CreateGradient() : Creates a linear gradient bitmap. (Horizontal / Vertical)

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CreateGradient() : Creates a linear gradient bitmap. (Horizontal / Vertical)

22 Jun 2021, 11:47

CreateGradient( Width, Height, IsVertical, Colors* )
  • Width, Height : Dimensions of target bitmap
  • IsVertical : Pass true for vertical gradience. By default, the function creates a horizontal linear gradient.
  • Colors: Array of colors in 0xRRGGBB format. Minimum 2 colors required. Default array is Black, White, Black.
This function is GDI based. For a GdiPlus based function, you may refer @just me 's [FUNC] LinearGradient
Two more related functions by me: CreateDDB() and CreateDIB()
The function (along with a demo)

Code: Select all

CreateGradient(W, H, V:=0, Colors*) {                     ; by SKAN on D46L/D46L @
  N := ( Colors := Colors.Count()>1 ? Colors : [ 0, 16777215, 0 ] ).Count()

, xOFF := (X := V ? W : 0) ? 0 : Ceil(W/(N-1))
, yOFF := (Y := V ? 0 : H) ? 0 : Ceil(H/(N-1))

, VarSetCapacity(VERT, N*16, 0)
, VarSetCapacity(MESH, N*8,  0)

  Loop % ( N,  pVert:=&VERT,  pMesh:=&MESH )
           X :=   V ? (X=0 ? W : X:=0) : X
         , Y :=  !V ? (Y=0 ? H : Y:=0) : Y
     , Color :=  Format("{:06X}", Colors[A_Index] & 0xFFFFFF)
     , Color :=  Format("0x{5:}{6:}00{3:}{4:}00{1:}{2:}00", StrSplit(Color)*)
     , pVert :=  NumPut(Color, NumPut(Y, NumPut(X, pVert+0, "Int"), "Int"), "Int64")
     , pMesh :=  NumPut(A_Index, NumPut(A_Index-1, pMesh+0, "Int"), "Int")
         , Z :=  V ? (Y += yOFF) : (X += xOFF)

  hBM := DllCall("Gdi32.dll\CreateBitmap", "Int",1, "Int",1, "Int",0x1, "Int",32, "PtrP",0, "Ptr")
, hBM := DllCall("User32.dll\CopyImage", "Ptr",hBM, "Int",0x0, "Int",W, "Int",H, "Int",0x008, "Ptr")
, mDC := DllCall("Gdi32.dll\CreateCompatibleDC", "Ptr",0, "Ptr")
, DllCall("Gdi32.dll\SaveDC", "Ptr",mDC)
, DllCall("Gdi32.dll\SelectObject", "Ptr",mDC, "Ptr",hBM)
, DllCall("Msimg32.dll\GradientFill", "Ptr",mDC, "Ptr",&VERT, "Int",N, "Ptr",&MESH, "Int",N-1, "Int",!!V)
, DllCall("Gdi32.dll\RestoreDC", "Ptr",mDC, "Int",-1)
, DllCall("Gdi32.dll\DeleteDC", "Ptr",mDC)

Return hBM

#SingleInstance, Force
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%
SetBatchLines, -1

SysColor := Format("0x{5:}{6:}{3:}{4:}{1:}{2:}", StrSplit(Format("{:06X}", DllCall("User32.dll\GetSysColor", "Int",15)))*)
Gui, New, -DPIScale, CreateGradient() Demo
Gui, Margin, 20, 20

Gui, Add, Picture,,        % H . CreateGradient(480,   1, 0x0, SysColor, 0x444444, 0x000000, 0x444444, SysColor)
Gui, Add, Picture,,        % H . CreateGradient(480,   1, 0x0, SysColor, 0x000044, 0x0000FF, 0x000044, SysColor)
Gui, Add, Picture,,        % H . CreateGradient(480,   1, 0x0, SysColor, 0xFF0000, 0x00FF00, 0x0000FF, SysColor)
Gui, Add, Picture,,        % H . CreateGradient(480,   1, 0x0, 0x0000FF, 0x00FF00, 0xFF0000, SysColor, SysColor, SysColor, 0xFF0000, 0x00FF00, 0x0000FF)
Gui, Add, Picture,,        % H . CreateGradient(480,   2, 0x0, 0x7F7F7F, 0x222222, 0x7F7F7F)
Gui, Add, Picture,,        % H . CreateGradient(480,   6, 0x0, 0xFF0000, 0xFFFF00, 0x00FF00, 0x00FFFF, 0x0000FF)
Gui, Add, Picture,,        % H . CreateGradient(6,   100, 0x1, SysColor, 0x0000AA, 0x0000FF, 0x0000AA, SysColor)

Gui, Add, Picture, x+m yp, % H . CreateGradient(37,  100, 0x1, 0x000000, 0xFFFFFF, 0x111111)
Gui, Add, Picture, x+m yp, % H . CreateGradient(37,  100, 0x0, 0x000000, 0xFFFFFF, 0x111111)
Gui, Add, Picture, x+m yp, % H . CreateGradient(100, 100, 0x1, 0x007F7F, 0x00AAAA, 0x00EEEE)
Gui, Add, Picture, x+m yp, % H . CreateGradient(100, 100, 0x1, 0x7F7F00, 0xAAAA00, 0xFFFF00)
Gui, Add, Picture, x+m yp, % H . CreateGradient(100, 100, 0x1, 0x7F007F, 0xAA00AA, 0xFF00FF)

Gui, Add, Picture, xm,     % H . CreateGradient(480,  50, 0x0
, 0xFF0000, 0xEE0000, 0xDD0000, 0xCC0000, 0xBB0000, 0xAA0000, 0x990000, 0x880000, 0x770000, 0x660000, 0x550000, 0x440000, 0x330000, 0x220000, 0x110000, 0x000000
, 0x001100, 0x002200, 0x003300, 0x004400, 0x005500, 0x006600, 0x007700, 0x008800, 0x009900, 0x00AA00, 0x00BB00, 0x00CC00, 0x00DD00, 0x00EE00, 0x00FF00
, 0x00EE00, 0x00DD00, 0x00CC00, 0x00BB00, 0x00AA00, 0x009900, 0x008800, 0x007700, 0x006600, 0x005500, 0x004400, 0x003300, 0x002200, 0x001100, 0x000000
, 0x000011, 0x000022, 0x000033, 0x000044, 0x000055, 0x000066, 0x000077, 0x000088, 0x000099, 0x0000AA, 0x0000BB, 0x0000CC, 0x0000DD, 0x0000EE, 0x0000FF)

Gui, Show

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22 Jun 2021, 19:10

Just a test script. Planning to use this for a color picker that I may never write.
I hope somebody beats me to it.

Code: Select all

_CreateGradient(Color, W:=256) {                     ; by SKAN on D46N/D46N @
  W := (W:=Format("{:d}", W)) < 256 ? 256 : W > 512 ? 512 : W
, Color := Format("{:06X}", Color & 0xFFFFFF)
, Color := Format("0x{5:}{6:}00{3:}{4:}00{1:}{2:}00", StrSplit(Color)*)

, VarSetCapacity(VERT, 4*16, 0)
, VarSetCapacity(MESH, 2*12, 0)
, NumPut(Color, NumPut(0xFF00FF00FF00, VERT, 8, "Int64")+8, "Int64")
, NumPut(W, NumPut(W, NumPut(W, NumPut(W, VERT, 16, "Int")+16, "Int")+8, "Int"), "Int")
, NumPut(1, NumPut(3, NumPut(2, NumPut(2, NumPut(1, MESH, 4, "Int"), "Int"), "Int"), "Int"), "Int")

, hBM := DllCall("Gdi32.dll\CreateBitmap", "Int",1, "Int",1, "Int",0x1, "Int",32, "PtrP",0, "Ptr")
, hBM := DllCall("User32.dll\CopyImage", "Ptr",hBM, "Int",0x0, "Int",W, "Int",W, "Int",0x8, "Ptr")
, mDC := DllCall("Gdi32.dll\CreateCompatibleDC", "Ptr",0, "Ptr")
, DllCall("Gdi32.dll\SaveDC", "Ptr",mDC)
, DllCall("Gdi32.dll\SelectObject", "Ptr",mDC, "Ptr",hBM)
, DllCall("Msimg32.dll\GradientFill", "Ptr",mDC, "Ptr",&VERT, "Int",4, "Ptr",&MESH, "Int",2,"Int",2)
, DllCall("Gdi32.dll\RestoreDC", "Ptr",mDC, "Int",-1 )
, DllCall("Gdi32.dll\DeleteDC", "Ptr",mDC)

Return hBM

#SingleInstance, Force

Gui, New,, _CreateGradient()
Gui, Add, Picture, +E0x20000, % "HBITMAP:" . _CreateGradient(0x00A8FF, 384)
Gui, Show

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Re: CreateGradient() : Creates a linear gradient bitmap ( horizontal / vertical )

23 Jun 2021, 00:50

Nice work SKAN! Thanks for sharing this.
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Re: CreateGradient() : Creates a linear gradient bitmap ( horizontal / vertical )

23 Jun 2021, 18:38

Wow, this is super cool! 🤩
I learn a lot from your functions and examples.
A color picker would be an amazing addition.
Thanks again for sharing your scripts @SKAN
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Re: CreateGradient() : Creates a linear gradient bitmap ( horizontal / vertical )

24 Jun 2021, 20:39

SirSocks wrote:
23 Jun 2021, 18:38
Wow, this is super cool! 🤩
Thanks. :)
A color picker would be an amazing addition.
Yes.. writing one right now. Hope to finish it soon.
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Re: CreateGradient() : Creates a linear gradient bitmap ( horizontal / vertical )

25 Jun 2021, 04:41

;I'm using translation.

I've been longing to create a ColorPicker with AutoHotkey for a long time.
Thanks to SKAN, this is going to happen.

This trial product dynamically changes the color candidates for each rgb
From top to bottom, rgb.
The color can be changed by dragging the mouse like a slider bar

Code: Select all

Return ;---------------------

static new:=1
static s_name,s_w,s_h,s_vr,s_vg,s_vb
	if new
		s_vr:=s_name "_vr"		,s_vg:=s_name "_vg"		,s_vb:=s_name "_vb"

		;SysColor := Format("0x{5:}{6:}{3:}{4:}{1:}{2:}", StrSplit(Format("{:06X}", DllCall("User32.dll\GetSysColor", "Int",15)))*)
		;H := "HBITMAP:"
		Gui,%s_name%: New, -DPIScale, CreateGradient() Demo
		Gui,%s_name%: Margin,20,% s_h+5

		Gui,%s_name%: Add,Button,y0     w%s_wb% h%s_hb% gαRELOAD,RELOAD
		Gui,%s_name%: Add,Button,y0 x+0 w%s_wb% h%s_hb% gαExitapp,Exitapp
		Gui,%s_name%: Add,Button,y0 x+0 w%s_wb% h%s_hb% gαMinimize,Minimize

		Gui,%s_name%: Add,Button,y+0 x20  w%s_wb% h%s_h% gαtest1,test1
		Gui,%s_name%: Add,Button,    x+0  w%s_wb% h%s_h% gαtest2,test2
		Gui,%s_name%: Add,Button,    x+0  w%s_wb% h%s_h% gαtest3,test3

		;Gui,%s_name%: Add, Picture,x20  ,        % H . CreateGradient(s_w,s_h, 0x0, 0xFF0000, 0xFFFF00, 0x00FF00, 0x00FFFF, 0x0000FF,0xFF00FF)
		Gui,%s_name%: Add, Picture,v%s_vr% gΔr x20
		Gui,%s_name%: Add, Picture,v%s_vg% gΔg
		Gui,%s_name%: Add, Picture,v%s_vb% gΔb
		;GuiControl,%s_name%:,%s_vr%,	% H . CreateGradient(s_w,s_h, 0x0, 0x000000, 0xFF0000)
		;GuiControl,%s_name%:,%s_vg%,	% H . CreateGradient(s_w,s_h, 0x0, 0x000000, 0x00FF00)
		;GuiControl,%s_name%:,%s_vb%,	% H . CreateGradient(s_w,s_h, 0x0, 0x000000, 0x0000FF)
	Gui,%s_name%: Show
	Return ;---------------------

	;【G COLOR】―――――――――――――――――
		_cn:=SubStr(_c,0,1)	;_c=static\d
		;While,GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
	Return ;---------------------
		if GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
		if (xx=x) and (yy=y)
		if (c=_c)
			p:=SubStr( 255/(_cw/(x-_cx)) ,1,-3 )
			tooltip,% (  (_cn=1)?"red":(_cn=2)?"green":(_cn=3)?"blue":""  ) "   " p  "`n255/(" _cw "/(" x "-" _cx ") )"
			; (  (_cn=1)?"red":(_cn=2)?"green":(_cn=3)?"blue":""  ) "`n" p "`n" SubStr( 255/(_cw/(x-_cx)) ,1,-3 ) "`n255/(" _cw "/(" x "-" _cx ") )"
	Return ;---------------------

	;【G Button】―――――――――――――――――
	Return ;---------------------
	Return ;---------------------
		Gui,%s_name%: Minimize
	Return ;---------------------
	Return ;---------------------
	Return ;---------------------
	Return ;---------------------
Return ;---------------------

ccll(rgb:="",x:="",ex:="") {
static new:=1,H,r,g,b
static s_name,s_w,s_h,s_vr,s_vg,s_vb
static r1,g1,b1,r2,g2,b2
	if new
		H := "HBITMAP:"
	if rgb=set
		if isobject(x) {
			For k, v in x
		Return ;---------------------
	if strlen(  x:=Format("{:x}",x)  )=1
		x:=0 x

	r1:="0x" "00"     g     b    ,r2:="0x" "ff"     g     b
 	g1:="0x"    r  "00"     b    ,g2:="0x"    r  "ff"     b
 	b1:="0x"    r     g  "00"    ,b2:="0x"    r     g  "ff"
	;r1 "`t"r2 "`n"g1 "`t"g2 "`n"b1 "`t"b2
	if (rgb!=1)
	GuiControl,%s_name%:,%s_vr%,	% H . CreateGradient(s_w,s_h, 0x0, r1 , r2 )	;r
	if (rgb!=2)
	GuiControl,%s_name%:,%s_vg%,	% H . CreateGradient(s_w,s_h, 0x0, g1 , g2 )	;g
	if (rgb!=3)
	GuiControl,%s_name%:,%s_vb%,	% H . CreateGradient(s_w,s_h, 0x0, b1 , b2 )	;b
Return ;---------------------
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Last edited by Eik on 25 Jun 2021, 05:19, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: CreateGradient() : Creates a linear gradient bitmap ( horizontal / vertical )

25 Jun 2021, 04:56

Hi @Eik

Thanks for the share.

There was leak in CreateGradient() which I had fixed silently.
There should not be a .mDC in CreateGradient() code.
If found, replace it to mDC

The extra dot was typing error. Sorry!.
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Re: CreateGradient() : Creates a linear gradient bitmap ( horizontal / vertical )

25 Jun 2021, 06:34

Thank you, @SKAN :) , for taking the time to do this.
If you hadn't told me, I never would have known.
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Re: CreateGradient() : Creates a linear gradient bitmap ( horizontal / vertical )

25 Jun 2021, 08:29


If you haven't gotten too far with your color picker yet. Would you mind having a look at this one and perhaps incorporate a few of the features it has.


1: The ability to shrink it down to a little tab (if you run the other one and right click it you can see what I mean). That way it is easy to access it quickly and it doesn't get in the way.

2: Convert color to grayscale value.

3: Get color from screen.

4: Save colors.

5: Random color generator.

Looking forward to giving your color picker a spin either way.
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Re: CreateGradient() : Creates a linear gradient bitmap ( horizontal / vertical )

25 Jun 2021, 12:46

Hi @Hellbent

The inspiration for writing CreateGradient() was from
@fabricio234's ask-for-help topic
Hellbent wrote:
25 Jun 2021, 08:29
If you haven't gotten too far with your color picker yet. Would you mind having a look at this one and perhaps incorporate a few of the features it has.
Very nice. I had already tried it.. and also now. :)
Hellbent wrote:
25 Jun 2021, 08:29
1: The ability to shrink it down to a little tab (if you run the other one and right click it you can see what I mean). That way it is easy to access it quickly and it doesn't get in the way.
I'm not writing a script.. It is a function.. as always!
Hellbent wrote:
25 Jun 2021, 08:29
2: Convert color to grayscale value.
Hellbent wrote:
25 Jun 2021, 08:29
3: Get color from screen.
Already done.. but one color seems not enough.. I going to try to capture 225 pixels instead. (15x15)
Hellbent wrote:
25 Jun 2021, 08:29
4: Save colors.
Mine is a custom ChooseColor(). One color in -> one color out.
Hellbent wrote:
25 Jun 2021, 08:29
5: Random color generator.
Again, Planning to do 225 colors.. (15x15)
Hellbent wrote:
25 Jun 2021, 08:29
Looking forward to giving your color picker a spin either way.
Thanks. :thumbup:
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Re: CreateGradient() : Creates a linear gradient bitmap ( horizontal / vertical )

25 Jun 2021, 13:24

SKAN wrote:
25 Jun 2021, 12:46
Hellbent wrote:
25 Jun 2021, 08:29
5: Random color generator.
Again, Planning to do 225 colors.. (15x15)

I take that back. 15x15 is so confusing.
5x5 looks alright.

Here is some test code
image.png (8.53 KiB) Viewed 2415 times

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force

Gui, New,, RNG color generator
Gui, Font, S10
Gui, Margin, 20, 10
Gui, Add, Picture, w320 h320 0xE 0x40 +E0x20000 hwndhpic
Gui, Add, Button, gGenerate, Generate
Gui, Show

  hBM := DllCall("CreateBitmap", "Int",1, "Int",1, "UInt",0x1, "UInt",24, "Ptr",0, "Ptr")
  hBM := DllCall("CopyImage", "Ptr",hBM, "UInt",0x0, "Int",5, "Int",5, "UInt",0x200C, "Ptr")
  VarSetCapacity(BMBITS, 16*5, 0)
  DllCall("Advapi32.dll\SystemFunction036", "Ptr",&BMBITS, "Int",16*5)
  DllCall("SetBitmapBits", "Ptr",hBM, "UInt",16*5, "Ptr",&BMBITS)
  GuiControl,,%hPic%, *w0 *h0 HBITMAP:%hBM%

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Re: CreateGradient() : Creates a linear gradient bitmap ( horizontal / vertical )

25 Jun 2021, 19:34

SKAN wrote:
25 Jun 2021, 12:46
I'm not writing a script.. It is a function.. as always!
Ok. I'm actually working on a project that could use just such a function. I was just going to include a simple button that the user could press to get a color from their screen, but having a color picker function might make things easier for them. :thumbup:

I was going to post that there was a issue with your random color gui but it looks like you have already fixed it. :D
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Re: CreateGradient() : Creates a linear gradient bitmap ( horizontal / vertical )

27 Jun 2021, 17:06

Hellbent wrote:
25 Jun 2021, 19:34
Ok. I'm actually working on a project that could use just such a function. I was just going to include a simple button that the user could press to get a color from their screen, but having a color picker function might make things easier for them. :thumbup:
My dual-monitor setup is killing me :(
My secondary monitor seems to be be GDI-scaled, i.e, PixelGetColor or MouseGetPos doesn't work right.
I have finalized the UI design. I will be posting the function in couple of days.
But be aware that picking color or screen from a GDI-scaled display seems impossible for me with AHK.

Preview of the completed UI:
@SirSocks Hope you don't mind. :)
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Re: CreateGradient() : Creates a linear gradient bitmap ( horizontal / vertical )

27 Jun 2021, 18:05

SKAN wrote:
27 Jun 2021, 17:06
My dual-monitor setup is killing me :(
My secondary monitor seems to be be GDI-scaled, i.e, PixelGetColor or MouseGetPos doesn't work right.
But be aware that picking color or screen from a GDI-scaled display seems impossible for me with AHK.
Just when I thought that scaling couldn't be more annoying...

SKAN wrote:
27 Jun 2021, 17:06
I have finalized the UI design. I will be posting the function in couple of days.
Preview of the completed UI:
That looks great, can't wait to give it a spin. :thumbup:
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Re: CreateGradient() : Creates a linear gradient bitmap ( horizontal / vertical )

27 Jun 2021, 19:45

SKAN wrote:
24 Jun 2021, 20:39
SirSocks wrote:
23 Jun 2021, 18:38
Wow, this is super cool! 🤩
Thanks. :)
A color picker would be an amazing addition.
Yes.. writing one right now. Hope to finish it soon.
@SKAN amazing have you finished the color picker? 🥰
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Re: CreateGradient() : Creates a linear gradient bitmap ( horizontal / vertical )

29 Jun 2021, 04:40

fabricio234 wrote:
27 Jun 2021, 19:45
@SKAN amazing have you finished the color picker? 🥰
I'll post within a day. I promise. :thumbup:

I had to make this commitment, or else I wouldn't stop improving it.
Dog tired, I am. :(

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Re: CreateGradient() : Creates a linear gradient bitmap ( horizontal / vertical )

29 Jun 2021, 20:35

SKAN wrote:
27 Jun 2021, 17:06

Preview of the completed UI:
@SirSocks Hope you don't mind. :)

@SKAN Hahahahha! What an amazing preview of the UI. I couldn't make it any better myself :lol:
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Re: CreateGradient() : Creates a linear gradient bitmap ( horizontal / vertical )

29 Jun 2021, 20:46

SirSocks wrote:
29 Jun 2021, 20:35
@SKAN Hahahahha! What an amazing preview of the UI. I couldn't make it any better myself :lol:

@Hellbent / @fabricio234 / @SirSocks

ChooseColors() ; Color selection UI

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