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Limetext (ST clone) and Atoms by GH

Posted: 22 Mar 2014, 10:16
by Guest
Interesting text editors to keep an eye on:

1) Limetext: Experimental Sublime Text clone

2) Atom: GH is building a text editor - will be crossplatform (OSX only atm) and shareware - the previews on the blog do look nice

Re: Limetext (ST clone) and Atoms by GH

Posted: 24 Mar 2014, 01:25
by joedf
nice! :)

Re: Limetext (ST clone) and Atoms by GH

Posted: 04 Apr 2014, 02:52
by lexikos
Atom is based on web technologies, but currently only available on OSX. Huh?

Brackets is based on web technologies, and is currently available on Windows, Linux and OSX. There's also a port of it that runs on Chrome. I like its "ablity to fluently edit external styles and code without even leaving your document". It's aimed at web developers, but there are already a bunch of extensions that add support for other languages.

Although Atom is based on web technologies, they don't say it's aimed at web development.

Re: Limetext (ST clone) and Atoms by GH

Posted: 06 May 2014, 16:15
by Guest
Atom is now available for download (Mac only) - what I've read about Atom is that it doesn't handle big files very well, neither does Brackets which I tried (don't have a Mac so can't report on Atom).

Re: Limetext (ST clone) and Atoms by GH

Posted: 25 May 2014, 04:24
by Guest
You can try to Build Atom yourself on Windows - ... - but some guy has already done this - simply unpack the RAR file you can download from here - does seem to work although it is pretty slow to start and open files.

Re: Limetext (ST clone) and Atoms by GH

Posted: 10 Jul 2014, 01:30
by jNizM

Re: Limetext (ST clone) and Atoms by GH

Posted: 10 Jul 2014, 05:13
by fincs
Downloaded the ZIP, extracted it, launched atom.exe; then immediately after the program window (which is totally DPI ignorant and appears upscaled and blurry) appears:

Code: Select all

The editor has crashed
Please report this issue to
Close Window / Reload / Keep It Open
I understand this is alpha, but come on! It crashed as soon as I opened it! And no, "Keep It Open" does not work -- the client area of the window stops being updated and it is not even possible to input text. Wonderful.

Re: Limetext (ST clone) and Atoms by GH

Posted: 10 Jul 2014, 05:19
by jNizM
my problem with this tool... 5-7 sec to open a 5 kb file

Re: Limetext (ST clone) and Atoms by GH

Posted: 11 Jul 2014, 23:04
by guest3456
i'm learning VIM