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WatchFolder() - updated on 2021-10-14

Posted: 21 Jun 2015, 05:27
by just me
This is a rewrite of HotKeyIt's WatchDirectory(). It began when I tried to understand how WatchDirectory() is working and therefore 'translated' HotKeyIt's into my programming style. After a short discussion we decided that my version should be published discretely using a different name, so WatchFolder() was born.

Advantages (subjective):
  • no dependencies.
  • easy to use parameters passed to the user function.
Disadvantages (objective):
  • No filter options.
  • HotKeyIt for WatchDirectory().
  • zcooler for extensive testing.
Change History:


Code: Select all

; ==================================================================================================================================
; Function:       Notifies about changes within folders.
;                 This is a rewrite of HotKeyIt's WatchDirectory() released at
; Tested with:    AHK (A32/U32/U64)
; Tested on:      Win 10 Pro x64
; Usage:          WatchFolder(Folder, UserFunc[, SubTree := False[, Watch := 3]])
; Parameters:
;     Folder      -  The full qualified path of the folder to be watched.
;                    Pass the string "**PAUSE" and set UserFunc to either True or False to pause respectively resume watching.
;                    Pass the string "**END" and an arbitrary value in UserFunc to completely stop watching anytime.
;                    If not, it will be done internally on exit.
;     UserFunc    -  The name of a user-defined function to call on changes. The function must accept at least two parameters:
;                    1: The path of the affected folder. The final backslash is not included even if it is a drive's root
;                       directory (e.g. C:).
;                    2: An array of change notifications containing the following keys:
;                       Action:  One of the integer values specified as FILE_ACTION_... (see below).
;                                In case of renaming Action is set to FILE_ACTION_RENAMED (4).
;                       Name:    The full path of the changed file or folder.
;                       OldName: The previous path in case of renaming, otherwise not used.
;                       IsDir:   True if Name is a directory; otherwise False. In case of Action 2 (removed) IsDir is always False.
;                    Pass the string "**DEL" to remove the directory from the list of watched folders.
;     SubTree     -  Set to true if you want the whole subtree to be watched (i.e. the contents of all sub-folders).
;                    Default: False - sub-folders aren't watched.
;     Watch       -  The kind of changes to watch for. This can be one or any combination of the FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGES_...
;                    values specified below.
; Return values:
;     Returns True on success; otherwise False.
; Change history:
; me        -  bug-fix for addding, removing, or updating folders.
; me        -  bug-fix for closing handles with the '**END' option.
; me        -  bug-fix for multiple folders
; me        -  initial release
; License:
;     The Unlicense ->
; Remarks:
;     Due to the limits of the API function WaitForMultipleObjects() you cannot watch more than MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS (64)
;     folders simultaneously.
;     ReadDirectoryChangesW
;     FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME   = 1   (0x00000001) : Notify about renaming, creating, or deleting a file.
;     FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME    = 2   (0x00000002) : Notify about creating or deleting a directory.
;     FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES  = 4   (0x00000004) : Notify about attribute changes.
;     FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SIZE        = 8   (0x00000008) : Notify about any file-size change.
;     FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE  = 16  (0x00000010) : Notify about any change to the last write-time of files.
;     FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_ACCESS = 32  (0x00000020) : Notify about any change to the last access time of files.
;     FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_CREATION    = 64  (0x00000040) : Notify about any change to the creation time of files.
;     FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SECURITY    = 256 (0x00000100) : Notify about any security-descriptor change.
;     FILE_ACTION_ADDED              = 1   (0x00000001) : The file was added to the directory.
;     FILE_ACTION_REMOVED            = 2   (0x00000002) : The file was removed from the directory.
;     FILE_ACTION_MODIFIED           = 3   (0x00000003) : The file was modified.
;     FILE_ACTION_RENAMED            = 4   (0x00000004) : The file was renamed (not defined by Microsoft).
;     FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_OLD_NAME   = 4   (0x00000004) : The file was renamed and this is the old name.
;     FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_NEW_NAME   = 5   (0x00000005) : The file was renamed and this is the new name.
;     GetOverlappedResult  
;     CreateFile           
;     FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS     = 0x02000000
;     FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED           = 0x40000000
; ==================================================================================================================================
WatchFolder(Folder, UserFunc, SubTree := False, Watch := 0x03) {
   Static DummyObject := {Base: {__Delete: Func("WatchFolder").Bind("**END", "")}}
   Static TimerID := "**" . A_TickCount
   Static TimerFunc := Func("WatchFolder").Bind(TimerID, "")
   Static MAX_DIR_PATH := 260 - 12 + 1
   Static SizeOfLongPath := MAX_DIR_PATH << !!A_IsUnicode
   Static SizeOfFNI := 0xFFFF ; size of the FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION structure buffer (64 KB)
   Static SizeOfOVL := 32     ; size of the OVERLAPPED structure (64-bit)
   Static WatchedFolders := {}
   Static EventArray := []
   Static WaitObjects := 0
   Static BytesRead := 0
   Static Paused := False
   ; ===============================================================================================================================
   If (Folder = "")
      Return False
   SetTimer, % TimerFunc, Off
   RebuildWaitObjects := False
   ; ===============================================================================================================================
   If (Folder = TimerID) { ; called by timer
      If (ObjCount := EventArray.Count()) && !Paused {
         ObjIndex := DllCall("WaitForMultipleObjects", "UInt", ObjCount, "Ptr", &WaitObjects, "Int", 0, "UInt", 0, "UInt")
         While (ObjIndex >= 0) && (ObjIndex < ObjCount) {
            Event := NumGet(WaitObjects, ObjIndex * A_PtrSize, "UPtr")
            Folder := EventArray[Event]
            If DllCall("GetOverlappedResult", "Ptr", Folder.Handle, "Ptr", Folder.OVLAddr, "UIntP", BytesRead, "Int", True) {
               Changes := []
               FNIAddr := Folder.FNIAddr
               FNIMax := FNIAddr + BytesRead
               OffSet := 0
               PrevIndex := 0
               PrevAction := 0
               PrevName := ""
               Loop {
                  FNIAddr += Offset
                  OffSet := NumGet(FNIAddr + 0, "UInt")
                  Action := NumGet(FNIAddr + 4, "UInt")
                  Length := NumGet(FNIAddr + 8, "UInt") // 2
                  Name   := Folder.Name . "\" . StrGet(FNIAddr + 12, Length, "UTF-16")
                  IsDir  := InStr(FileExist(Name), "D") ? 1 : 0
                  If (Name = PrevName) {
                     If (Action = PrevAction)
                     If (Action = 1) && (PrevAction = 2) {
                        PrevAction := Action
                  If (Action = 4)
                     PrevIndex := Changes.Push({Action: Action, OldName: Name, IsDir: 0})
                  Else If (Action = 5) && (PrevAction = 4) {
                     Changes[PrevIndex, "Name"] := Name
                     Changes[PrevIndex, "IsDir"] := IsDir
                     PrevIndex := Changes.Push({Action: Action, Name: Name, IsDir: IsDir})
                  PrevAction := Action
                  PrevName := Name
               } Until (Offset = 0) || ((FNIAddr + Offset) > FNIMax)
               If (Changes.Length() > 0)
                  Folder.Func.Call(Folder.Name, Changes)
               DllCall("ResetEvent", "Ptr", Event)
               DllCall("ReadDirectoryChangesW", "Ptr", Folder.Handle, "Ptr", Folder.FNIAddr, "UInt", SizeOfFNI
                                              , "Int", Folder.SubTree, "UInt", Folder.Watch, "UInt", 0
                                              , "Ptr", Folder.OVLAddr, "Ptr", 0)
            ObjIndex := DllCall("WaitForMultipleObjects", "UInt", ObjCount, "Ptr", &WaitObjects, "Int", 0, "UInt", 0, "UInt")
            Sleep, 0
   ; ===============================================================================================================================
   Else If (Folder = "**PAUSE") { ; called to pause/resume watching
      Paused := !!UserFunc
      RebuildObjects := Paused
   ; ===============================================================================================================================
   Else If (Folder = "**END") { ; called to stop watching
      For Event, Folder In EventArray {
         DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr", Folder.Handle)
         DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr", Event)
      WatchedFolders := {}
      EventArray := []
      Paused := False
      Return True
   ; ===============================================================================================================================
   Else { ; called to add, update, or remove folders
      Folder := RTrim(Folder, "\")
      VarSetCapacity(LongPath, MAX_DIR_PATH << !!A_IsUnicode, 0)
      If !DllCall("GetLongPathName", "Str", Folder, "Ptr", &LongPath, "UInt", MAX_DIR_PATH)
         Return False
      VarSetCapacity(LongPath, -1)
      Folder := LongPath
      If (WatchedFolders.HasKey(Folder)) { ; update or remove
         Event :=  WatchedFolders[Folder]
         FolderObj := EventArray[Event]
         DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr", FolderObj.Handle)
         DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr", Event)
         RebuildWaitObjects := True
      If InStr(FileExist(Folder), "D") && (UserFunc <> "**DEL") && (EventArray.Count() < MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS) {
         If (IsFunc(UserFunc) && (UserFunc := Func(UserFunc)) && (UserFunc.MinParams >= 2)) && (Watch &= 0x017F) {
            Handle := DllCall("CreateFile", "Str", Folder . "\", "UInt", 0x01, "UInt", 0x07, "Ptr",0, "UInt", 0x03
                                          , "UInt", 0x42000000, "Ptr", 0, "UPtr")
            If (Handle > 0) {
               Event := DllCall("CreateEvent", "Ptr", 0, "Int", 1, "Int", 0, "Ptr", 0)
               FolderObj := {Name: Folder, Func: UserFunc, Handle: Handle, SubTree: !!SubTree, Watch: Watch}
               FolderObj.SetCapacity("FNIBuff", SizeOfFNI)
               FNIAddr := FolderObj.GetAddress("FNIBuff")
               DllCall("RtlZeroMemory", "Ptr", FNIAddr, "Ptr", SizeOfFNI)
               FolderObj["FNIAddr"] := FNIAddr
               FolderObj.SetCapacity("OVLBuff", SizeOfOVL)
               OVLAddr := FolderObj.GetAddress("OVLBuff")
               DllCall("RtlZeroMemory", "Ptr", OVLAddr, "Ptr", SizeOfOVL)
               NumPut(Event, OVLAddr + 8, A_PtrSize * 2, "Ptr")
               FolderObj["OVLAddr"] := OVLAddr
               DllCall("ReadDirectoryChangesW", "Ptr", Handle, "Ptr", FNIAddr, "UInt", SizeOfFNI, "Int", SubTree
                                              , "UInt", Watch, "UInt", 0, "Ptr", OVLAddr, "Ptr", 0)
               EventArray[Event] := FolderObj
               WatchedFolders[Folder] := Event
               RebuildWaitObjects := True
      If (RebuildWaitObjects) {
         VarSetCapacity(WaitObjects, MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS * A_PtrSize, 0)
         OffSet := &WaitObjects
         For Event In EventArray
            Offset := NumPut(Event, Offset + 0, 0, "Ptr")
   ; ===============================================================================================================================
   If (EventArray.Count() > 0)
      SetTimer, % TimerFunc, -100
   Return (RebuildWaitObjects) ; returns True on success, otherwise False

Code: Select all

#Include WatchFolder.ahk
SetBatchLines, -1
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gui, Margin, 20, 20
Gui, Add, Text, , Watch Folder:
Gui, Add, Edit, xm y+3 w730 vWatchedFolder cGray +ReadOnly, Select a folder ...
Gui, Add, Button, x+m yp w50 hp +Default vSelect gSelectFolder, ...
Gui, Add, Text, xm y+5, Watch Changes:
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xm y+3 vSubTree, In Sub-Tree
Gui, Add, Checkbox, x+5 yp vFiles Checked, Files
Gui, Add, Checkbox, x+5 yp vFolders Checked, Folders
Gui, Add, Checkbox, x+5 yp vAttr, Attributes
Gui, Add, Checkbox, x+5 yp vSize, Size
Gui, Add, Checkbox, x+5 yp vWrite, Last Write
Gui, Add, Checkbox, x+5 yp vAccess, Last Access
Gui, Add, Checkbox, x+5 yp vCreation, Creation
Gui, Add, Checkbox, x+5 yp vSecurity, Security
Gui, Add, ListView, xm w800 r15 vLV, TickCount|Folder|Action|Name|IsDir|OldName|%A_Space%
Gui, Add, Button, xm w100 gStartStop vAction +Disabled, Start
Gui, Add, Button, x+m yp wp gPauseResume vPause +Disabled, Pause
Gui, Add, Button, x+m yp wp gCLear, Clear
Gui, Show, , Watch Folder
GuiControl, Focus, Select
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   GuiControlGet, Caption, , Pause
   If (Caption = "Pause") {
      WatchFolder("**PAUSE", True)
      GuiControl, Disable, Action
      GuiControl, , Pause, Resume
   ELse {
      WatchFolder("**PAUSE", False)
      GuiControl, Enable, Action
      GuiControl, , Pause, Pause
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Gui, +OwnDialogs
   Gui, Submit, NoHide
   If !InStr(FileExist(WatchedFolder), "D") {
      MsgBox, 0, Error, "%WatchedFolder%" isn't a valid folder name!
   GuiControlGet, Caption, , Action
   If (Caption = "Start") {
      Watch := 0
      Watch |= Files ? 1 : 0
      Watch |= Folders ? 2 : 0
      Watch |= Attr ? 4 : 0
      Watch |= Size ? 8 : 0
      Watch |= Write ? 16 : 0
      Watch |= Access ? 32 : 0
      Watch |= Creation ? 64 : 0
      Watch |= Security ? 256 : 0
      If (Watch = 0) {
         GuiControl, , Files, 1
         GuiControl, , Folders, 1
         Watch := 3
      If !WatchFolder(WatchedFolder, "MyUserFunc", SubTree, Watch) {
         MsgBox, 0, Error, Call of WatchFolder() failed!
      GuiControl, , Action, Stop
      GuiControl, Disable, Select
      GuiControl, Enable, Pause
   Else {
      WatchFolder(WatchedFolder, "**DEL")
      GuiControl, , Action, Start
      GuiControl, Enable, Select
      GuiControl, Disable, Pause
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   FileSelectFolder, WatchedFolder
   If !(ErrorLevel) {
      GuiControl, +cDefault, WatchedFolder
      GuiControl, , WatchedFolder, %WatchedFolder%
      GuiControl, Enable, Action
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MyUserFunc(Folder, Changes) {
   Static Actions := ["1 (added)", "2 (removed)", "3 (modified)", "4 (renamed)"]
   TickCount := A_TickCount
   GuiControl, -ReDraw, LV
   For Each, Change In Changes
      LV_Modify(LV_Add("", TickCount, Folder, Actions[Change.Action], Change.Name, Change.IsDir, Change.OldName, ""), "Vis")
   Loop, % LV_GetCount("Columns")
      LV_ModifyCol(A_Index, "AutoHdr")
   GuiControl, +Redraw, LV
WatchFolder() at GitHub

Re: WatchFolder()

Posted: 23 Jun 2015, 10:16
by TheDewd
It's interesting to watch the root of the C:\ drive with all the options enabled.

Re: WatchFolder()

Posted: 23 Jun 2015, 20:39
by Joe Glines
I love the demo! I pointed it to my C drive and included sub directories. Then I launched one of my webscraping scripts and watched the files being added/deleted from my hard drive go crazy! Very useful function and demo!

Re: WatchFolder()

Posted: 04 Jul 2015, 05:47
by Guest10
Wow, I wonder why I was so late to discover this must-have! :morebeard:

Re: WatchFolder()

Posted: 14 Aug 2015, 09:07
by pom
Good job just me!
How to watch multiple folders?
This? WatchFolder("C:\Videos", "MyUserFunc"), WatchFolder("C:\Music", "MyUserFunc")
This? WatchFolder(["C:\Videos", "C:\Music"], "MyUserFunc")
Or this? WatchFolder("C:\Videos|C:\Music", "MyUserFunc")

Re: WatchFolder()

Posted: 14 Aug 2015, 09:53
by just me
; Folder - The full qualified path of the folder to be watched.
WatchFolder("C:\Videos", "MyUserFunc"), WatchFolder("C:\Music", "MyUserFunc")

Re: WatchFolder()

Posted: 17 Aug 2015, 01:56
by pom

Re: WatchFolder()

Posted: 23 Aug 2015, 06:31
by Guest10
By multiple, does it mean this can be extended to more than 2?: WatchFolder("C:\Videos", "MyUserFunc"), WatchFolder("C:\Music", "MyUserFunc") :morebeard:

Re: WatchFolder()

Posted: 24 Aug 2015, 02:39
by just me

Re: WatchFolder()

Posted: 01 Oct 2015, 12:41
by WombatVengeance
I've tried to figure this out for the last couple of hours, but without any simple examples, I can't make any sense of this. I just want to open a file when it is created in a specific directory. Can somebody please give an example of what that would look like?

Re: WatchFolder()

Posted: 01 Oct 2015, 13:37
by zcooler
WombatVengeance wrote:I've tried to figure this out for the last couple of hours, but without any simple examples, I can't make any sense of this. I just want to open a file when it is created in a specific directory. Can somebody please give an example of what that would look like?
Perhaps like this:

Re: WatchFolder()

Posted: 01 Oct 2015, 13:49
by WombatVengeance
Thank you!

Re: WatchFolder()

Posted: 04 Oct 2015, 07:42
by Guest10
zcooler, your example was very helpful!

Re: WatchFolder()

Posted: 07 Oct 2015, 04:55
by roflcoopter
Hello! I am getting an error in the WatchFolder function. It says Target label doesnt exist and points to the first line with SetTimer, % Timerfunc, Off.

What am i doing wrong?

Re: WatchFolder()

Posted: 07 Oct 2015, 05:05
by Nextron
You're using an old version of AutoHotkey. Download the most recent.

Re: WatchFolder()

Posted: 07 Oct 2015, 06:18
by roflcoopter
Oh okay, too bad. Im on my workcomputer and we cant just install or download new software. Is there any other workaround or similar function for older versions of AHK?

Re: WatchFolder()

Posted: 07 Oct 2015, 07:11
by Nextron
Which version are you using? Because this error will not be the only incompatibility. Using function references in timers was added in, which also added Func.Bind(args*), which is used in this function.
You could try something like this (untested)
Or use WatchDirectory() from 2010 which is mentioned in the top post.

Re: WatchFolder()

Posted: 08 Oct 2015, 01:23
by roflcoopter
Tried the code, im not getting the error now atleast but still cant get it to work. I'm on version Ill check out WatchDirectory.

Appreciate the help!

Re: WatchFolder()

Posted: 09 Feb 2016, 12:38
by -_+
just me, could you please make the script distinguish file move (as a single event)?
Currently, when a file is being moved - your script shows it as 2 events: old file was deleted, new one was created.

Re: WatchFolder()

Posted: 09 Feb 2016, 16:35
by just me
... your script shows it as 2 events: old file was deleted, new one was created.
That's exactly what happens in the file system in case of 'move'.