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Native DragDrop for Windows 8+ (Drag & Drop)

Posted: 29 Apr 2016, 13:35
by Verdlin
Yes, finally somebody has figured out how to do it! Drag and Drop for AutoHotKey applications for Win8+ is now supported!

This class is intended to go in your std lib folder, but, of course, you can put it wherever you want so long as you #include it.

All the info is in the gist below, but here's the short of it...

Code: Select all

_DragDrop() ; Init stb lib.
if (DragDrop.ShouldUseDD())
	g_vDD := new DragDrop("SimulateDragNDrop", g_hQL)
...when you're done with the object...
g_vDD := ; Delete this object to unregister it from the super class and release it from the mouse hook.
The class
The sample
DragDrop on GitHub