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TextRender v1.7 - Draw text on screen

Posted: 29 Apr 2021, 21:54
by iseahound
  • Standalone library without dependencies.
  • Draws beautiful text on screen.
  • Features background color, text outline, and drop shadow.
  • Renders to the screen, desktop, or behind desktop icons as a wallpaper.
  • Supports events such as OnEvent("LeftMouseDown", callback).
  • Extremely fast and lightweight, capable of rendering at 300+ fps.
Graphics Library

Demo Scripts included:

Full Script

This is a beta release. Suggestions and pull requests welcome. Feel free to share whatever you make I'll include it in future releases or as a showcase. This will be translated to AutoHotkey v2 once the that beta is released.

Re: TextRender v1.01 beta - Draw text on screen

Posted: 30 Apr 2021, 03:16
by ozzii
This can be useful for changing my classic progress messages

Re: TextRender v1.01 beta - Draw text on screen

Posted: 02 May 2021, 04:27
by neogna2
I could not get any of the demos to work.
When I run this minimal script

Code: Select all

#include TextRender.ahk
tr := TextRender("hello world", "time:3000")
Esc:: ExitApp
It throws the error
1904: Throw,Exception("Missing TextRender.gdiplusStartup().")

AutoHotkey U32 v1.1.33.07.

Re: TextRender v1.02 beta - Draw text on screen

Posted: 02 May 2021, 15:29
by iseahound
@neogna2 Thank you for bringing this to my attention. The error was due to an incompatibility with 32-bit AutoHotkey, and is now fixed.

Re: TextRender v1.02 beta - Draw text on screen

Posted: 06 May 2021, 21:23
by tuzi
that's relly cool.
i love all your projects.
thank you iseahound.

Re: TextRender v1.02 beta - Draw text on screen

Posted: 18 May 2021, 10:53
by iseahound
I appreciate all the support everyone. Question for anyone whose uses this library: Should I make NoActivate the default? In other words, when the user clicks on a TextRender() window, the focus is shifted away. This can cause changes in other applications, such as the tabs in a web browser going from light to dark. I'm thinking of preventing this behavior.

Re: TextRender v1.05 beta - Draw text on screen

Posted: 25 Jun 2021, 20:03
by braddo
Is this library intended to be used to make front ends? Are there any videos or visual examples of stuff done with it? Looked at the Github, seems very well documented! ... except maybe the high level, whats it for? type of intro.

Re: TextRender v1.05 beta - Draw text on screen

Posted: 11 Dec 2021, 12:10
by iseahound
It's just something I was working on, and it became over-engineered. I think the idea was to just create a simple text box that the user could interact with. So, to answer your question, yes, it is meant to create a front-end.

Re: TextRender v1.5 - Draw text on screen

Posted: 21 May 2022, 17:15
by brentor
Hi @iseahound, I've been using TextRender in an ambitious, gaming-related project for a couple months and as a seasoned engineer, I appreciate the more modern approach to GUI than AHK's built-in stuff... TextRender is much less insane. Thank you for your work!
The reason I'm posting is that I'm looking to load images as part of the TextRender UI that I'm building (I have something drawn just with the TextRender styles that I want to add pre-drawn images/icons/emojis to).
I see that you include an ImageRender class, but there is no documentation or examples for using this (here or on GitHub). It also seems that by instantiating an ImageRender class, that will work as it's own window/hwnd and therefore images loaded with ImageRender cannot be used as layers in a TextRender graphics buffer.... Which for my project effectively means that every time the user moves a TextRender window associated with an ImageRender image, I have to separately adjust the screen coordinates of each ImageRender image.
Do you have any suggestions for me to handle this in a smarter way (something closer to ImageRender working as TextRender layers), or do you think it would otherwise be a mistake for me to merge the TextRender and ImageRender DrawOnGraphics() functionality to combine these?

Re: TextRender v1.5 - Draw text on screen

Posted: 21 May 2022, 23:37
by iseahound
Hi Thanks a lot for your interest! I believe what you are requesting is a DrawImage() and DrawText() function. Currently, I've built out the TextRender() class, which provides all the methods and properties necessary to draw text, and at some point I realized that if I replaced the text drawing function with an image drawing function, it would do the exact same thing.

I don't know exactly what the best choice is from a user perspective, but here are a few options, and you can of course suggest your own.
  • Keep the classes separate, so that Render() can refer to either Image or Text. Include a DrawText() function in an instance of ImageRender, and a DrawImage() function in an instance of TextRender.
  • Merge the two classes, and retain a DrawImage() function.
  • Merge the two classes, but rename Draw to DrawText and DrawImage, Render to RenderText and RenderImage.
Also if you have any suggestions on the integration of ImagePut, that would be helpful too. Currently I'm leaning on removing dependency from ImagePut and supporting only file / url and a few basic types.

Re: TextRender v1.7 - Draw text on screen

Posted: 28 May 2022, 05:12
by viv
Can you tell me if V2 version is working properly?
I see that V2 was updated 4 days ago,
but I can't get it to work with the 2# example.

The prompt

Code: Select all

Error in #include file "F:\Documents\Downloads\TextRender.ahk":
     This value of type "Class" has no method named "__New".

Re: TextRender v1.7 - Draw text on screen

Posted: 28 May 2022, 10:09
by iseahound
I can spend some time right now to fix more v2 bugs.

EDIT: Post your code

EDIT 2: Fixed that! Most TextRender code should now work. Remember that the v2 version is still a work in progress, so if you encounter any more bugs, feel free to contact me via the forum or by opening an issue on the GitHub.

Re: TextRender v1.7 - Draw text on screen

Posted: 28 May 2022, 22:57
by viv
Thank you very much
It works fine in v2 now
I will do more testing and will give you feedback in github if there are any problems.

Re: TextRender v1.7 - Draw text on screen

Posted: 29 May 2022, 23:19
by viv
d.void o.void are undefined at some point

False if undefined in V1
In V2, it must be defined

I added d.void := false to a few conditions before d.void := True
but it doesn't work.

There may be other similar ones such as m.void that I haven't used yet

Re: TextRender v1.7 - Draw text on screen

Posted: 29 May 2022, 23:52
by iseahound
Yes, dropshadow / margin / outline seems to be the last set of bugs. It has to do with the new v2 object system, many things that were easy no longer work. I'll find a clever way to fix this - I think I can just override __Get and ignore __Item

Changes so far: (1.8 prerelease)
  • Creating a new instance of TextRender() with no parameters no longer calls Render().
  • Calling Render() a second time now correctly blanks the screen.
  • Add NoActivate() window style to prevent focus being stolen.
  • Add Sleep(sleep_time, wait_time).
  • Sleep() will wait, then blank for sleep_time in milliseconds.
  • Conform #RRGGBBAA to CSS4 spec. Was previously aarrggbb.
  • Default() is changed to Right-click on close.
  • Script no longer crashes when #MaxThreads is reached.
  • Restore background when using dropshadow.
  • Global Labels have been removed.
  • Fix possible collision in this.status using rng.
  • Fix Draw("") producing strange artifacts.
  • Justification values (1-3) are now working properly.
  • WindowProc uses critical threads, preventing critical read/write errors.

Re: TextRender v1.7 - Draw text on screen

Posted: 01 Jun 2022, 11:24
by iseahound
viv wrote:
29 May 2022, 23:19
d.void o.void are undefined at some point
Everything is fixed. TextRender is now 100% compatible with AutoHotkey v2. Let me know if you find anything else.

Re: TextRender v1.7 - Draw text on screen

Posted: 02 Jun 2022, 02:14
by viv

Thanks for the fix, I just tested it and it's working fine

Here to report a small problem that I do not know whether it is a bug or what

I want to implement different styles of headers and body text in the prompt
Since I don't know how to set the style of different text in one Instance
So I used two Instances to implement it

The finished result looks like this
20220602150308.jpg (8.07 KiB) Viewed 5488 times

Worked very well
But this seems to have a small problem
It works fine when I implement it with a function
If I don't use the function, it reports an error
I don't understand why at all

Here is the sample code

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Force
#Include <TextRender>

ToolTip("this function")
Tips("test", "123456789987654321", "3000ms")
Tips(title := "", text := "", cooltime := "1000ms")
    tr := TextRender().NoActivate().None()
    tr2 := TextRender().NoActivate().None()

    tr.Render(text, "c:Random x:right y:85% t:" cooltime)
    pos := "x:" tr.x + 11 " y:" tr.y - tr.h + 11 " w:" tr.w
    tr2.Render(title, "c:Random " pos " t:" cooltime, "j:left")

ToolTip("this will error")

title := "test"
text := "123456789987654321"
cooltime := "3000ms"
tr := TextRender().NoActivate().None()
tr2 := TextRender().NoActivate().None()

tr.Render(text, "c:Random x:right y:85% t:" cooltime)
pos := "x:" tr.x + 11 " y:" tr.y - tr.h + 11 " w:" tr.w
tr2.Render(title, "c:Random " pos " t:" cooltime, "j:left")

This is the error message, and the following two I will not upload up
1.jpg (45.86 KiB) Viewed 5488 times

Since it works properly in the function, it doesn't affect me much
Finally thank you for your work

Re: TextRender v1.7 - Draw text on screen

Posted: 02 Jun 2022, 02:22
by viv
I just tested it.
I found that as soon as two new instances are created in the global, it reports an error
But not if you create a new instance in a function...

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Force
#Include <TextRender>


    tr := TextRender()
    tr2 := TextRender()


;next will error
tr := TextRender()
tr2 := TextRender()

Re: TextRender v1.7 - Draw text on screen

Posted: 02 Jun 2022, 09:50
by iseahound
I messed around with it, and sadly to say did not come up with any good solutions. In the meantime you can explicitly destroy your objects with tr := "" before ExitApp. This is v2 limitation, but maybe I find a workaround in the future.

Code: Select all

#include *i TextRender%A_TrayMenu%.ahk
#include *i TextRender (for v%true%).ahk
#singleinstance force

title := "test"
text := "123456789987654321"
cooltime := "3000ms"
tr := TextRender().NoActivate().None()

tr.Draw(text, "a:top-right c:Random x:right y:85% width:20% t:" cooltime, "j:left n:true")
tr.Render(title, {c:"Random", a: "top-right", x: "right", y: tr.y - tr.h + 11, w: "20%", t: cooltime}, "j:left n:true")

tr:="" ; Prevents error.

Re: TextRender v1.7 - Draw text on screen

Posted: 02 Jun 2022, 09:53
by iseahound
Maybe use Wait() instead of sleep. I get no errors like this

Code: Select all

title := "test"
text := "123456789987654321"
cooltime := "3000ms"

tr := TextRender().NoActivate().None()
tr.Draw(text, "a:top-right c:Random x:right y:85% width:20% t:" cooltime, "j:left n:true")
tr.Render(title, {c:"Random", a: "top-right", x: "right", y: tr.y - tr.h + 11, w: "20%", t: cooltime}, "j:left n:true")
