How do I remove all keyboard shortcuts in SciTE? Topic is solved

The popular SciTE-based AutoHotkey Script Editor
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How do I remove all keyboard shortcuts in SciTE?

Post by Kotte » 29 Dec 2021, 13:14


Is there a way to remove all keyboard shortcuts I SciTE? I used to use two of them - F5 and CTRL + Q, but F5 seems to be known to not work so I made a hotkey for mouse clicking the run button instead. Now I only use CTRL + Q, but I'd gladly skip that one if it's easier to remove all shortcuts.

I have looked in the user properties and global properties, but there is nothing there about shortcuts. Also, there is a bunch of shortcuts that are not listed in the menu.

Also, CTRL + SHIFT + Z has a strange behaviour. If I try to redo something I get small icons that say "SUB" instead of the text or blank space I'm trying to redo. I guess that started after accidentally pressing some hidden keyboard shortcut, but I can't find anything about that problem here or on other forums. Does anyone have any ideas about what is happening with the redo?

I'm on Ahk v. and SciTE v.

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Re: How do I remove all keyboard shortcuts in SciTE?  Topic is solved

Post by Kotte » 30 Dec 2021, 14:11

I solved the shortcuts in a messy way.

Code: Select all

Errmsg = This hotkey was disabled in SciTE4AutoHotkey by`n"Blocked hotkeys in SciTE" in the %A_Scriptname% file.

{ ;~------------------------------------- Blocked hotkeys in SciTE ----------------------------------------

#IfWinActive, ahk_class SciTEWindow
	;And 50 more rows of hotkeys
	MsgBox, %Errmsg%
The weird behaviour with CTRL + SHIFT + Z was solved by sending CTRL + Y.

Code: Select all

{ ;~------------------------------------ CTRL + SHIFT + Z in SciTE -------------------------------
#IfWinActive, ahk_class SciTEWindow
   ^+z::Send, {CtrlDown}y{CtrlUp}
Last edited by Kotte on 30 Dec 2021, 14:32, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: How do I remove all keyboard shortcuts in SciTE?

Post by gregster » 30 Dec 2021, 14:16

Why a msgbox? Just put a return instead.
Or do you want the constant reminder?

Posts: 46
Joined: 03 May 2021, 08:33

Re: How do I remove all keyboard shortcuts in SciTE?

Post by Kotte » 30 Dec 2021, 14:36

@gregster I want the reminder. In a few hours I'll have no idea where i put this code and this way I'll know where to look. Plus, it's not that often I press hotkeys unintentionally. Just often enough for the built in ones to annoy me =)

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Re: How do I remove all keyboard shortcuts in SciTE?

Post by gregster » 30 Dec 2021, 14:38

(Instead, you could also use a tooltip, with a timeout, and the same message. But however you prefer...)

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