Questions about Skite4AHK

The popular SciTE-based AutoHotkey Script Editor
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Joined: 04 Feb 2023, 15:09

Questions about Skite4AHK

10 Jan 2024, 21:28

Hello. I'm wondering if anyone knows how to disable auto complete. I dont want it constantly trying to assume what I'm trying to type. Then I type something like

Code: Select all

random, x, 435, 55
random, y, 383, 30
mousemove %x%, %y%, 0, R
and every single time I type R it assumes im trying to type RxEdit or something and auto fills it when I hit enter to go to the next line :headwall:
cant count how many clicks I waste because of auto fill, and I use it for absolutely _nothing_ .
Also, is there a way to disable the brackets automatically jumping back an indent everytime I type them?
Does nothing for Me and again, countless backspaces wasted putting it where I wanted it, not several spaces back
thank you for any suggestions. :wave:

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