Something cute I made after 3 days of AHK :)

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Something cute I made after 3 days of AHK :)

11 Aug 2016, 10:10

You've probably seen people doing stuff like:

I saw one of my friends doing this manually today, and I told him that I'm learning AHK and I can use it to automate that.
So I just finished it! it's working great, so I thought I should share it here too.

Code: Select all

var := 1

Sentence = <insert sentence here>

Loop, Parse, Sentence
index := A_index

Sendinput, {Home}
Loop %index%
Sendinput, {Shift down}{Right %var%}{Shift up}
Sleep, 15
Sendinput, {Ctrl down}c{Ctrl up}{Down %var%}{End}{Enter}{Ctrl down}v{Ctrl up}{Up %var%}{Home}
Sleep, 30
Sendinput, {Up %index%}{End}{BS %index%}
Sleep, 50
Msgbox, Done!

Some stuff to note:
1) without those "Sleep"'s in the middle it didn't work for me... gotta give the script some rest I guess :P .
2) here are the super easy instructions to use it:

I. at the start of the script you can see: "Sentence = <Insert sentence here>". Just as it says, you pick the sentence that you want to do it to, and write it instead of the '<insert sentence here>'. After doing so, you save the script and run it.
II. You open a notepad (you don't have to open notepad, but I prefer doing so), write the same sentence again, and then you only need to click '/' (that's where the question mark is at), and you'll see magic happening in front of your eyes :) .

Tell me how it did for you! that's the first script I publish.
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Re: Something cute I made after 3 days of AHK :)

11 Aug 2016, 16:57

It doesn't work every time, it pasted my current clipboard first time I ran it. Check out, strlen, Clipboard and ClipWait.

This is a more reliable version, but I have to say that your version is really elaborate, well done.

Code: Select all

Loop, % strlen(Sentence)
	Clipboard.=SubStr(Sentence, 1,A_Index) "`n"
Edit: I did another one, sigh.
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Re: Something cute I made after 3 days of AHK :)

26 Aug 2016, 13:58

hehe .. that reminds me of of one of my first AHK scripts (dated back around 2007/2008) :D

On a game related forum we had a thread in the off topic section with a little game, "shook up words" - someone posted a long word (or a well known term) - but with all characters sorted alphabetically, everyone could guess the original word; and whoever succeeded posted the next riddle.

eg. if the term was 'Grand Prix', the riddle phrase was ' adGinPrrx'
To simplify the process of checking an own guess or to post a new riddle, I made the following tiny script:

Code: Select all

Gui, Add, Edit, r1 w150 -wrap gEing vinp, Text zum schütteln		; ~ text to shake
Gui, Add, Edit, r1 xp+160 w40 -wrap readonly center vct,
Gui, Add, Edit, r1 x10 w150 -wrap readonly voutp,
Gui, Add, Button, r1 xp+160 w40 -wrap default gKop, &Copy
Gui, Show, x131 y91, Schüttler			; ~ shaker


Gui, Submit, NoHide
outp := ""
ct := StrLen(inp)
Loop, parse, inp
    outp .= A_LoopField "`n"
Sort, outp, CL
StringReplace, outp, outp, `n, , All
GuiControl,, outp, %outp%
GuiControl,, ct, %ct%

Clipboard := outp
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Re: Something cute I made after 3 days of AHK :)

26 Aug 2016, 21:48

Aesthetic (Vaporwave Text, better known as Full Width characters)

Code: Select all

#j:: Aesthetic()

      Aesthetic(data := "") {
         Sentence := (data == "") ? copy() : data
         Loop, % strlen(Sentence)
            character := Ord(SubStr(Sentence, A_Index, 1))
            aesthetic .= (character >= 0x21 && character <= 0x7f) ? Chr(character + 0xFEE0) : ""
            aesthetic .= (character == 0x3000) ? Chr(0x20) : ""
            aesthetic .= (character >= 0xff01 && character <= 0xff5f) ? Chr(character - 0xFEE0) : ""
            aesthetic .= ((!(character >= 0x21 && character <= 0x7f)) && (!(character >= 0xff01 && character <= 0xff5f)) && (!(character == 0x3000))) ? Chr(character) : ""
         return (data == "") ? paste(aesthetic) : aesthetic
      Copy() {
      AutoTrim Off
      c := ClipboardAll
      Clipboard := ""             ; Must start off blank for detection to work.
      Send, ^c
      ClipWait 1
      if ErrorLevel
      t := Clipboard
      Clipboard := c
      VarSetCapacity(c, 0)
      return t

   Paste(t) {
      Highlight.last := Highlight.UnicodeStrLen(t) - 1
      c := ClipboardAll
      Clipboard := t
      Send, ^v
      Sleep 50                    ; Don't change clipboard while it is pasted! (Sleep > 0)
      Clipboard := c
      VarSetCapacity(c, 0)        ; Free memory
      AutoTrim On
Just Highlight some text and press windows + j. It's reversible!
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Re: Something cute I made after 3 days of AHK :)

27 Aug 2016, 08:01

p3trus wrote:hehe .. that reminds me [...]
I have to admit, I kind of like these types of silly things :)
iseahound wrote:[...]
Cool script!
Posts: 137
Joined: 02 Aug 2016, 03:20

Re: Something cute I made after 3 days of AHK :)

27 Aug 2016, 09:07

iseahound wrote:Aesthetic (Vaporwave Text, better known as Full Width characters)

Code: Select all

	aesthetic .= (character == 0x3000) ? Chr(0x20) : ""
Nice one! :thumbup:

Is there any reason why you convert that 0x3000 IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE 'back', but never forth? (no aesthetic .= (character == 0x20) ? Chr(0x3000) : "")

...and you should note the need for unicode support in both AHK and OS/ used font - might be valuable to the basic user :lol:
Posts: 1444
Joined: 13 Aug 2016, 21:04

Re: Something cute I made after 3 days of AHK :)

27 Aug 2016, 10:37

I used to include that extra line but commented it out. It's due to how the aesthetic meme is displayed, e.g. Aesthetic Memes has a 0x20 space between c and M. Of course if anyone actually wants to convert ascii into full width feel free to add that line in.

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