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Re: TotalKeyMix: Windows volume control for RME TotalMix

Posted: 05 Aug 2022, 12:42
by carlfriedrich
I have released TotalKeyMix 1.6.0 based on OSC:

@axibert Can you quickly explain how your autopos feature is supposed to work? Maybe I can also integrate that.

Re: TotalKeyMix: Windows volume control for RME TotalMix

Posted: 05 Aug 2022, 13:19
by axibert
@carlfriedrich that might be a misubderstanding. @BuggyB introduced that festure which did not work on my resolution. So I am not sure exactly how it is intended to work. I am perfectly fine with the standard positioning.

Re: TotalKeyMix: Windows volume control for RME TotalMix

Posted: 05 Aug 2022, 13:39
by BuggyB
Hi carlfriedrich,
Thank you for the new release;
Autopos places the volume progress control where I thought there is less chance to hide information on the screen, i.e. at the end of the menu bar of a maximized window, based on monitor size, menu bar height.... Unfortunately, I tested it only on my monitor and on a unique resolution, and my magic formulas don't seem to translate quite well. I thought it was interesting though. Tell me if you want to integrate it, I could try to do some debugging.

Re: TotalKeyMix: Windows volume control for RME TotalMix

Posted: 06 Aug 2022, 10:03
by carlfriedrich
Ah sorry, I mixed you two up. :-)
Thanks for your feedback and for the autopos explanation. For me that sounds like an opinionated setting, that I would rather keep out of TotalKeyMix. (I for example prefer the volume bar in the lower right corner of the screen.)
However, I am planning to add support for negative position values, which would be interpreted from the lower or right screen border, e.g. PosX=50 means 50 pixel from the left screen border, PosX=-50 means 50 pixel from the right screen border.
Furthermore I would like to add these settings to the GUI settings dialog.
Both these extensions should make the configuration of the bar position much easier. Does that sound good for you?

Re: TotalKeyMix: Windows volume control for RME TotalMix

Posted: 06 Aug 2022, 12:03
by BuggyB
yes, that's a good idea

edit : An alternative would be to drag and drop a slider on the screen from the setup dialog to get its coordinates, or to make it moveable/resizable, either always, or while the setup dialog in displayed. I'm just brainstorming, I haven't put much thought into it and if it's worth the effort.

Re: TotalKeyMix: Windows volume control for RME TotalMix

Posted: 05 Sep 2022, 13:20
by BuggyB
Hi carlfriedrich,
a few things I noticed on 1.6.0 :

1. the exe on github is not compiled with the icon and the zip doesn't include it, so the released exe crashes on startup

2. in the setup dialog, "space" can be used in the hotkey fields to have no hotkey for a given function, but then TKM crashes on startup

3. I noticed all that as I was trying to mute a pc from another one. It would have been nice to have it working with a remote IP, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Just an idea. Maybe I made a mistake? I haven't looked into the code.
Cheers !

Re: TotalKeyMix: Windows volume control for RME TotalMix

Posted: 07 Sep 2022, 09:33
by carlfriedrich
Hi @BuggyB, thanks for your feedback! I have just released TotalKeyMix 1.6.1 with the icon bug fixed:

I will check the "space" bug later, I have created an issue for it:

I haven't tested using TKM with a remote IP, but I don't see any reason from the app perspective why this shouldn't work. What is the IP that you are trying to use? Do you have a firewall running? Maybe check if the port is blocked? You could analyze your traffic with Wireshark to check if the data is correctly sent and received:

Re: TotalKeyMix: Windows volume control for RME TotalMix

Posted: 07 Sep 2022, 11:28
by BuggyB
thanks for your quick reply, carlfriedrich, I wasn't sure whether the library you used would work with a remote computer.

I'm using two local IPs, and the target one is the one indicated by TotalMix in Options/settings/OSC as usual with TKM, as usual.

I'll definitely investigate some more, now that I know it should work. I seemed to remember that my own OSC version (with the DLL) was working across my LAN, and it was not either yesterday, so you may very well be right when suspecting firewall / blocked port issues.

Re: TotalKeyMix: Windows volume control for RME TotalMix

Posted: 07 Sep 2022, 12:12
by BuggyB
Well, ... it works across my LAN today, I don't know how I got mixed up yesterday, sorry. So #3 closed

Re: TotalKeyMix: Windows volume control for RME TotalMix

Posted: 07 Sep 2022, 12:15
by BuggyB
oh, and it's strange that the setup dlg opens with a single click (and worse, goes away with a double-click), when "Menu, Tray, default", is supposed to work with a dble click, and behaves that way on some other scripts.

Re: TotalKeyMix: Windows volume control for RME TotalMix

Posted: 08 Sep 2022, 04:37
by carlfriedrich
Well, that's not really a problem, is it? RME's TotalMix FX and Fireface Settings also open with a single click. Seems natural to me.
But glad to hear that it's working via network now!