Zoom Shortcut for raising your hand

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Zoom Shortcut for raising your hand

31 Mar 2021, 08:06

This is the first script I created to work around Zoom's shortcut restrictions and its detection of the shortcut (Zoom has to be in focus for it to register).
I apologize if the script is too simple to be posted I just wanted to maybe help anyone out

Code: Select all

SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

#IfWinExist Zoom Meeting 	; This detects if a window with a title like that exists and only works if it does 
PgUp:: 				; This is my preferred key 
WinActivate Zoom Meeting 	; Focuses to that window
Send, !y 			;Sends the shortcut that zoom has pre-configured for raising the hand (ALT+Y) 
[Mod edit: [code][/code] tags added.]
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Re: Zoom Shortcut for raising your hand

06 Nov 2021, 15:18

Thanks for the script but it simply doesn't work for me. It doesn't raise the hand once the meeting starts (Zoom app is in focus). Any ideas why it doesn't work?
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Re: Zoom Shortcut for raising your hand

04 Dec 2021, 11:08

@TurBo: This script does not do what you think it is supposed to do. See this post in response to your other thread for an explanation.

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