pushd() Function - Map drive if UNC detected

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pushd() Function - Map drive if UNC detected

14 Apr 2014, 20:40

Simple function to map a drive letter on the fly if the script is running from a unc path.
Then close the map afterwards..
Tested on XP 32bit and win7 64bit

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#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

; Pushd() By DragonSlayr
; Function to create temporary drive letter for unc path.

; If the script is  running from unc, it creates the temporary mapped drive.
; Returns 1 if running from a unc path
; Returns 0 when you are not running from a unc path.

; Example:
	currentscriptdir = %A_scriptDir% ; Make a common path, so I only have to have one run command regardless if on unc or not.

	if pushd("open") ; Test if on unc path, map the drive if I am.
		currentscriptdir = %PushdDrive%\%PushdScriptDir%
; Just a reminder. When using %comspec% if the path or name of the executable contains spaces, the entire string should be enclosed in quotes.
	runwait %comspec% /c "dir "%currentscriptdir%" > test.txt", %currentscriptdir%, hide
	runwait notepad.exe %currentscriptdir%\test.txt

    Pushd("close") ; Close the temporary mapped drive if still open.

; End Example
global PushdDrive
global PushdScriptDir
global PushdPid

if openclose not in open,Close
		msgbox, Command Failed!`npushd() supports two options. "Open" or "Close"

  if openclose = open
    SplitPath, A_ScriptFullPath, ProgramExe, ProgramDir, ProgramExtension, ProgramNameNoExtention , ProgramDrive
    ;msgbox %ProgramExe% `n %ProgramDir% `n %ProgramExtension% `n %ProgramNameNoExtention% `n %ProgramDrive%

    IfInString, ProgramDrive, \\
	    StringGetPos, backslash, ProgramDir, \, L4
        backslash := backslash +1
        StringTrimLeft, PushdScriptDir, ProgramDir, %backslash%
        DriveGet, beforepushd, list, ;Network
        run, %comspec% /k "pushd %A_scriptDir%",%A_Desktop% ,UseErrorLevel hide, PushdPid ; Pushd maps the share, Hold open with /k
        sleep 500
        DriveGet, afterpushd, list, ;Network
        PushdDrive := RegExReplace(afterpushd, "[" beforepushd "]")
        PushdDrive = %PushdDrive%:
        Return 1
		Return 0
  if openclose = Close
    DetectHiddenWindows, on
    sleep 500
    ControlSend, ,exit{enter}, ahk_pid %PushdPid%
    DetectHiddenWindows, off

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