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Autocorrect anywhere

Posted: 15 Dec 2022, 20:17
by skyth540
First of all, total credit goes to aaston86 for the idea and most of the code
from this post

here is my take on his idea, it seems to work well with most words and phrases I've tried. One thing I wish it did was be faster, any tips?

Highlight a misspelled word and press Win+N

Code: Select all

; Windows + N autocorrect selected text
clipback := ClipboardAll
Send ^c
ClipWait, 1
UrlDownloadToFile % "" . clipboard, temp
FileRead, contents, temp
FileDelete temp
RegExMatch(contents, "<span><b><i>\K.*(?=</i></b></span>)", theword)
   StringReplace, theword, theword, <b><i>,, All
   StringReplace, theword, theword, </i></b>,, All
clipboard := theword
Send ^v
Sleep 500
clipboard := clipback
[Mod edit: [code][/code] tags added.]

Re: Autocorrect anywhere

Posted: 17 Dec 2022, 01:24
by carno
Tested on Windows 7 Pro and works great! It would be great if you can offer a similar script to give the synonym of a highlighted word.