Text Handling - Split a sentence into several small ones [WordWrapper]

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Text Handling - Split a sentence into several small ones [WordWrapper]

16 Dec 2018, 04:29

Yes, this is a quite strange situation.
But, it was real one for me.
And, Solved somewhat like this.

I know it is not the best (good) but, it is my best
And, If possible, I would like to know some more nicer approach.

< Situation >
-A sentence is given.
-I have to split it several lines, in this sample code the line count is "5"
-when you split it, you have to do your best to keep it even length for each line
-while split, keep a word not broken, and the first character should not a space

Given sentence is;
"The Open Web Application Security Project(OWASP) provides a very good list of the Top 10 web application security flaws, including an summary of the nature, severity and impact of each."

And my records goes;

First try
-simply character by character
-exactly 37 characters each line
-its arrangement is the best though
-it looks like silly, it splits whole word, and space showed at the first of line

Code: Select all

; the first number is character counts of its line, the 2nd number is counts of words

;37, 6    The Open Web Application Security Pro
;37, 6    ject(OWASP) provides a very good list
;37, 7     of the Top 10 web application securi
;37, 7    ty flaws, including an summary of the
;37, 6     nature, severity and impact of each.

Code: Select all

characterBasedSentenceArrangement(문장, 줄수)
	StringSplit, 글자, 문장
	전체글자수 := StrLen( 문장)
	줄당글자수 := Floor( 전체글자수/줄수) 				
	잔여글자수 := Mod( 전체글자수, 줄당글자수)
	문장재구성 := Array()	
	Loop % 줄수
		글자한개추가 := 0
		If ( A_Index <= 잔여글자수)
			글자한개추가 := 1
		이번줄내용 := "" 
		Loop % 줄당글자수 + 글자한개추가
			색인 ++		
			이번줄내용 .= 글자%색인% 
		문장재구성.Insert( 이번줄내용 )
	For Each, 한줄내용 in 문장재구성				
		RegExReplace( RegExReplace( 한줄내용, "\s+", " "), "\S+", "", 한줄단어수 )	
		결과 .= StrLen( 한줄내용) ", " 한줄단어수 "    " 한줄내용 "`n"		
	StringTrimRight, 결과, 결과, 1    
	Return 결과
Second try
-word by word
-exactly 6 words each line
-arrangement is worst, because each words has its own length
-no broken words at all

Code: Select all

;49, 6    The Open Web Application Security Project(OWASP) 
;29, 6    provides a very good list of 
;36, 6    the Top 10 web application security 
;35, 6    flaws, including an summary of the 
;37, 6    nature, severity and impact of each.

Code: Select all

wordBasedSentenceArrangement(문장, 줄수)
	StringSplit, 단어, 문장, % A_Space
	전체단어수 := 단어0
	줄당단어수 := 전체단어수//줄수 				    
	잔여단어수 := Mod( 전체단어수, 줄당단어수)
	문장재구성 := Array()	
	Loop % 줄수
		단어한개추가 := 0
		If ( A_Index <= 잔여단어수)
			단어한개추가 := 1
		이번줄내용 := "" 
		Loop % 줄당단어수 + 단어한개추가
			색인 ++		
			이번줄내용 .= 단어%색인% " "
		문장재구성.Insert( 이번줄내용 )
	For Each, 한줄 in 문장재구성				
		RegExReplace( RegExReplace( 한줄, "\s+", " "), "\S+", "", 한줄단어수 )	
		결과 .= StrLen( 한줄) ", " 한줄단어수 "    " 한줄 "`n"		
	StringTrimRight, 결과, 결과, 1  
	Return 결과
Last try
-modification of the first
-it is my best

Code: Select all

;34, 5    The Open Web Application Security 
;41, 6    Project(OWASP) provides a very good list 
;39, 7    of the Top 10 web application security 
;35, 6    flaws, including an summary of the 
;36, 6    nature, severity and impact of each.

Code: Select all

characterBasedSentenceArrangementModified(문장, 줄수)
	StringSplit, 글자, 문장
	쪽집게 := Array()		
	Loop % 글자0
		StringLeft, 좌측전체, 문장, % A_Index 								
		StringTrimLeft,	우측전체, 문장 , % A_Index  					
		단어전반 := RegExReplace( 좌측전체, ".*?([^ ]*)$", "${1}")
		단어후반 := RegExReplace( 우측전체, "^([^ ]*).*", "${1}")
		쪽집게.Insert([단어전반, 단어후반])                                 
	전체글자수 := StrLen( 문장)
	줄당글자수 := Floor( 전체글자수/줄수) 			
	잔여글자수 := Mod( 전체글자수, 줄당글자수)
	문장재구성 := Array()		
	색인 := 1
	Loop % 줄수
		글자한개추가 := 0
		If ( A_Index <= 잔여글자수)
			글자한개추가 := 1
		이번줄글자개수 := 줄당글자수 + 글자한개추가
		이번줄맨끝색인 := 색인 + 이번줄글자개수
		If ( A_Index - 1 < 줄수 )                                                             		
			맨끝단어전반길이 := StrLen( 쪽집게[이번줄맨끝색인][1])      		
			맨끝단어후반길이 := StrLen( 쪽집게[이번줄맨끝색인][2])
			If ( 맨끝단어전반길이 < 맨끝단어후반길이)                               		
				이번줄글자개수 := 이번줄글자개수 - 맨끝단어전반길이
				이번줄글자개수 := 이번줄글자개수 + 맨끝단어후반길이 + 1
			이번줄글자개수 := 전체글자카운트 - 전체글자색인      
		이번줄내용 := "" 
		Loop % 이번줄글자개수 + 1
			이번줄내용 .= 글자%색인% 	
			색인 ++	
		문장재구성.Insert( 이번줄내용)
	For Each, 한줄 in 문장재구성				
		RegExReplace( RegExReplace( 한줄, "\s+", " "), "\S+", "", 한줄단어수 )	
		결과 .= StrLen( 한줄) ", " 한줄단어수 "    " 한줄 "`n"		
	StringTrimRight, 결과, 결과, 1  
	Return 결과
Any good tips ?


Ah.... I just figured out, for the last line of them.
Its condition is very simple.
If it has at least one word(including last dot) that is fine enough.
So, the solutions could be some.. easier or more difficult ? I do not know...
Last edited by IMEime on 17 Dec 2018, 05:43, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Text Handling - Split a sentence into several small ones.

17 Dec 2018, 01:46

Wordwrap then...
I use this one, it's rather simple & works perfectly... https://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/Word_wrap#AutoHotkey

Although,i don't quiet understand the need to split a sentence to a specific number of lines instead of a maximum character width ,given you're dealing with a sentence... Regardless though the function i linked is just as useful, you could simply loop the character width until the resulting wordwrap is a desired number of lines.

Code: Select all

str = The Open Web Application Security Project(OWASP) provides a very good list of the Top 10 web application security flaws, including an summary of the nature, severity and impact of each.

MsgBox % WrapText(str, 30)

;or to specific number of lines...
maxNumberOfLines := 5
	lineWrapped := WrapText(str,A_Index)
Until StringCharCount(lineWrapped,"`n") < maxNumberOfLines
MsgBox % lineWrapped

WrapText(Text, LineLength) {
	StringReplace, Text, Text, `r`n, %A_Space%, All
	while (p := RegExMatch(Text, "(.{1," LineLength "})(\s|\R+|$)", Match, p ? p + StrLen(Match) : 1))
		Result .= Match1 ((Match2 = A_Space || Match2 = A_Tab) ? "`n" : Match2)
	return, Result

;Returns the number of ooccurrences of a character in a string
StringCharCount(string, char){
StringReplace, string, string, %char%, %char%, UseErrorLevel
Return ErrorLevel

Last edited by CyL0N on 17 Dec 2018, 07:19, edited 1 time in total.
live ? long & prosper : regards
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Re: Text Handling - Split a sentence into several small ones.

17 Dec 2018, 03:55


must be

Code: Select all

Until StringCharCount(lineWrapped,"`n") < maxNumberOfLines
or else you have one line more :D
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Re: Text Handling - Split a sentence into several small ones.

17 Dec 2018, 04:02

I wrote some similar code, here:
add word wrap to a string - AutoHotkey Community
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Re: Text Handling - Split a sentence into several small ones.

17 Dec 2018, 05:25

CyL0N wrote:
17 Dec 2018, 01:46
Wordwrap then...
I use this one, it's rather simple & works perfectly... https://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/Word_wrap#AutoHotkey
Wow.. Thanks good info.

I Do have no idea any kind of previous efforts, I just wrote my code blindly.
I even do not know its name "WordWrapper".
That looks good code.
Thanks again.
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Joined: 20 Sep 2014, 06:15

Re: Text Handling - Split a sentence into several small ones.

17 Dec 2018, 05:27

jeeswg wrote:
17 Dec 2018, 04:02
I wrote some similar code, here:
add word wrap to a string - AutoHotkey Community
I'll take care of it with leisure time.
Posts: 750
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Re: Text Handling - Split a sentence into several small ones.

17 Dec 2018, 05:41

changed the name of this post a little bit including "WordWrapper"
cheers !
Posts: 750
Joined: 20 Sep 2014, 06:15

Re: Text Handling - Split a sentence into several small ones [WordWrapper]

17 Dec 2018, 06:27

wow nice codes

Code: Select all

myString := "The Open Web Application Security Project(OWASP) provides a very good list of the Top 10 web application security flaws, including an summary of the nature, severity and impact of each."
myTargetLineCounts := 5
	myWidth := A_Index
	myCase := WrapText(myString, myWidth)
	myLineCount := StringCharCount( myCase, "`n") + 1
	If ( myPreviousCase = myCase )  ;  remove duplicate
	myPreviousCase := myCase
	If ( myLineCount < myTargetLineCounts)		
	If ( myLineCount > myTargetLineCounts)		
	myCaseIndex ++
	myResults .= """" myWidth """" "  Case_" myCaseIndex  "`n" myCase "`n`n"
MsgBox % myResults

WrapText( Text, LineLength) 
;	WordWrapper
;	https://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/Word_wrap#AutoHotkey
	StringReplace, Text, Text, `r`n, % A_Space, All
	While (p := RegExMatch( Text, "(.{1," LineLength "})(\s|\R+|$)", Match, p ? p + StrLen( Match) : 1))
		Result .= Match1 ((Match2 = A_Space || Match2 = A_Tab) ? "`n" : Match2)
	Return Result
StringCharCount( string, char)
;	Thanks "CyL0N"
;	Returns the number of ooccurrences of a character in a string
	StringReplace, string, string, %char%, %char%, UseErrorLevel
	Return ErrorLevel
Now I have 5 cases !!!
"40" Case_1
The Open Web Application Security
Project(OWASP) provides a very good list
of the Top 10 web application security
flaws, including an summary of the
nature, severity and impact of each.

"42" Case_2
The Open Web Application Security
Project(OWASP) provides a very good list
of the Top 10 web application security
flaws, including an summary of the nature,
severity and impact of each.

"43" Case_3
The Open Web Application Security
Project(OWASP) provides a very good list of
the Top 10 web application security flaws,
including an summary of the nature,
severity and impact of each.

"44" Case_4
The Open Web Application Security
Project(OWASP) provides a very good list of
the Top 10 web application security flaws,
including an summary of the nature, severity
and impact of each.

"47" Case_5
The Open Web Application Security
Project(OWASP) provides a very good list of the
Top 10 web application security flaws,
including an summary of the nature, severity
and impact of each.
So, I am looking for Comparison/Assessment methods.
I am not good at Math/Statistics/DistributionCalculations... so, I have to Google.
Posts: 750
Joined: 20 Sep 2014, 06:15

Re: Text Handling - Split a sentence into several small ones [WordWrapper]

17 Dec 2018, 09:25

Finished with simple Math.
My choice should be "Case 1"

Code: Select all

myString := "The Open Web Application Security Project(OWASP) provides a very good list of the Top 10 web application security flaws, including an summary of the nature, severity and impact of each."
myTargetLineCounts := 5
	myWidth := A_Index
	myCase := WrapText(myString, myWidth)
	myLineCount := StringCharCount( myCase, "`n") + 1
	If ( myPreviousCase = myCase )  ;  remove duplicate
	myPreviousCase := myCase
	If ( myLineCount < myTargetLineCounts)	
	If ( myLineCount > myTargetLineCounts)		
	myLineArray := StrSplit( myCase, "`n")
	myLineArray.Remove( myLineArray.MaxIndex() )		  ;  except the last line
	myLineArrayTotalWords := 0
	myDeviationValue := 0
	For Each, x in myLineArray			
		myLineArrayTotalWords += StrLen( x)
	myLineArrayMeanWordCount := myLineArrayTotalWords/myLineArray.MaxIndex()  
	For Each, x in myLineArray			
		myDeviationValue += ( Abs( StrLen( x) - myLineArrayMeanWordCount))**2
	myCaseIndex ++
	myResults .= "Case_" myCaseIndex  "     deviationValue_"  Round( myDeviationValue) "`n" myCase "`n`n"
MsgBox % myResults 
WrapText( Text, LineLength) 
;	WordWrapper
;	https://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/Word_wrap#AutoHotkey
	StringReplace, Text, Text, `r`n, % A_Space, All
	While (p := RegExMatch( Text, "(.{1," LineLength "})(\s|\R+|$)", Match, p ? p + StrLen( Match) : 1))
		Result .= Match1 ((Match2 = A_Space || Match2 = A_Tab) ? "`n" : Match2)
	Return Result
StringCharCount( string, char)
;	Thanks "CyL0N"
;	Returns the number of ooccurrences of a character in a string
	StringReplace, string, string, %char%, %char%, UseErrorLevel
	Return ErrorLevel
Case_1 deviationValue_33
The Open Web Application Security
Project(OWASP) provides a very good list
of the Top 10 web application security
flaws, including an summary of the
nature, severity and impact of each.

Case_2 deviationValue_45
The Open Web Application Security
Project(OWASP) provides a very good list
of the Top 10 web application security
flaws, including an summary of the nature,
severity and impact of each.

Case_3 deviationValue_75
The Open Web Application Security
Project(OWASP) provides a very good list of
the Top 10 web application security flaws,
including an summary of the nature,
severity and impact of each.

Case_4 deviationValue_77
The Open Web Application Security
Project(OWASP) provides a very good list of
the Top 10 web application security flaws,
including an summary of the nature, severity
and impact of each.

Case_5 deviationValue_117
The Open Web Application Security
Project(OWASP) provides a very good list of the
Top 10 web application security flaws,
including an summary of the nature, severity
and impact of each.
Thanks a lot Guys !!!
Posts: 750
Joined: 20 Sep 2014, 06:15

Re: Text Handling - Split a sentence into several small ones.

17 Dec 2018, 18:28

jeeswg wrote:
17 Dec 2018, 04:02
I wrote some similar code, here:
add word wrap to a string - AutoHotkey Community
Well, I have just tested Yours.
Yes, It's working nice. Perfect.
I like it too.
Posts: 750
Joined: 20 Sep 2014, 06:15

Re: Text Handling - Split a sentence into several small ones [WordWrapper]

18 Dec 2018, 05:07

I have changed my code a little bit (actually totally changed)
It should be changed into Rosetta's but, I am done. I quit here.

This one gives me "the Best" result.
I have no Idea how this could be happened - and I do not care about it
I just wrote my code, blindly as usually
When it is working, I am satisfied with that, 100%


Code: Select all

myWordWrapper(mySentence, myChracterCount)
		myIndex += StrLen( myModified) = 0 ? 1 : StrLen( myModified) 	
		myNotModified := SubStr( mySentence, myIndex, myChracterCount)
		If (myIndex + StrLen( myNotModified) >= StrLen( mySentence))
			myResult .= myNotModified "`n"	
		myModified := RegExReplace( myNotModified, "\S+$")				 
		If (myModified = "")											
			myResult .= myNotModified "`n"
			myResult .= myModified "`n" 
	Return SubStr( myResult, 1, - 1)
Last edited by IMEime on 18 Dec 2018, 10:36, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 750
Joined: 20 Sep 2014, 06:15

Re: Text Handling - Split a sentence into several small ones [WordWrapper]

18 Dec 2018, 10:33

Some of it
-from the lower deviation value
-ignoring the last line (5th)
-just for fun
myCode deviationValue_21
The Open Web Application Security
Project(OWASP) provides a very good
list of the Top 10 web application
security flaws, including an summary of
the nature, severity and impact of each.

myCode deviationValue_33
The Open Web Application Security
Project(OWASP) provides a very good list
of the Top 10 web application security
flaws, including an summary of the
nature, severity and impact of each.

JEE deviationValue_33
The Open Web Application Security
Project(OWASP) provides a very good list
of the Top 10 web application security
flaws, including an summary of the
nature, severity and impact of each.

Rosetta deviationValue_33
The Open Web Application Security
Project(OWASP) provides a very good list
of the Top 10 web application security
flaws, including an summary of the
nature, severity and impact of each.

myCode deviationValue_45
The Open Web Application Security
Project(OWASP) provides a very good list
of the Top 10 web application security
flaws, including an summary of the nature,
severity and impact of each.

JEE deviationValue_45
The Open Web Application Security
Project(OWASP) provides a very good list
of the Top 10 web application security
flaws, including an summary of the nature,
severity and impact of each.
-Not Ignoring the last line
-the order is not so beautiful, Because I'm bad at Array sorting (but the trend is not so bad)
myCode deviationValue_32
The Open Web Application Security
Project(OWASP) provides a very good
list of the Top 10 web application
security flaws, including an summary of
the nature, severity and impact of each.

myCode deviationValue_34
The Open Web Application Security
Project(OWASP) provides a very good list
of the Top 10 web application security
flaws, including an summary of the
nature, severity and impact of each.

JEE deviationValue_33
The Open Web Application Security
Project(OWASP) provides a very good list
of the Top 10 web application security
flaws, including an summary of the
nature, severity and impact of each.

Rosetta deviationValue_33
The Open Web Application Security
Project(OWASP) provides a very good list
of the Top 10 web application security
flaws, including an summary of the
nature, severity and impact of each.

JEE deviationValue_129
The Open Web Application Security
Project(OWASP) provides a very good list
of the Top 10 web application security
flaws, including an summary of the nature,
severity and impact of each.

Rosetta deviationValue_129
The Open Web Application Security
Project(OWASP) provides a very good list
of the Top 10 web application security
flaws, including an summary of the nature,
severity and impact of each.

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