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Dijkstra Map example / visualizer

Posted: 21 Apr 2024, 22:51
by Spawnova
This is a Dijkstra Map, sometimes also called a flowfield I think, it's a good pathfinding algorithm for fast paths on maps that don't change much, in the example I have tried to explain how it works as best I can, although there may be a better way to do it, I was just trying to learn, if anyone spots any mistakes please let me know

I needed a specific type of pathfinding for a project and I usually code things in ahk first before converting to c++, so performance may not be amazing but it's great for just learning how algorithms work and I thought it would be fun to share =P

The majorty of the code is drawing related, the important bit is done at the algorithm: label

CONTROLS: Left Click - Set Solid, Right Click - Remove Solid, Middle Click - Set Goal

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force
SendMode, Input
SetBatchLines, -1
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%

	msgbox,4,Missing lib, You are missing ShinsGameClass.ahk`, Would you like to automatically download it from github?`n`nPress Yes to download`, No to exitapp
		urldownloadtofile,% "", ShinsGameClass.ahk
	} else {

#include *i ShinsGameClass.ahk

DIRECTIONS := [{x:0,y:-1},{x:-1,y:0},{x:1,y:0},{x:0,y:1}] ;possible directions
DIRECTIONS8 := [{x:-1,y:-1},{x:0,y:-1},{x:1,y:-1},{x:-1,y:0},{x:1,y:0},{x:-1,y:1},{x:0,y:1},{x:1,y:1}] ;for finding optimal paths later



GridY := 40

Game := new ShinsGameClass(0,0,Width,Height + GridY,"Dijkstra Map - Example by Spawnova",1)

;initialize the map, [solid,x,y,cost,effectVar,xdir,yDir] ;effect is for drawing, not needed
Grid := []
loop % TILES_ROW {
	x := a_index-1
	loop % TILES_COL {
		y := a_index-1
		Grid[x,y] := {s:0,x:x,y:y,cost:0xFFFF,a:0,xDir:0,yDir:0}

goalX := round(TILES_ROW / 2)
goalY := round(TILES_COL / 2)

options := []
options["numbers"] := new _button(game.width-115,6,110,30,"Numbers","Draw numbers",0)
options["arrows"] := new _button(game.width-220,6,95,30,"Arrows","Draw arrows",0)
options["mouse"] := new _button(game.width-360,6,130,30,"Mouse Path","Shows the path at the current mouse position",0)

Updating := true ;handles when to update the map

loop {
	if (Game.BeginDraw()) {



		hoverX := hoverY := -1
		inc := 280 / (maxDist) ;for color purposes
		loop % TILES_ROW {
			x := a_index-1
			loop % TILES_COL {
				y := a_index-1
				s := TILES_SIZE - Grid[x,y].a ;adds small effect when clicking
				tx := x*s
				ty := GridY + y*s
				hover := (game.mouseX >= tx and game.mouseX < tx+s and game.mouseY >= ty and game.mouseY < ty+s)
				if (hover) {
					hoverX := x
					hoverY := y
					if (!updating) {
						if (game.lbutton and !Grid[x,y].s) {
							Grid[x,y].s := 1
							Grid[x,y].a := 0.33
							updating := 1
						} else if (game.rbutton and Grid[x,y].s) {
							Grid[x,y].s := 0
							Grid[x,y].a := 0.33
							updating := 1
						} else if (game.mbuttonD and grid[x,y]) {
							GoalX := x
							GoalY := y
							updating := 1
				if (Grid[x,y].a > 0) {
					Grid[x,y].a := max(0,Grid[x,y].a - (1 * game.timescale))
				game.FillRectangle(tx+1,ty+1,s-2,s-2,(Grid[x,y].cost = 0 ? 0xFFFFFFFF : Grid[x,y].s ? 0xFF111111 : Grid[x,y].cost = 0xFFFF ? 0xFF444444 : HsvToRGB(abs(Grid[x,y].cost*inc),100,80)))
				if (Grid[x,y].s = 0 and Grid[x,y].cost != 0xFFFF and options["arrows"].state) {
					x1 := tx + TILES_SIZE_HALF + (Grid[x,y].xDir * TILES_SIZE_HALF)
					y1 := ty + TILES_SIZE_HALF + (Grid[x,y].yDir * TILES_SIZE_HALF)
				if (Grid[x,y].cost != 0xFFFF and options["numbers"].state)
					game.drawtext(Grid[x,y].cost,tx+TILES_SIZE_HALF-50,ty+4,TILES_SIZE_HALF,(Grid[x,y].cost = 0 ? 0xFF000000 : 0xFFFFFFFF),"Arial","acenter w100 bold")

		if (hoverX >= 0)
			game.DrawRectangle((hoverX*TILES_SIZE)+1,GridY+(hoverY*TILES_SIZE)+1,TILES_SIZE-2,TILES_SIZE-2,0xFFFFFFFF,1) ;draw hover

		for k,v in options

		if (options["mouse"].state and game.MouseInClient) { ;drawing the mouse path
			tx := floor(game.mousex / TILES_SIZE) ;convert mouse position to tile position
			ty := floor((game.mousey-gridY) / TILES_SIZE)
			if (tx >= 0 and ty >= 0 and tx < TILES_ROW and ty < TILES_COL) { ;if within tile map
				path := GetPathToGoal(tx,ty,grid)
				sx := (tx * TILES_SIZE) + TILES_SIZE_HALF ;convert back to client space
				sy := GridY + (ty * TILES_SIZE) + TILES_SIZE_HALF
				for k,v in path {
					cx := (v.x * TILES_SIZE) + TILES_SIZE_HALF
					cy := GridY + (v.y * TILES_SIZE) + TILES_SIZE_HALF
					sx := cx
					sy := cy

	} else {
		sleep 10
	if (updating) {
		gosub algorithm
		updating := 0

;There is where the algorithm actually determines the map

MaxDist := 0 ;for color

;reset map costs
loop % TILES_ROW {
	x := a_index-1
	loop % TILES_COL {
		y := a_index-1
		Grid[x,y].cost := 0xFFFF ;set to large number, i use this to determine if it's valid later

;start with the goal node setting it's cost to 0, then progress outwards
Grid[goalX,goalY].cost := 0
queue := [Grid[goalX,goalY]]

while (queue.length() > 0) { 
	node := queue.removeat(1) ;remove the earliest node
	for k,v in DIRECTIONS { ;loop through the neighbors 
		tx := node.x + v.x
		ty := node.y + v.y
		if (tx >= 0 and tx < TILES_ROW and ty >= 0 and ty < TILES_COL and !Grid[tx,ty].s and Grid[tx,ty].cost = 0xFFFF) { ;if within the tile map and not solid and no cost set yet
			lc := node.cost ;lowest cost default
			for kk,vv in DIRECTIONS { ;loop through node neighbors and get the lowest cost neighbor
				tx2 := tx + vv.x
				ty2 := ty + vv.y
				if (tx2 >= 0 and tx2 < TILES_ROW and ty2 >= 0 and ty2 < TILES_COL and !Grid[tx2,ty2].s and Grid[tx2,ty2].cost < lc) { ;if a neighbor has a lower cost use that
					lc := Grid[tx2,ty2].cost
			if (lc > maxDist) ;for color purposes, not needed for algorithm
				maxDist := lc

			Grid[tx,ty].cost := lc + 1 ;set this nodes cost to the lowest neighbor + 1

			queue.push(Grid[tx,ty]) ;add this node to the queue to have its neghbors checked later
;set directions, technically could be set above, but I want to specify diagonal movement
loop % TILES_ROW {
	x := a_index-1
	loop % TILES_COL {
		y := a_index-1
		lc := 0xFFFF
		for k,v in DIRECTIONS8 {
			tx := x + v.x
			ty := y + v.y
			if (tx >= 0 and tx < TILES_ROW and ty >= 0 and ty < TILES_COL and Grid[tx,ty].cost < lc) {
				if (Abs(Grid[x,y].cost - Grid[tx,ty].cost) <= 2) { ;ignore holes in walls, kinda clunky
					lc := Grid[tx,ty].cost
					Grid[x,y].xDir := v.x
					Grid[x,y].yDir := v.y

;traverse the map and add the directions to the path until goal is reached
GetPathToGoal(x,y,grid) {
	path := []
	if (grid[x,y].cost != 0xFFFF) { ;if the starting spot is invalid return
		loop {
			xDir := grid[x,y].xDir
			yDir := grid[x,y].yDir
			x += xDir
			y += yDir
			if (grid[x,y].cost = 0)
			if (grid[x,y].cost = 0xFFFF) ;should never happen
	return path

;simple button class
class _Button {
	__New(x,y,w,h,text,tooltip,state:=-1) {
		this.x := x
		this.y := y
		this.w := w
		this.h := h
		this.text := text
		this.tooltip := tooltip
		this.state := state
	Draw(game) {
		hover := (game.mouseX >= this.x and game.mouseY >= this.y and game.mouseX < this.x+this.w and game.mouseY < this.y+this.h)
		game.fillrectangle(this.x,this.y,this.w,this.h,(hover ? 0xFF666666 : 0xFF111111))
		dx := 0
		if (this.state != -1) {
			if (hover and game.lbuttond) {
				this.state := !this.state
			dx := this.h/2
			game.fillellipse(this.x+dx,this.y+dx,dx-6,dx-6,(this.state ? 0xFF00FF00 : 0xFFFF0000))
		game.drawtext(this.text,this.x + dx*2,this.y+2,18,0xFFAAAAAA,"Arial")
		if (hover) {
			metrics := game.GetTextMetrics(this.tooltip,20,"Arial")
			dx := this.x
			dy := this.y + this.h + 2
			w := metrics.wt + 10
			if (dx+w > game.width) {
				dx := (game.width-w)

;convert hsv values to rgb
HsvToRgb(h,s:=100,v:=100,alpha:=0xFF) {
	h := mod(floor(h),360)
    if (S>100 or S<0 or V>100 or V<0) {
        msgbox % "The given HSV values (" h "," s "," v ") are not in valid range"
        return 0
    s := S/100
    v := V/100
    C := s*v
    X := C*(1-abs(mod(H/60, 2)-1))
    m := v-C

    if (H >= 0 and H < 60) {
        r := C, g := X, b := 0
    } else if (H >= 60 and H < 120) {
        r := X,g := C,b := 0
    } else if (H >= 120 and H < 180) {
        r := 0,g := C,b := X
    } else if (H >= 180 and H < 240) {
        r := 0,g := X,b := C
    } else if (H >= 240 and H < 300) {
        r := X,g := 0,b := C
    } else {
        r := C,g := 0,b := X
    R := floor((r+m)*255)
    G := floor((g+m)*255)
    B := floor((b+m)*255)
	return (alpha <<  24) + (r<<16) + (g<<8) + b
