no selenium/websocket)

Posted: 18 Aug 2023, 04:24
by JerryMaguire
cristalgrip wrote:
18 Aug 2023, 02:44
JerryMaguire wrote:
16 Aug 2023, 21:48
@Xeo786 can you help this issue?

ChromeDriver Cannot auto download
For versions 115 and newer
Starting with M115 the ChromeDriver release process is integrated with that of Chrome. The latest Chrome + ChromeDriver releases per release channel (Stable, Beta, Dev, Canary) are available at the Chrome for Testing (CfT) availability dashboard. As a result, you might no longer have a need for version selection — you could choose any available CfT version and simply download the correspondingly-versioned ChromeDriver binary.

For automated version downloading one can use the convenient CfT JSON endpoints.

If you still have a need for version selection (e.g. to match a non-CfT Chrome binary with a compatible ChromeDriver binary), look up the Chrome binary’s MAJOR.MINOR.BUILD version in the latest-patch-versions-per-build JSON endpoints to find the corresponding ChromeDriver version.

For a temporary solution, may I suggest to downgrade Chrome to the previous version and then deactivate the autoupgrade. Of course is not the best solution but it works.
My temporary solution, I manually download the latest stable version of Chrome WebDeriver to use, then wait for @Xeo786 to update Rufaydium-Webdriver

Re: Rufaydium WebDriver 1.7.2 (no selenium/websocket)

Posted: 18 Aug 2023, 11:23
by Xeo786
updated the lib yesterday
they changed the download location of chromedriver
not just chromedriver
now they are also providing portable chrome for testing