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LineDelete() - Delete Line Of Text From A Variable / No Loop

Posted: 01 Apr 2018, 20:43
by Cuadrix

Deletes a specific line or a range of lines from a variable containing one or more lines of text.

Code: Select all

OutputVar := LineDelete(InVar, Pos [, Range, Options := "B", DumpVar]) ;Parameters inside [] are optional.
| The variable whose lines will be deleted.

| The line which will be deleted.

| If this parameter is set, Pos will act as the first line and Range as the last line. All lines in-between and including Pos and Range will be deleted.

| If Range has been set, using "B" in Options will make the operation prevent Pos and Range from being deleted, and only delete what's in-between them.

| Specify a variable in which to store the deleted lines from the operation.

Return Value

This function returns a version of InVar whose contents have been altered by the operation to OutputVar. If no alterations are needed, InVar is returned unaltered.


Code: Select all

Var =
Output := LineDelete(Var, 2) ; Deletes line 2.
MsgBox, % Output ; Returns variable's contents without line 2.

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Var =
Output := LineDelete(Var, -1) ; Deletes the last line. Similarly, inputting -2 will delete the second last line and so on.
MsgBox, % Output ; Returns variable's contents without the last line.

Code: Select all

Var =
Output := LineDelete(Var, 2, 5, "B") ; Deletes lines in-between 2 and 5. If "B" is omitted, lines 2 and 5 will also be deleted.
MsgBox, % Output ; Returns variable's contents without lines 3 and 4.

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Var =
Output := LineDelete(Var, 2+1, -1) ; Deletes all lines after line 2. Setting Pos to 3+1 instead will delete all lines after 3 and so on.
MsgBox, % Output ; Returns variable's contents without lines 3, 4 and 5.
How to use?

Method 1: #Include

Download LineDelete.ahk, place it in the script directory and include it in the script by placing #Include LineDelete.ahk on top of the script in which LineDelete function is going to be used in. This must be done every time a user wishes to use the LineDelete function.

Method 2: Place In-Script

Copy the code of LineDelete function, and place it somewhere in the script. To use the function again in a different script, it must again be placed somewhere in the new script.

Method 3: The Lib Folder

Place LineDelete.ahk to Autohotkey's standard library located at C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\Lib for 64-bit or C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoHotkey\Lib for 32-bit. If the folder doesn't exist, just create it. Now the LineDelete function can be used in all your scripts without the need to explicitly add it to your script every time you create a new .ahk file.


Code: Select all

LineDelete(Str, Pos, EndPos := "", Opts := "", ByRef Match := ""){
	If (Pos = "" || Pos = 0 || Pos * 1 = "")
		Return Str
	LF := (inStr(Str, "`r`n")) ? ("`r`n")
		: (inStr(Str, "`n")) ? ("`n") : ("")
	L := StrLen(LF)
	Str := LF . StrReplace(Str, LF, LF, NumLines) . LF
	NumLines := (SubStr(Str, 0) != LF) ? (++NumLines) : (++NumLines)
	Pos := (Pos < 0 && Pos >= -NumLines) ? (Pos + NumLines + 1)
		 : (Pos < -NumLines || Pos > NumLines) ? ("") : (Pos)
	EndPos := (Pos = "" || EndPos * 1 = "" || EndPos = 0
			   || EndPos < -NumLines || EndPos > NumLines) ? ("")
			: (EndPos < 0) ? (EndPos + NumLines + 1) : (EndPos)
	(EndPos != "" && EndPos < Pos)
			 ? (Tmp := Pos, Pos := EndPos, EndPos := Tmp, Tmp := "")
	Opts := ((Opts != "B" && Opts != "") || (Pos = EndPos && Opts = "B")
			 || (EndPos = "" && Opts = "B")) ? ("") : (Opts)
	StartMatch := (Opts = "") ? (InStr(Str, LF,,, Pos) + L)
				: (InStr(Str, LF,,, Pos + 1) + L)
	EndMatch := (EndPos = "" && Opts = "") ? (InStr(Str, LF,,, Pos + 1))
			  : (EndPos != "" && Opts != "") ? (InStr(Str, LF,,, EndPos))
			  : (InStr(Str, LF,,, EndPos + 1))
	Match := ((EndPos - Pos = 1 && Opts = "B")
			  || Pos = "") ? ("")
		   : (SubStr(Str, StartMatch, EndMatch - StartMatch))
	Str := SubStr(SubStr(Str, 1, StartMatch - 1)
	     . SubStr(Str, EndMatch + L), L + 1, -L)
	Return Str

Re: LineDelete()

Posted: 02 Apr 2018, 02:39
by ozzii
Thanks, this can be handy

Re: LineDelete()

Posted: 02 Apr 2018, 21:14
by Cuadrix
I edited the code a little;
• Now it looks a titty bitty neater.
• The function will return InVar unaltered if a non-existent option is used.

Re: LineDelete() - Delete lines from variables

Posted: 07 Apr 2018, 08:09
by Cuadrix
• The script is now 1.8 times faster.

Re: LineDelete() - Delete lines from variables

Posted: 10 Apr 2018, 18:32
by Cuadrix
• Redesigned script code.
• Replaced Array syntax to pure ...Str...()
• The script is now immensely faster.
• Added the DumpVar parameter for storing deleted lines.

Re: LineDelete() - Delete Lines Of Text From Variables / No Loop

Posted: 21 Oct 2018, 13:48
by skribb

Re: LineDelete() - Delete Lines Of Text From Variables / No Loop

Posted: 22 Oct 2018, 05:36
by DRocks
Nice one thank you for sharing and detailed introduction.
May I ask you in what context you are using it?

I am thinking about maybe working with RAM rather than iniwrite/read using variables in some cases is that a typical use ?

Re: LineDelete() - Delete Lines Of Text From Variables / No Loop

Posted: 22 Oct 2018, 08:30
by Frosti
I tried your function and it works well. I'am using it to show 20 WinHookEvents in a ToolTip. I tried this before by myself, but it won't work so smart like yours. I append a picture to# show what is possible with your function.


Re: LineDelete() - Delete Lines Of Text From Variables / No Loop

Posted: 27 Oct 2018, 10:23
by Cuadrix
It depends. In my opinion, operations such as deleting lines should be done in the memory as long as you have RAM to spare, which shouldn't be a problem on modern machines today.
You could do it with IniWrite/Read too, but that just means that you are making temporary files and discarding them after the operation is finished, which I think is unnecessary and a bit inelegant.

That's one hell of a ToolTip. Glad it was of some use

Re: LineDelete() - Delete Line Of Text From A Variable / No Loop

Posted: 17 May 2019, 01:07
by Cuadrix