SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.0.06.01 [Updated October 12 2014]

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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.0.06 [Updated August 18 2014]

22 Aug 2014, 15:21

toralf wrote:Is there somewhere a list of available extensions?
Are there no lists or no extensions available?
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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.0.06 [Updated August 18 2014]

22 Aug 2014, 19:05

I have some plugins... But currently, I don't there is any list of such kind... :(
@fincs Y U IGNORE?! :P
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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.0.06 [Updated August 18 2014]

23 Aug 2014, 02:36

To reproduce you need to press MButton before you close.
toralf wrote:
toralf wrote:Is there somewhere a list of available extensions?
Are there no lists or no extensions available?
I don't think so, but I could create the thing you want probably.
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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.0.06 [Updated August 18 2014]

29 Aug 2014, 11:18

Not sure if this is the right place to make a feature request, but here goes...

Would it be possible to allow opening multiple SciTe windows?
This would allow the user to see different scripts side by side. In Notepad++, you can do this by "dragging" the tabs of various scripts along the top of the window.
This would also allow the user to be in multiple places within a single script. In Notepad++, you can do this by right clicking a script's tab and selecting "Open in new instance".

I think this could potentially add a lot of value to SciTe4AutoHotkey.
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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.0.06 [Updated August 18 2014]

29 Aug 2014, 13:23

By adding the following to your file, you can have SciTE open multiple times by clciking Control+Shift+N

# Open multiple instances*=Open in New Window
command.17.*="$(SciteDefaultHome)\SciTE.exe" -save.session=0 "$(FilePath)"
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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.0.06 [Updated August 18 2014]

29 Aug 2014, 13:39

BTW- Here is a link to my SciTE user.properies file ... properties as well as the actual text below. It is (fairly well) annotated. Please make sure you backup your own copy before trying mine or simply cut/paste bits of it into yours.

Code: Select all

# User initialization file for SciTE4AutoHotkey
# You are encouraged to edit this file!

# Import settings / properties 
import _platform
import _config

# Import settings / properties (*** IMPORTANT- files are expected in this folder)
import B:\Progs\Scite_Install\Properties\html
import B:\Progs\Scite_Install\Properties\python
import B:\Progs\Scite_Install\Properties\sql
import B:\Progs\Scite_Install\Properties\powershell
import B:\Progs\Scite_Install\Properties\spss

# Define the Lexer menu,
# Each item contains three parts: menu string | file extension | key
# The only keys allowed currently are based on F-keys and alphabetic keys and look like # [Ctrl+][Shift+][Fn|a] such as F12 or Ctrl+Shift+D.
# A '&' may be placed before a letter to be used as an accelerator. This does not work on GTK+.

#~ Defines the entries in the Language menu and the file extensions they map to. Each menu item is defined by 3 elements, language name, extension and an optional keyboard equivalent. Each element is terminated by '|'. For example:
#~ H&ypertext|html|F12|

# language 
&INI and property files|ini||\

#~ Disables Tillago and stupid icon in system tray

#~ When both this and load.on.activate are set to 1, SciTE will ask if you really want to reload the modified file, giving you the chance to keep the file as it is. By default this property is disabled, causing SciTE to reload the file without bothering you.

#~ The load.on.activate property causes SciTE to check whether the current file has been updated by another process whenever it is activated. This is useful when another editor such as a WYSIWYG HTML editor, is being used in conjunction with SciTE.

#~ Setting this to 1 makes the tool bar larger and use larger icons.

#~ SciTE is able to display a column of line numbers to the left of the selection margin. Setting line.margin.visible to 1 makes this column visible at startup. The line.margin.width property controls how much space is reserved for the line numbers, in terms of the number of digits that can be displayed. To specify that the margin should expand if needed to accommodate larger line numbers, add a '+' after the number of digits, e.g. line.margin.width=3+.
#~ Setting this to a number makes SciTE display a selection margin to the left of the text. The value is the number of pixels wide the selection margin should be. Line markers are displayed in the selection margin area.

#~ If there is another copy of SciTE open, set the initial window position to be with the left side at position.left + position.width so that most of the time you can see both copies at once without overlap. Works nicely if position.left set to 0 and position.width set to half of the screen width.

#~ On Windows Vista or newer, this can be set to 1 to use the Direct2D and DirectWrite APIs for higher quality antialiased drawing. The default is 0.

#~ Files dropped on SciTE on Windows are normally opened asynchronously as there may be a long list. However, files dragged from some applications such as 7-Zip may only exist for a moment in the temporary directory and be deleted once the drop has occurred.
#~ Setting this to 1 makes SciTE open dropped files in the temporary directory immediately.

#~ api.*.py=$(SciteDefaultHome)/python3.api
#~ api.*.pyw=$(SciteDefaultHome)/python3.api
#~ api.*.py=$(SciteUserHome)/python3.api
#~ api.*.pyw=$(SciteUserHome)/python3.api
#~ For Python, automatically indent by one level if the previous line ended in a ':' ignoring comments and whitespace. Otherwise use the same indentation as the previous line. This property overrides other indentation settings.
#~ indent.python.colon=1
#~ This option enables folding multi-line quoted strings when using the Python lexer.

# Set default directory to last open script

$(CurrentDate)  $(CurrentTime)                                         |$(EOLMode)|$(OverType)|Ln $(LineNumber) of $(NbOfLines)|Col $(ColumnNumber)|
$(BufferLength) chars in $(NbOfLines) lines  |  Selc:  $(SelLength) chars in $(SelHeight) lines
$(FileDate)   $(FileTime)   |   [ $(FileAttr) ]   |   $(FilePath)

;******************CONTEXT MENU*************************************.
# Add items to SciTE's context menu (right click menu)   #get others here:\
**************Save*************** |IDM_SAVE|\
View White Space|IDM_VIEWSPACE|\
View End of Line|IDM_VIEWEOL|\
Open File of Path Selected (no quotes) |IDM_OPENSELECTED|\
Copy Path of THIS File|IDM_COPYPATH|\
Stop Execution|IDM_STOPEXECUTE|\
# this is helpful for stopping Python scripts from running

#~ ;****************# User defined hot key commands*****#  get others here: 
# following is Control shift d will delete all text in the document

;**********************Auto complete*********************************
# When set to 1 and an autocompletion list is invoked and there is only one element in that list then that element is automatically chosen. This means that the matched element is inserted and the list is not displayed.
# If this setting is 1 then when typing a word, if only one word in the document starts with that string then an autocompletion list is displayed with that word so it can be chosen by pressing Tab.

# alternative find window (as strip at bottom of page)
# alternative Replace window

# clears output window before exuciting
# moves split screento verticle and sets default to hav
#~ Set default format to unicode / UTF-8

#~ Set default format to unicode / UTF-8

#~ Keep track of recent files

# Open multiple instances*=Open in New Window
command.17.*="$(SciteDefaultHome)\SciTE.exe" -save.session=0 "$(FilePath)"*=Open New Window
command.18.*="$(SciteDefaultHome)\SciTE.exe" -save.session=0

# configure fonts
font.monospace=font:Courier New,size:12

font.base=font:Courier New,size:13
#~ font.base=font:Ariel Unicode MS,size:12
#~ font.base=font:Courier,size:13
#~ style.*.32=$(font.base),back:#ececec,fore:#000000

# Background and foreground for selected text.   Use hex colors such as FF0000 for red

# change magnification level when SciTE starts

# changes the default comment insert (control d).  I added some extra spaces
#~ comment.block.ahk1=;~  

#~ This setting allows choosing different ways of drawing text on Windows and OS X. The appearance will depend on platform settings and, on Windows, the technology setting. This setting does not currently have any effect on GTK+. 0=defualt 1=Non-Antialiased 2=Antialiased 3=LCD Optimized

#~ As well as the styles generated by the lexer, there are other numbered styles used.
#~ Style 32 is the default style and its features will be inherited by all other styles unless overridden.
#~ Style 33 is used to display line numbers in the margin.
#~ Styles 34 and 35 are used to display matching and non-matching braces respectively.
#~ Style 36 is used for displaying control characters. This is not a full style as the foreground and background colours for control characters are determined by their lexical state rather than this style.
#~ Style 37 is used for displaying indentation guides. Only the fore and back are used.
#~ Style 38 is used for displaying calltips. Only the font, size, fore and back are used.
#~ A * can be used instead of a lexer to indicate a global style setting.

# set  matching braces color and checking




#~ indent.maintain.ahk=1

#~ For XML and HTML, setting this property to 1 will automatically insert the corresponding end tag when '>' is typed to end a start tag. Type "<td>" and the result will be "<td></td>" with the caret placed between the tags.
#~ To avoid accidentally loading huge files on slow media, or just to ensure SciTE is used only to edit human readable code, the user can set the max.file.size property to specify a limit to file loading. If unset or set to 0, there is no limit. If set to a given size in bytes and if a file to load exceeds this limit, the user is asked if the file should be loaded. If accepted, the file is read as usual. If rejected then no action is taken (no file loaded, no buffer created).

#~ Chooses how the file name is displayed in the title bar. When 0 (default) the file name is displayed. When 1 the full path is displayed. When 2 the window title displays "filename in directory".

#~ this affects the other found words of the highlighted word
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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.0.06 [Updated August 18 2014]

29 Aug 2014, 14:37

Wow Joe, thanks a bunch man! That's some good stuff. And like you said, well annotated. I just got a ton of enhanced functionality. Love the fact that it underlines duplicate words when you're on a specific word or have it selected. Cooool! Is there a SciTe help file somewhere I've never seen where I can read up about the various options?

I had to change the font down a bit, it was too big.

Also, the following part didn't seem to be working correctly. If I start with my first window either a) snapped to left side of screen and so full height, or b) not snapped, but sized to be approximately half the screen x full height, in both cases, the second window just opens up in what seems like a default width x height over top of the other window. How could I try to change this to make it work per the annotation?

Code: Select all

#~ If there is another copy of SciTE open, set the initial window position to be with the left side at position.left + position.width so that most of the time you can see both copies at once without overlap. Works nicely if position.left set to 0 and position.width set to half of the screen width.
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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.0.06 [Updated August 18 2014]

29 Aug 2014, 15:07

I learned a ton from the main website as well as this particular post which is the same guy that made this video ... WYdVmULKW0. Some of the stuff in the video absolutely blew me away!
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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.0.06 [Updated August 18 2014]

31 Aug 2014, 23:08

I need to relocate the Profile folder (currently @ My Documents\AutoHotkey\SciTE\). A quick check of the 'properties' files and Registry didn't show anything. In the virtual environment I'm working in it's necessary to use the Installer (vs. Portable) version, but Junctions (Symbolic Links) can't be used. I'm hoping the link's not hardcoded...

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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.0.06 [Updated August 18 2014]

02 Sep 2014, 02:55

I would try setting the SciTE_HOME environment variable, and also moving the global properties files to the same directory.

If that doesn't work, I would try converting the installed version to "portable" by adding a file named $PORTABLE to the same directory as the SciTE executable. I suppose that mightn't be an option, depending on why you need to use the installer version.
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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.0.06 [Updated August 18 2014]

02 Sep 2014, 20:47

Hi Fincs,

I have 3 comments about SciTE

1) Every time I install SciTE it resets the settings, for instance to not create .bak files. I don't want to restore the old properties files in case there are settings that have been added or changed. Would it be possible to have it try to import the old settings into the newly installed settings files?
Also, just out of curiosity, what's the difference between the settings files created in the SciTE install folder and those created in My Documents\AutoHotkey\SciTE ?
On a related note, it appears the "make.backup" setting is in the file SciTE\newuser\ which says "THIS FILE IS SCRIPT-GENERATED - DON'T TOUCH". If I don't want .bak files should I edit that?

2) In the new version, if you have the search bar open but have the Scintilla control focused, and you switch windows and then return to SciTE, focus returns to the search bar. Wouldn't it make more sense if focus was kept where it was left?

3) About the toolbar and not SciTE itself - if you open SciTE and then close it again quickly you are liable to get an error message from Autorun.ahk: either the AutoHotkey-generated error dialogs "Bad SciTE Window!" or something about the toolbar interface not found (unable to reproduce it at the moment), or the AutoHotkey errors SendMessage FAIL line 18 or object invoked has disconnected line 19. I think preventing those dialogs from displaying would be an adequate response.

Thanks! Awesome software I use it every day :)
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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.0.06 [Updated August 18 2014]

03 Sep 2014, 10:43

1) You should NOT edit the S4AHK program files for several reasons, one of them being indeed the fact that they are overwritten every single time you update the program. The following warning message is present in all global property files:
Do NOT edit this file! If there is someting here you want to change, go to Options > Open User properties, copy the setting there and change it. If you instead want to delete a setting, just write an analogous line in the User properties that sets it to blank.
The files at newuser are the template folder that is copied to My Documents\AutoHotkey\SciTE when a user first opens S4AHK.
Sidenote: in order to disable backups, go to Tools > SciTE4AutoHotkey settings, untick 'Auto-backups' and click Update.

2) No idea, I haven't modified that part.

3) It'd be nice if you managed to reliably reproduce this issue (it's been reported by other users). I've never been able to reproduce it.
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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.0.06 [Updated August 18 2014]

03 Sep 2014, 21:50

lexikos wrote:I would try setting the SciTE_HOME environment variable, and also moving the global properties files to the same directory.

If that doesn't work, I would try converting the installed version to "portable" by adding a file named $PORTABLE to the same directory as the SciTE executable. I suppose that mightn't be an option, depending on why you need to use the installer version.
Thanks for your input. The environment variable approach almost works, but whatever writes to 'My Doc~\Auto~\SciTE\' ignores the redirection.

So, on to the portable approach. It's only an issue because of the way the virtual image's built...
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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.0.06 [Updated August 18 2014]

04 Sep 2014, 07:02

I successfully created a "SciTE_HOME" variable and moved my properties files to a new location (which is under DropBox- I have 4 computers I work on frequently so now my file will be synced across all of them.

There are two things that I had to play with:
1) move EVERYTHING that was in my SciTE folder under the old "my documents" section to the new location. (This way all Finc's hard work for AutoHotKey can still be used)
2) change my import commands to be relative to the new location. for instance- all of my properties files I install are located in a sub-folder under my new location. here is how I call the import files now:
  • import Properties\html
    import Properties\sql
    import Properties\python
    import Properties\spss
    import _platform
    import _config
    import xml
Thanks again for your help Fincs! I love SciTE and this just made it much easier for me to keep things up to date across all my computers. :D
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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.0.06 [Updated August 18 2014]

08 Sep 2014, 04:56

Dougal wrote:Agree its probably due to installing a second instance, 3.0.06 still has context menu entry for me. Anyway this is the key you need:

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AutoHotkeyScript\Shell\Edit\Command, default = "C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\SciTE\SciTE.exe" "%1"

Adjust the path if you installed elsewhere.

I also change the label to include the e shortcut so I don't have to click the menu entry (my context menu looks like something by Tolstoy).

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AutoHotkeyScript\Shell\Edit, default = &Edit Script
Thank you Dougal,

I actually had and still have this entrys in my registry.
The problem was, that I renamed my old installation folder to SciTE_3.0.05.1 and during installation of the new version I've deceided to install in a folder called SciTE_3.0.06..
In registry the path was the correct one with 3.0.06 in it but wasn't working.
Renamed installation folder to be only "SciTE", changed path in registry, et voila, the edit option appears in RightClickMenue as usual :)
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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.0.06 [Updated August 18 2014]

08 Sep 2014, 05:22

IRBaboon wrote:
Thank you Dougal,

I actually had and still have this entrys in my registry.
The problem was, that I renamed my old installation folder to SciTE_3.0.05.1 and during installation of the new version I've deceided to install in a folder called SciTE_3.0.06..
In registry the path was the correct one with 3.0.06 in it but wasn't working.
Renamed installation folder to be only "SciTE", changed path in registry, et voila, the edit option appears in RightClickMenue as usual :)
Strange, as right click context entries don't care if the command target exists until you select them. So you should have had the Edit option present, but it might not have done anything when selected if the command was malformed. You didn't use any environment variables in the path did you?

After renaming my SciTE folder to SciTE and changing the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AutoHotkeyScript\Shell\Edit\Command default value to "C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\SciTE\SciTE.exe" "%1", my context menu still includes Edit Script, and script opens in SciTE. Only reason I know for it not working is missing double quotes around the exe name or the parameter, but you would still have the context menu entry.

My entry is Edit Script because of the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AutoHotkeyScript\Shell\Edit default value (I want to differentiate between multiple editors), yours should have shown as Edit.

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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.0.06 [Updated August 18 2014]

08 Sep 2014, 06:00

Your programm successfully deleted everything from the installed folder. I had it installed to a directoy, and when i updated it, it WIPED EVERYTHING from the folder. I LOST EVERYTHING.

I can't even recover the files with recuva.....
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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.0.06 [Updated August 18 2014]

08 Sep 2014, 07:03

Dougal wrote:Strange, as right click context entries don't care if the command target exists until you select them. So you should have had the Edit option present, but it might not have done anything when selected if the command was malformed. You didn't use any environment variables in the path did you?

After renaming my SciTE folder to SciTE and changing the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AutoHotkeyScript\Shell\Edit\Command default value to "C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\SciTE\SciTE.exe" "%1", my context menu still includes Edit Script, and script opens in SciTE. Only reason I know for it not working is missing double quotes around the exe name or the parameter, but you would still have the context menu entry.

My entry is Edit Script because of the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AutoHotkeyScript\Shell\Edit default value (I want to differentiate between multiple editors), yours should have shown as Edit.

damn, forum logged me out during answering your post.. I repeat in short form:

I had exactly those two entries like you said in your first post, well formed cause installer made them, no path variables. The only difference to your test was the underscore which was also the problem, seems that windows can't handle it properly. I actually tested it. So try to avoid underscores in such cases :) .. but for me it shows up as a new option in "open with" and opens the script in S4AHK, not "edit script". But this is ok for me.

thank you again
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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.0.06 [Updated August 18 2014]

08 Sep 2014, 15:29

Thanks, learn something everyday. Who da thought underscore would be issue, normally safe in paths, and never heard of having to escape it. I will have to try it out.

Edit: I just tested with underscore and still works for me. I changed SciTE.exe folder to C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\SciTE_3.0.06, default value for registry key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AutoHotkeyScript\Shell\Edit\Command is "C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\SciTE_3.0.06\SciTE.exe" "%1", and right click select Edit Script opens it in SciTE. Very strange that it didn't work for you.

Last edited by Dougal on 09 Sep 2014, 06:19, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.0.06 [Updated August 18 2014]

09 Sep 2014, 03:11

Does Scite4Autohotkey lack .RawRead and .RawWrite?
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