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proof of concept: Send what you mean

Posted: 26 Nov 2017, 19:40
by jeeswg
- The idea behind this script is for something like SendInput, ^v to work the same way, regardless of the keyboard layout. Or more specifically, it will work based on the array specified in the function, by converting parts of the string to something else.
- You may also be able to choose a different array to refer to based on what the current keyboard layout is. Do an Internet search for: AutoHotkey GetKeyboardLayout.

Code: Select all

vKeys := "^v"
;vKeys := "^c"

	;static oArray := Object("v","{vk56}", "w","{U+63}")
	;static oArray := Object("v","{vk56}")
	;static oArray := Object("v","{U+76}")

	static oArray := {}, vIsInit
	if !vIsInit
		Loop, 26
			oArray[Chr(96+A_Index)] := "{vk" Format("{:X}", 0x40+A_Index) "}"
		vIsInit := 1

	Loop, 3
		vUnused%A_Index% := Chr(A_Index)
	vKeys := StrReplace(vKeys, "{{}", "{" vUnused1 "}")
	vKeys := StrReplace(vKeys, "{}}", "{" vUnused2 "}")
	vKeys := StrReplace(vKeys, "{", "{" vUnused3)
	vKeys := StrReplace(vKeys, "}", "}" vUnused3)
	vOutput := ""
	Loop, Parse, vKeys, % vUnused3
		vTemp := A_LoopField
		if (SubStr(vTemp, 1, 1) = "{")
			vOutput .= vTemp
		Loop, Parse, vTemp
			vChar := A_LoopField
			if oArray.HasKey(vChar)
				vOutput .= oArray[vChar]
				vOutput .= vChar
	vOutput := StrReplace(vOutput, "{" vUnused1 "}", "{{}")
	vOutput := StrReplace(vOutput, "{" vUnused2 "}", "{}}")
	vOutput := StrReplace(vOutput, vUnused3)
	;MsgBox, % vOutput
	SendInput, % vOutput

Re: proof of concept: Send what you mean

Posted: 30 Jan 2018, 23:10
by jeeswg
- The function was in response to the first thread, and relates to the second:
Bug in Send Command - AutoHotkey Community ... 01#p185001
Send problems with VK/SC codes - AutoHotkey Community ... 19#p190319

- The function was more or less made redundant by this update:
v1.1.27 - It must be Christmas - AutoHotkey Community ... 24&t=41831
Changed a-z to mean vk41-vk5A when absent from the keyboard layout, except with Raw mode or when sending single unmodified characters. This allows hotkeys and sent keyboard shortcuts to work more intuitively on certain non-English keyboard layouts.