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[Functions] Get Focused Control - ClassNN - Hwnd - Text - List [Functions]

Posted: 13 Oct 2016, 23:19
by V for Vendetta
All in One:

Code: Select all

GetFocusedControl(Option := "")
	;"Options": ClassNN \ Hwnd \ Text \ List \ All

GuiWindowHwnd := WinExist("A")		;stores the current Active Window Hwnd id number in "GuiWindowHwnd" variable
				;"A" for Active Window

ControlGetFocus, FocusedControl, ahk_id %GuiWindowHwnd%	;stores the  classname "ClassNN" of the current focused control from the window above in "FocusedControl" variable
						;"ahk_id" searches windows by Hwnd Id number

if Option = ClassNN
return, FocusedControl

ControlGet, FocusedControlId, Hwnd,, %FocusedControl%, ahk_id %GuiWindowHwnd%	;stores the Hwnd Id number of the focused control found above in "FocusedControlId" variable

if Option = Hwnd
return, FocusedControlId

if (Option = "Text") or (Option = "All")
ControlGetText, FocusedControlText, , ahk_id %FocusedControlId%		;stores the focused control texts in "FocusedControlText" variable
							;"ahk_id" searches control by Hwnd id number

if Option = Text	
return, FocusedControlText

if (Option = "List") or (Option = "All")
ControlGet, FocusedControlList, List, , , ahk_id %FocusedControlId%	;"List", retrieves  all the text from a ListView, ListBox, or ComboBox controls

if Option = List	
return, FocusedControlList

return, FocusedControl " - " FocusedControlId "`n`n____Text____`n`n" FocusedControlText "`n`n____List____`n`n" FocusedControlList

ClassNN Only:

Code: Select all

GetFocusedControlClassNN( )
GuiWindowHwnd := WinExist("A")		;stores the current Active Window Hwnd id number in "GuiWindowHwnd" variable
				;"A" for Active Window

ControlGetFocus, FocusedControl, ahk_id %GuiWindowHwnd%	;stores the  classname "ClassNN" of the current focused control from the window above in "FocusedControl" variable
						;"ahk_id" searches windows by Hwnd Id number

return, FocusedControl
Hwnd Only:

Code: Select all

GetFocusedControlHwnd( )
GuiWindowHwnd := WinExist("A")		;stores the current Active Window Hwnd id number in "GuiWindowHwnd" variable
				;"A" for Active Window

ControlGetFocus, FocusedControl, ahk_id %GuiWindowHwnd%	;stores the  classname "ClassNN" of the current focused control from the window above in "FocusedControl" variable
						;"ahk_id" searches windows by Hwnd Id number

ControlGet, FocusedControlId, Hwnd,, %FocusedControl%, ahk_id %GuiWindowHwnd%	;stores the Hwnd Id number of the focused control found above in "FocusedControlId" variable

return, FocusedControlId
Text Only:

Code: Select all

GetFocusedControlText( )
GuiWindowHwnd := WinExist("A")		;stores the current Active Window Hwnd id number in "GuiWindowHwnd" variable
				;"A" for Active Window

ControlGetFocus, FocusedControl, ahk_id %GuiWindowHwnd%	;stores the  classname "ClassNN" of the current focused control from the window above in "FocusedControl" variable
						;"ahk_id" searches windows by Hwnd Id number

ControlGet, FocusedControlId, Hwnd,, %FocusedControl%, ahk_id %GuiWindowHwnd%	;stores the Hwnd Id number of the focused control found above in "FocusedControlId" variable

ControlGetText, FocusedControlText, , ahk_id %FocusedControlId%		;stores the focused control texts in "FocusedControlText" variable
							;"ahk_id" searches control by Hwnd id number

return, FocusedControlText
List Only:

Code: Select all

GetFocusedControlList( )
GuiWindowHwnd := WinExist("A")		;stores the current Active Window Hwnd id number in "GuiWindowHwnd" variable
				;"A" for Active Window

ControlGetFocus, FocusedControl, ahk_id %GuiWindowHwnd%	;stores the  classname "ClassNN" of the current focused control from the window above in "FocusedControl" variable
						;"ahk_id" searches windows by Hwnd Id number

ControlGet, FocusedControlId, Hwnd,, %FocusedControl%, ahk_id %GuiWindowHwnd%	;stores the Hwnd Id number of the focused control found above in "FocusedControlId" variable

ControlGet, FocusedControlList, List, , , ahk_id %FocusedControlId%	;"List", retrieves  all the text from a ListView, ListBox, or ComboBox controls
return, FocusedControlList

Re: [Functions] Get Focused Control - ClassNN - Hwnd - Text - List [Functions]

Posted: 26 Nov 2017, 14:22
by Cruncher1
Nice! Thank you! :thumbup:

Re: [Functions] Get Focused Control - ClassNN - Hwnd - Text - List [Functions]

Posted: 28 Nov 2017, 08:27
by burque505
Looks very useful indeed, thank you.