TaskDialog() - the other 'MsgBox' for Win Vista+

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Re: TaskDialog() - the other 'MsgBox' for Win Vista+

23 Sep 2014, 00:34

huyaowen wrote:Could the normal msgbox recognize the parameters(on top,icon,timeout and so on)?
Yes, as long as you use icons and in particular button combinations supported by both functions.
jNizM wrote:something to add for Task Dialogs
Like I said, this is a MsgBox replacement. If you want to use the whole functionalities of the task dialog, you should try TheGood's script mentioned in the first post. The only missing feature seems to be ANSI support.
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Re: TaskDialog() - the other 'MsgBox' for Win Vista+

23 Sep 2014, 02:48

Hi huyaowen,

it's done. But due to the differences between message boxes and task dialogs it seem's to have limited usefulness. That's why for a start I don't want to update the first post. I ask you to test it and report whether it meets your expectations.

To use the new option, you have to call TaskDialogUseMsgBoxOnXP(True) once and look at the Remarks: section of the inline documentation for restrictions.

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Moved to first post -> advanced version.
Last edited by just me on 24 Sep 2014, 02:41, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TaskDialog() - the other 'MsgBox' for Win Vista+

23 Sep 2014, 04:24

ok,thank you just me.
i will get a careful test on XP back home
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Re: TaskDialog() - the other 'MsgBox' for Win Vista+

23 Sep 2014, 09:51

it's OK,thanks a lot.
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Re: TaskDialog() - the other 'MsgBox' for Win Vista+

24 Sep 2014, 02:43

huyaowen wrote:it's OK,thanks a lot.
Thanks for testing. I've updated the first post.
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Re: TaskDialog() - the other 'MsgBox' for Win Vista+

24 Sep 2014, 03:57

Now,TaskDialog() works well but Vista.
You can update the title.
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Re: TaskDialog() - the other 'MsgBox' for Win Vista+

24 Sep 2014, 08:02

How long the Main content display is determined by the Extra content.
If the Extra content is longer than Main.Main can show the whole.otherwise.English characters only in a row of 46, Chinese characters will show a lot, but will be divided into two rows.
Could I set the width of the Dialog, so that when the Extra content is very short,also the Main content as far as possible to one line display.
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Re: TaskDialog() - the other 'MsgBox' for Win Vista+

24 Sep 2014, 15:43

Well, I'll add a parameter.
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Re: TaskDialog() - the other 'MsgBox' for Win Vista+

25 Sep 2014, 02:57

Hi huyaowen,

after some testing on Win 8.1 the width of the task dialog's client area calculated by the ' task dialog manager' seems to be determined as follows:
  • The minimum width is 360 pixels.
  • If the width of the button bar exceeds this value, this width (at most 557 pixels here) bar will be used.
  • If the flag TDF_SIZE_TO_CONTENT is set and the width of the Extra part exceeds both former values, this width will be used but will be limited to 556 pixels.
  • If a width is specified, it will be used unconditionally as long it doesn't go below the minimum width of 360 pixels. In consequence of this the button bar might be wrapped into two lines.
The new Width parameter seems to work as expected here. But I have no other systems I could test on. May I ask you again to make some additional tests?

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Moved to first post!
Last edited by just me on 26 Sep 2014, 00:50, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TaskDialog() - the other 'MsgBox' for Win Vista+

25 Sep 2014, 08:19

nice work.
I have test on win2000,winXP,winserver2003 and win7.it can display the beautiful dialog only on win7.Other operating systems are shown right normal msgbox.
The Width parameter works well as expected on win7.
ps.English characters only show in one line with suspension points(...).Why not show 2 lines?
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Re: TaskDialog() - the other 'MsgBox' for Win Vista+

25 Sep 2014, 10:43

huyaowen wrote:ps.English characters only show in one line with suspension points(...).Why not show 2 lines?
Just put some spaces into the string.
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Re: TaskDialog() - the other 'MsgBox' for Win Vista+

25 Sep 2014, 22:52

Thousands of thanks send to you.
just me
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Re: TaskDialog() - the other 'MsgBox' for Win Vista+

26 Sep 2014, 00:51

Thanks for testing again. I've updated the first post.
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Re: TaskDialog() - the other 'MsgBox' for Win Vista+

15 Dec 2014, 07:46

A creator for TaskDialog.

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance  force
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
SetBatchLines -1
ListLines Off

Gui, Add, Edit, x110 y30 w340 h70 Multi vmain   r3, MainTip
Gui, Add, Edit, x110 y90 w340 h40 Multi vextra   r5, ExtraTip
Gui, Add, Edit, x110 y180 w340 h20 -Multi  vtitle, Title
Gui, Add, Edit, x110 y210 w340 h20 -Multi  vwidth +number, 400
Gui, Add, Edit, x110 y240 w340 h20 -Multi vtimeout +number, 10

Gui, Add, GroupBox, x470 y20 w290 h125 , Buttons

Gui, Add, Radio, x490 y40 w100 h20 vbutton1 checked, Ok
Gui, Add, Radio, x490 y64 w100 h20 vbutton2, Yes
Gui, Add, Radio, x490 y88 w100 h20 vbutton3, Yes/No
Gui, Add, Radio, x490 y112 w130 h20 vbutton4, Cancel/Retry/Close

Gui, Add, Radio, x620 y40 w100 h20 vbutton5, Close
Gui, Add, Radio, x620 y64 w100 h20 vbutton6, Retry/Cancel
Gui, Add, Radio, x620 y88 w100 h20 vbutton7, Retry/Close
Gui, Add, Radio, x620 y112 w130 h20 vbutton8, Yes/No/Close

Gui, Add, GroupBox, x470 y150 w290 h160 , Icons

Gui, Add, Radio, x490 y170 w100 h20 vicon1, Warn
Gui, Add, Radio, x490 y198 w100 h20 vicon2, Error
Gui, Add, Radio, x490 y226 w100 h20 vicon3, Info
Gui, Add, Radio, x490 y254 w100 h20 vicon4, Shield
Gui, Add, Radio, x490 y282 w100 h20 vicon5, Blue

Gui, Add, Radio, x610 y170 w100 h20 vicon6, Yellow
Gui, Add, Radio, x610 y198 w100 h20 vicon7, Red
Gui, Add, Radio, x610 y226 w100 h20 vicon8 checked, Green
Gui, Add, Radio, x610 y254 w100 h20 vicon9, Gray
Gui, Add, Radio, x610 y282 w100 h20 vicon10, Question

Gui, Add, Text, x20 y55 w90 h30, MainTip:
Gui, Add, Text, x20 y120 w90 h20, ExtraTip:
Gui, Add, Text, x20 y185 w90 h20, Title:
Gui, Add, Text, x20 y215 w90 h20 , Width:
Gui, Add, Text, x20 y245 w90 h20 , Timeout:
Gui, Add, Text, x20 y345 w90 h20 , Result:
Gui, Add, Edit, x110 y330 w650 h50 r3  vcontent, Result
Gui, Add, Button, x110 y270 w170 h40 gcommand, Generate
Gui, Add, Button, x280 y270 w170 h40 gview, View
Gui, Add, Text, x380 y410 w700 h30 +disabled, A normal Msgbox will display on XP.The TaskDialog's author:just me.
; Generated using SmartGuiXP Creator mod
Gui, Show, Center w780 h430, TaskDialogEx Creator
GuiControl, +Default, Generate


Gui, Submit, NoHide

loop 8
	if button%a_index%=1
		if A_Index = 1
			button = 1
		else if A_Index = 2
			button = 2
		else if A_Index = 3
			button = 6
		else if A_Index = 4
			button = 56
		else if A_Index = 5
			button = 32
		else if A_Index = 6
			button = 24
		else if A_Index = 7
			button = 48
		else if A_Index = 8
			button = 38


loop 10
	if icon%a_index%=1
		if A_Index = 1
			Icon = 1
		else if A_Index = 2
			Icon = 2
		else if A_Index = 3
			Icon = 3
		else if A_Index = 4
			Icon = 4
		else if A_Index = 5
			Icon = 5
		else if A_Index = 6
			Icon = 6
		else if A_Index = 7
			Icon = 7
		else if A_Index = 8
			Icon = 8
		else if A_Index = 9
			Icon = 9
		else if A_Index = 10
			Icon = 0

;~ msgbox % myfunction

Gui, Submit, NoHide

loop 8
	if button%a_index%=1
		if A_Index = 1
			button = 1
		else if A_Index = 2
			button = 2
		else if A_Index = 3
			button = 6
		else if A_Index = 4
			button = 56
		else if A_Index = 5
			button = 32
		else if A_Index = 6
			button = 24
		else if A_Index = 7
			button = 48
		else if A_Index = 8
			button = 38


loop 10
	if icon%a_index%=1
		if A_Index = 1
			Icon = 1
		else if A_Index = 2
			Icon = 2
		else if A_Index = 3
			Icon = 3
		else if A_Index = 4
			Icon = 4
		else if A_Index = 5
			Icon = 5
		else if A_Index = 6
			Icon = 6
		else if A_Index = 7
			Icon = 7
		else if A_Index = 8
			Icon = 8
		else if A_Index = 9
			Icon = 9
		else if A_Index = 10
			Icon = 0

MsgBox,262208,Notice, % "button clicked:"  TaskDialogEx(main,extra,title,button,icon,width,-1,timeout)

;just me posted:http://ahkscript.org/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=4635
TaskDialogEx(Main, Extra := "", Title := "Notice:", Buttons := 1, Icon := 8, Width := 600, Parent := -1, TimeOut := 0) {
  Static TDCB      := RegisterCallback("TaskDialogCallback", "Fast")
        , TDCSize   := (4 * 8) + (A_PtrSize * 16)
        , TDBTNS    := {OK: 1, YES: 2, NO: 4, CANCEL: 8, RETRY: 16, CLOSE: 32}
        , TDF       := {HICON_MAIN: 0x0002, ALLOW_CANCEL: 0x0008, CALLBACK_TIMER: 0x0800, SIZE_TO_CONTENT: 0x01000000}
        , TDICON    := {1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6, 7: 7, 8: 8, 9: 9
                      , WARN: 1, ERROR: 2, INFO: 3, SHIELD: 4, BLUE: 5, YELLOW: 6, RED: 7, GREEN: 8, GRAY: 9
                      , QUESTION: 0}
        , HQUESTION := DllCall("User32.dll\LoadIcon", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0x7F02, "UPtr")
        , DBUX      := DllCall("User32.dll\GetDialogBaseUnits", "UInt") & 0xFFFF
        , OffParent := 4
        , OffFlags  := OffParent + (A_PtrSize * 2)
        , OffBtns   := OffFlags + 4
        , OffTitle  := OffBtns + 4
        , OffIcon   := OffTitle + A_PtrSize
        , OffMain   := OffIcon + A_PtrSize
        , OffExtra  := OffMain + A_PtrSize
        , OffCB     := (4 * 7) + (A_PtrSize * 14)
        , OffCBData := OffCB + A_PtrSize
        , OffWidth  := OffCBData + A_PtrSize
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   If ((DllCall("Kernel32.dll\GetVersion", "UInt") & 0xFF) < 6) {
      If TaskDialogUseMsgBoxOnXP()
         Return TaskDialogMsgBox(Main, Extra, Title, Buttons, Icon, Parent, Timeout)
      Else {
         MsgBox, 16, %A_ThisFunc%, You need at least Win Vista / Server 2008 to use %A_ThisFunc%().
         ErrorLevel := "You need at least Win Vista / Server 2008 to use " . A_ThisFunc . "()."
         Return 0
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Flags := Width = 0 ? TDF.SIZE_TO_CONTENT : 0
   If (Title = "")
      Title := A_ScriptName
   BTNS := 0
   If Buttons Is Integer
      BTNS := Buttons & 0x3F
      For Each, Btn In StrSplit(Buttons, ["|", " ", ",", "`n"])
         BTNS |= (B := TDBTNS[Btn]) ? B : 0
   ICO := (I := TDICON[Icon]) ? 0x10000 - I : 0
   If Icon Is Integer
      If ((Icon & 0xFFFF) <> Icon) ; caller presumably passed HICON
         ICO := Icon
   If (Icon = "Question")
   If (ICO > 0xFFFF)
      Flags |= TDF.HICON_MAIN
   AOT := Parent < 0 ? !(Parent := 0) : False ; AlwaysOnTop
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   PTitle := A_IsUnicode ? &Title : TaskDialogToUnicode(Title, WTitle)
   PMain  := A_IsUnicode ? &Main : TaskDialogToUnicode(Main, WMain)
   PExtra := Extra = "" ? 0 : A_IsUnicode ? &Extra : TaskDialogToUnicode(Extra, WExtra)
   VarSetCapacity(TDC, TDCSize, 0) ; TASKDIALOGCONFIG structure
   NumPut(TDCSize, TDC, "UInt")
   NumPut(Parent, TDC, OffParent, "Ptr")
   NumPut(BTNS, TDC, OffBtns, "Int")
   NumPut(PTitle, TDC, OffTitle, "Ptr")
   NumPut(ICO, TDC, OffIcon, "Ptr")
   NumPut(PMain, TDC, OffMain, "Ptr")
   NumPut(PExtra, TDC, OffExtra, "Ptr")
   If (AOT) || (TimeOut > 0) {
      If (TimeOut > 0) {
         Flags |= TDF.CALLBACK_TIMER
         TimeOut := Round(Timeout * 1000)
      TD := {AOT: AOT, Timeout: Timeout}
      NumPut(TDCB, TDC, OffCB, "Ptr")
      NumPut(&TD, TDC, OffCBData, "Ptr")
   NumPut(Flags, TDC, OffFlags, "UInt")
   If (Width > 0)
      NumPut(Width * 4 / DBUX, TDC, OffWidth, "UInt")
   If !(RV := DllCall("Comctl32.dll\TaskDialogIndirect", "Ptr", &TDC, "IntP", Result, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0, "UInt"))
      Return TD.TimedOut ? -1 : Result
   ErrorLevel := "The call of TaskDialogIndirect() failed!`nReturn value: " . RV . "`nLast error: " . A_LastError
   Return 0
; ======================================================================================================================
; Call this function once passing 1/True if you want a MsgBox to be displayed instead of the task dialog on Win XP.
; ======================================================================================================================
TaskDialogUseMsgBoxOnXP(UseIt := "") {
   Static UseMsgBox := False
   If (UseIt <> "")
      UseMsgBox := !!UseIt
   Return UseMsgBox
; ======================================================================================================================
; Internally used functions
; ======================================================================================================================
TaskDialogMsgBox(Main, Extra, Title := "", Buttons := 0, Icon := 0, Parent := 0, TimeOut := 0) {
   Static MBICON := {1: 0x30, 2: 0x10, 3: 0x40, WARN: 0x30, ERROR: 0x10, INFO: 0x40, QUESTION: 0x20}
        , TDBTNS := {OK: 1, YES: 2, NO: 4, CANCEL: 8, RETRY: 16}
   BTNS := 0
   If Buttons Is Integer
      BTNS := Buttons & 0x1F
      For Each, Btn In StrSplit(Buttons, ["|", " ", ",", "`n"])
         BTNS |= (B := TDBTNS[Btn]) ? B : 0
   Options := 0
   Options |= (I := MBICON[Icon]) ? I : 0
   Options |= Parent = -1 ? 262144 : Parent > 0 ? 8192 : 0
   If ((BTNS & 14) = 14)
      Options |= 0x03 ; Yes/No/Cancel
   Else If ((BTNS & 6) = 6)
      Options |= 0x04 ; Yes/No
   Else If ((BTNS & 24) = 24)
      Options |= 0x05 ; Retry/Cancel
   Else If ((BTNS & 9) = 9)
      Options |= 0x01 ; OK/Cancel
   Main .= Extra <> "" ? "`n`n" . Extra : ""
   MsgBox, % Options, %Title%, %Main%, %TimeOut%
   IfMsgBox, OK
      Return 1
   IfMsgBox, Cancel
      Return 2
   IfMsgBox, Retry
      Return 4
   IfMsgBox, Yes
      Return 6
   IfMsgBox, No
      Return 7
   IfMsgBox, TimeOut
      Return -1
   Return 0
; ======================================================================================================================
TaskDialogToUnicode(String, ByRef Var) {
   VarSetCapacity(Var, StrPut(String, "UTF-16") * 2, 0)
   StrPut(String, &Var, "UTF-16")
   Return &Var
; ======================================================================================================================
TaskDialogCallback(H, N, W, L, D) {
   Static TDM_CLICK_BUTTON := 0x0466
        , TDN_CREATED := 0
        , TDN_TIMER   := 4
   TD := Object(D)
   If (N = TDN_TIMER) && (W > TD.Timeout) {
      TD.TimedOut := True
      PostMessage, %TDM_CLICK_BUTTON%, 2, 0, , ahk_id %H% ; IDCANCEL = 2
   Else If (N = TDN_CREATED) && TD.AOT {
      DHW := A_DetectHiddenWindows
      DetectHiddenWindows, On
      WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, On, ahk_id %H%
      DetectHiddenWindows, %DHW%
   Return 0
Last edited by huyaowen on 16 Dec 2014, 02:18, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TaskDialog() - the other 'MsgBox' for Win Vista+

15 Dec 2014, 14:02

Hi just me,

This is a great script. Could you clarify a bit what the XP option means? In the Remarks section you wrote
Depending on the settings of TaskDialogUseMsgBoxOnXP() the function can display a MsgBox instead of
; the task dialog on Win XP. In that case you should only use icons and in particular button combinations
; also supported by the MsgBox command:
; Icon: 1/"WARN", 2/"ERROR", 3/"INFO", "QUESTION"
; Buttons: 1/"OK", 9/"OK|CANCEL", 6/"YES|NO", 14/"YES|NO|CANCEL", 24/"RETRY|CANCEL"
; Other icons won't be shown, other button combinations won't show all specified buttons.
I understand that task dialogs are not available in XP. Since I don't have an XP system to test on, I have a few questions:

1) With "depending on the settings the function can display a msgbox instead of the task dialog" do you mean that there is a setting to display a task dialog in XP?
2) And what are these settings, setting TaskDialogUseMsgBoxOnXP() to true or false? And what happens if it's set to false?
3) Do we absolutely need to use TaskDialogUseMsgBoxOnXP()? If no and we don't use it, what happens in XP when a task dialog is called?
4) For the msgbox that would show up in XP, you mention a few values for icons and buttons but does it allow the use of the full list of Options in the Msgbox help file (http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/MsgBox.htm)? What do you mean by "Other icons won't be shown, other button combinations won't show all specified buttons"?

Thanks in advance for your clarifications and for your great work on this.

Edit: Also, would it be possible to add the capacity to handle the footer (Verification check box, Footer text, Footer icon)? I'd be especially interested to be able to use a "Do not show again" check box.
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library ... s.85).aspx
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Re: TaskDialog() - the other 'MsgBox' for Win Vista+

16 Dec 2014, 03:20

Hi lblb,
1) With "depending on the settings the function can display a msgbox instead of the task dialog" do you mean that there is a setting to display a task dialog in XP?
No. Task dialogs aren't supported on Win XP.
2) And what are these settings, setting TaskDialogUseMsgBoxOnXP() to true or false? ...
...And what happens if it's set to false?

Code: Select all

         MsgBox, 16, %A_ThisFunc%, You need at least Win Vista / Server 2008 to use %A_ThisFunc%().
         ErrorLevel := "You need at least Win Vista / Server 2008 to use " . A_ThisFunc . "()."
         Return 0
3) Do we absolutely need to use TaskDialogUseMsgBoxOnXP()? If no and we don't use it, what happens in XP when a task dialog is called?
see 2).
4) For the msgbox that would show up in XP, you mention a few values for icons and buttons but does it allow the use of the full list of Options in the Msgbox help file (http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/MsgBox.htm)? What do you mean by "Other icons won't be shown, other button combinations won't show all specified buttons"?
Only icons and buttons/button combinations which are supported by both task dialogs and message boxes should be used. Buttons/icons unique to message boxes cannot be passed to the TaskDialog function, buttons/icons unique to task dialogs won't be shown in message boxes. BTW: The help file hosted on autohotkey.com is outdated.
Edit: Also, would it be possible to add the capacity to handle the footer (Verification check box, Footer text, Footer icon)? I'd be especially interested to be able to use a "Do not show again" check box.
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library ... 41(v=vs.85).aspx
Yes, but this wouldn't be a 'message box replacement' any more and wouldn't work on Win XP on any means.
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Re: TaskDialog() - the other 'MsgBox' for Win Vista+

16 Dec 2014, 13:25

Hi just me,
Thanks a lot for answering all my questions, much appreciated. I've tried both TheGood's and Nepter's implementations and yours is the only one that works on ANSI AHK, which I have to use for compatibility reasons. Thanks again for all your work on this.
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Re: TaskDialog() - the other 'MsgBox' for Win Vista+

17 Dec 2014, 21:42

do you wanna add the 2 issues?

do you wanna add the 2 issues?
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Last edited by huyaowen on 18 Dec 2014, 19:58, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TaskDialog() - the other 'MsgBox' for Win Vista+

18 Dec 2014, 18:55

Hi huyaowen,
yes, it would be great to add the two sections at the bottom. Any idea how to do it? By the way, your creator above works great, very useful.
just me
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Re: TaskDialog() - the other 'MsgBox' for Win Vista+

19 Dec 2014, 04:28

Well, I'm on the way! ;)

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