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Explorer: get name of file under cursor

Posted: 10 Jul 2018, 00:21
by jeeswg
- In response to this:
[x64 & x32 fix] DeskIcons - Get/Set Desktop Icon Positions - Page 2 - AutoHotkey Community ... 74#p227874

- Here's a way to get the name of the file under the cursor via Acc:

Code: Select all

;[Acc functions]
;Acc library (MSAA) and AccViewer download links - AutoHotkey Community

;tested on Windows 7
q:: ;Explorer window/Desktop - get name of file under cursor
oAcc := Acc_ObjectFromPoint(vChildID)
MouseGetPos,,, hWnd, vCtlClassNN
WinGetClass, vWinClass, % "ahk_id " hWnd
vText := ""
if (vWinClass = "CabinetWClass") || (vWinClass = "ExploreWClass")
	try vText := oAcc.accValue(vChildID)
else if (vWinClass = "Progman") || (vWinClass = "WorkerW")
	try vText := oAcc.accName(vChildID)
MsgBox, % vText
oAcc := ""
- If you experiment with AccViewer, you can get information for, and see the boundaries of, different GUI windows/controls/elements under the cursor.
Acc library (MSAA) and AccViewer download links - AutoHotkey Community

- Also of interest:
.net - c# how to get window explorer Directory path under mouse cursor - Stack Overflow ... use-cursor
c# - Get the folder path under cursor? - Stack Overflow ... der-cursor

Re: Explorer: get name of file under cursor

Posted: 10 Jul 2018, 23:37
by r2997790
Hi Jesswg,

I was wondering if it was possible to retrieve (in real time) the menu text under a menu?

eg. You press File > Open (and the ACC script would return 'Open' as that is the text under the mouse?

I've had a look at ACC Viewer but it's not possible to have a menu open to interrogate it while using the tool?

Do you think it is possible? Thanks!

Many thanks

Re: Explorer: get name of file under cursor

Posted: 10 Jul 2018, 23:48
by jeeswg
- Try this to get the text from the GUI element under the cursor.

Code: Select all

;[Acc functions]
;Acc library (MSAA) and AccViewer download links - AutoHotkey Community

q:: ;get text from GUI element under cursor
oAcc := Acc_ObjectFromPoint(vChildID)
;vChildID := 0 ;for a slightly different result uncomment this line
vText1 := vText2 := ""
try vText1 := oAcc.accName(vChildID) ;get text
try vText2 := oAcc.accValue(vChildID) ;get value
if !(vText1 = "")
	Clipboard .= "`r`n" vText1
if !(vText2 = "") && !(vText = vText2)
	Clipboard .= "`r`n" vText2
oAcc := ""
- Btw you can use Ctrl+/ to focus a GUI element with AccViewer.

Re: Explorer: get name of file under cursor

Posted: 10 Jul 2018, 23:58
by r2997790
Thank you... it works... wonderful!

Re: Explorer: get name of file under cursor

Posted: 11 Jul 2018, 00:59
by r2997790
Jesswg, I've had a play with this and it works pretty well... Thank you.

Is it possible to detect the menu state and only run it to detect menu items when the menu is open?

I also had some trouble getting it to work with Photoshop... seems a bit hit and miss... is there any tips/tricks to get it to be more stable with Adobe? Or perhaps they block/don't expose the menu information? I was working intermittently. Odd.

Thank you for your insights.. super helpful.

Re: Explorer: get name of file under cursor

Posted: 11 Jul 2018, 01:06
by jeeswg
- Add these lines at the top between 'q::' and 'oAcc :='.

Code: Select all

DetectHiddenWindows, Off
if !WinExist("ahk_class #32768")
- This will end the subroutine early if no context menu window is detected.
- For Photoshop, which I don't use, I would recommend investigating with AccViewer, try to do the same thing a few times, and look for patterns for when it does/doesn't work.
- Also, try using the ToolTip command to inform you of what's happening, if using the script above.
- No problem, glad they're helpful.

- [EDIT:] Also, check the class of the menu by using MouseGetPos when the cursor is over the menu, the menu may be nonstandard, i.e. not of class #32768.

Code: Select all

MouseGetPos, vCurX, vCurY, hWnd, vCtlClassNN
WinGetClass, vWinClass, % "ahk_id " hWnd
MsgBox, % vWinClass
- Also, perhaps a menu 'item' is made up of multiple parts (GUI elements), you can check the boundaries with AccViewer.

Re: Explorer: get name of file under cursor

Posted: 11 Jul 2018, 05:21
by r2997790
Thank you very much for this feedback... the use case I'm looking to implement is a 'real-time' text translation of menus.

Unfortunately I often have to us apps which don't have english as the first language (but which I am broadly familiar with) and I want to be able to display a (translated) tooltip of the menu item I am currently on top of.

Your input will help a lot.

Thank you.

Re: Explorer: get name of file under cursor

Posted: 22 Dec 2018, 07:18
by godofOOF
How can i copy the names under the cursor?

Re: Explorer: get name of file under cursor

Posted: 24 Dec 2018, 00:17
by jeeswg
- There can only be one name under the cursor. You can use the special Clipboard variable.
- What you want might be possible, if you can be more specific.

'There can be only one.' Campione.

Re: Explorer: get name of file under cursor

Posted: 24 Dec 2018, 00:54
by godofOOF
jeeswg wrote:
24 Dec 2018, 00:17
- There can only be one name under the cursor. You can use the special Clipboard variable.
- What you want might be possible, if you can be more specific.

'There can be only one.' Campione.

- How do i get the same information or folder name
- the msgbox gives you based off the example script above
- copied on a clipboard
- instead of presented on a msgbox

Re: Explorer: get name of file under cursor

Posted: 24 Dec 2018, 00:58
by jeeswg
The special Clipboard variable.

Code: Select all

Clipboard := vText

Re: Explorer: get name of file under cursor

Posted: 24 Dec 2018, 01:07
by godofOOF
jeeswg wrote:
24 Dec 2018, 00:58
The special Clipboard variable.

Code: Select all

Clipboard := vText
Thanks man i appreciate it :dance:

Re: Explorer: get name of file under cursor

Posted: 21 Feb 2019, 14:43
by iPhilip
jeeswg wrote:
10 Jul 2018, 00:21
- In response to this:
[x64 & x32 fix] DeskIcons - Get/Set Desktop Icon Positions - Page 2 - AutoHotkey Community

- Here's a way to get the name of the file under the cursor via Acc:

Code: Select all

;[Acc functions]
;Acc library (MSAA) and AccViewer download links - AutoHotkey Community

;tested on Windows 7
q:: ;Explorer window/Desktop - get name of file under cursor
oAcc := Acc_ObjectFromPoint(vChildID)
MouseGetPos,,, hWnd, vCtlClassNN
WinGetClass, vWinClass, % "ahk_id " hWnd
vText := ""
if (vWinClass = "CabinetWClass") || (vWinClass = "ExploreWClass")
	try vText := oAcc.accValue(vChildID)
else if (vWinClass = "Progman") || (vWinClass = "WorkerW")
	try vText := oAcc.accName(vChildID)
MsgBox, % vText
oAcc := ""
Hi jeeswg,

Thank you for your post. Below is a version that returns the name of the icon regardless of where the mouse is positioned over it. This is especially important in configuratitons where CurrentViewMode > 1 [Ref], i.e. any configuration other than Medium, Large, and Extra Large Icons. Note that the value returned is not necessarily the name of the file as the post heading indicates. Consider, for example, shortcuts, which can be renamed, and the case where the "Hide extensions for known file types" setting is enabled.

Code: Select all

GetNameOfIconUnderMouse() {
   MouseGetPos, , , hwnd, CtrlClass
   WinGetClass, WinClass, ahk_id %hwnd%
   try if (WinClass = "CabinetWClass" && CtrlClass = "DirectUIHWND3") {
      oAcc := Acc_ObjectFromPoint()
      Name := Acc_Parent(oAcc).accValue(0)
      Name := Name ? Name : oAcc.accValue(0)
   } else if (WinClass = "Progman" || WinClass = "WorkerW") {
      oAcc := Acc_ObjectFromPoint(ChildID)
      Name := ChildID ? oAcc.accName(ChildID) : ""
   Return Name
Here is a self-contained example (including only the required Acc functions):

Code: Select all


SetTimer, Timer

ToolTip % GetNameOfIconUnderMouse()


GetNameOfIconUnderMouse() {
   MouseGetPos, , , hwnd, CtrlClass
   WinGetClass, WinClass, ahk_id %hwnd%
   try if (WinClass = "CabinetWClass" && CtrlClass = "DirectUIHWND3") {
      oAcc := Acc_ObjectFromPoint()
      Name := Acc_Parent(oAcc).accValue(0)
      Name := Name ? Name : oAcc.accValue(0)
   } else if (WinClass = "Progman" || WinClass = "WorkerW") {
      oAcc := Acc_ObjectFromPoint(ChildID)
      Name := ChildID ? oAcc.accName(ChildID) : ""
   Return Name


Acc_Init() {
	Static h
	If Not h
Acc_ObjectFromPoint(ByRef _idChild_ = "", x = "", y = "") {
	If	DllCall("oleacc\AccessibleObjectFromPoint", "Int64", x==""||y==""?0*DllCall("GetCursorPos","Int64*",pt)+pt:x&0xFFFFFFFF|y<<32, "Ptr*", pacc, "Ptr", VarSetCapacity(varChild,8+2*A_PtrSize,0)*0+&varChild)=0
	Return ComObjEnwrap(9,pacc,1), _idChild_:=NumGet(varChild,8,"UInt")
Acc_Parent(Acc) { 
	try parent:=Acc.accParent
	return parent?Acc_Query(parent):
Acc_Query(Acc) { ; thanks Lexikos -
	try return ComObj(9, ComObjQuery(Acc,"{618736e0-3c3d-11cf-810c-00aa00389b71}"), 1)
I hope this helps.

- iPhilip