AHK Studio

Editor for AutoHotkey written completely in AutoHotkey.

Moderator: maestrith

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Re: AHK Studio

04 May 2019, 10:24

Hi Maestrith,

I'm back to using AHKS on a small project. I've noticed that when I have several find results in the separate find window, that sometimes using the Jump button takes you to the end of the file, not withstanding that the search string is not at that location. I can't seem to find a rhyme nor a reason, for this behaviour as it does not always happen (but maybe something to do with having first jumped to a result in another file, before coming back to the file where the text was first looked for?). But if you click the Jump button a second time, then you correctly go to the right place in the file. Clearly not a big issue, but mentioned in case there's soemthing there that you want to take a look at.

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Re: AHK Studio

10 May 2019, 11:35

Hi Maestrith,

Sorry, another Q: When I try to download the bookmarks plugin I get an error msg:
Error: Failed attempt to launch program or document:
Action: <C:\Program Files\AHK-Studio-master\p|ugins\BookMarks.ahk>
Params: <"mb">
Specifically: The system cannot find the file specified.
The rest of the error message points to the error being on line 9241 of AHK-Studio.ahk. Anyway to fix this?

Thx, as always.
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Re: AHK Studio

11 May 2019, 08:58

DaveT1 wrote:
10 May 2019, 11:35
Hi Maestrith,

Sorry, another Q: When I try to download the bookmarks plugin I get an error msg:
Error: Failed attempt to launch program or document:
Action: <C:\Program Files\AHK-Studio-master\p|ugins\BookMarks.ahk>
Params: <"mb">
Specifically: The system cannot find the file specified.
The rest of the error message points to the error being on line 9241 of AHK-Studio.ahk. Anyway to fix this?

Thx, as always.
Sadly, not at the moment. A LOT of the plugins are not working right now. Most of them were added into the main script and I have not gotten around to removing the plugins from the code/site :( Sorry but I have been working on a lot of projects and I have also been very lazy.
John H Wilson III 05/29/51 - 03/01/2020. You will be missed.AHK Studio OSDGUI Creator
All code is done on a 64 bit Windows 10 PC Running AutoHotkey x32
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Re: AHK Studio

21 Jun 2019, 04:45

Hi Maestrith,

Sorry for the looong delay in replying on this. I understand being diverted, and that AHK Studio is a 'side-project' (though a damn impressive one). I'm working on learning the debugger. Perhaps you'd be kind enough to offer your thoughts on my take on how to do this with AHKS:

1. Debugging breakpoints are toggled on and off by clicking in the left margin between the line numbers and the collapse/uncollapse marks for the code. Adding a breakpoint inserts an AHK comment (eg.,;*[editthistextasrequired]), which I'm guessing AHKS parses to know that this is a breakpoint.

2. These breakpoints then appear the Code Explorer 'control'? window. Breakpoints which existed when the project is opened, are already there, but breakpoints added during a session need to have the Code Explorer refreshed before they appear.

3. Are the breakpoints in Code Explorer the 'Bookmark Manager integrated into the code' as spoken about in the previous post? None of the functionality listed under 'Tools | Bookmarks' works via this menu without the Bookmark Manager plugin, but all the menu functionality seems to work equivalently through the Breakpoint GUI in Code Explorer?

So, having set some breakpoints, I run the debugger via Ctrl+D. I then click 'Click here to show variable browser' to show the same. I then step and run to the next breakpoint using the options at the bottom of the Variable Browser.

4. Is the Variable Browser the only way to see the contents of variables, or is there some 'hover over the variable in the code window and its contents pops up' functionality that I've not yet discovered?

When I've done debugging, I click Stop on the Variable Browser. In the Debug Window I get a message Execution Complete. And the Variable Browser reamins open. At this stage I've finished debugging for the moment, probably going to make some code adjustments and then re-launch the debugger. So I then close the Variable Browset using 'X' top right.

5. When I re-launch the debugger with Ctrl+D, I always get a msgbox showing '10048' and nothing else. So I click 'OK', the msgbox dissappears and the Debug Window shows 'Initialising Debugger, Please Wait...'. But then nothing further happens. It feels like AHKS has hung at this point. The only way I've found to break out is to close AHKS and start again. Obviously that's not the most convenient - is there something I'm not doing right to gain access to the debugger on a second time in the same AHKS session?

Cheers for any thoughts.
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Re: AHK Studio

29 Jun 2019, 20:32

Can I use it with AHK V2? How?
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Re: AHK Studio

10 Jul 2019, 22:14

hasantr wrote:
29 Jun 2019, 20:32
Can I use it with AHK V2? How?
AHK v2 is still Alpha and is not the official version of AutoHotkey.

Probably someone else will need to make a fork and support an AHK v2 Alpha version of AHK Studio. Otherwise, you are asking the author to support 2 different versions of AutoHotkey simultaneously.
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Re: AHK Studio

28 Jul 2019, 07:50

Hi Maestrith,

wondering if you could help with the AHK Studio debugging issue I report above (21-Jun-19)? It's probably me doing it wrong so if you could help clarify that would be tremendous. To get round this at the moment I'm debugging in Scit4AHK, and running AHK Studio in parallel for code changes etc. Not the slickest :-(.
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Re: AHK Studio

29 Aug 2019, 03:47

I am getting the following error, when starting AHK-Studio:

Code: Select all

Error:  0x80030002 - %1 could not be found.

	3654: CaretAtt := {Caret:"color","Caret Line Background":"lineback","Multiple Indicator Color":"multi","Debug Caret Color":"debug"}
	3789: qfobj := {"Bottom Background":"bb","Bottom Forground":"bf","Top Background":"tb","Top Forground":"tf","Quick Find Edit Background":"qfb"}
	3846: TimerClass.Timers := []  
	3863: Toolbar.keep := [], Toolbar.order := [], Toolbar.list := [], Toolbar.imagelist := ""  
	3865: count := 0
	4455: Order := {"!t":1,"!a":2,"!u":3,"!i":4}
	4665: Last := []
--->	4694: Shell := ComObjCreate("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	4879: Options := {Show_EOL:2356,Show_Caret_Line:2096}
	4879: list := {Font:2056,Size:2055,Color:2051,Background:2052,Bold:2053,Italic:2054,Underline:2059}
	4879: kwind := {Personal:0,indent:1,Directives:2,Commands:3,builtin:4,keywords:5,functions:6,flow:7,KeyNames:8}
	4995: ifurl := {between:"commands/IfBetween.htm",in:"commands/IfIn.htm",contains:"commands/IfIn.htm",is:"commands/IfIs.htm"}
	5169: FindFirst := "O)^[\s|}]*((\w|[^\x00-\x7F])+)"
	5169: ColorShow := 0
	5396: UnRedo := {Undo:2174,Redo:2016}

Continue running the script?
Yes   No   
I'm using AutoHotkey v1.1.28.00 on Windows 7 SP1 x64.
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Re: AHK Studio

29 Aug 2019, 19:54

Barney wrote:
29 Aug 2019, 03:47
I am getting the following error, when starting AHK-Studio:

Code: Select all

Error:  0x80030002 - %1 could not be found.

	3654: CaretAtt := {Caret:"color","Caret Line Background":"lineback","Multiple Indicator Color":"multi","Debug Caret Color":"debug"}
	3789: qfobj := {"Bottom Background":"bb","Bottom Forground":"bf","Top Background":"tb","Top Forground":"tf","Quick Find Edit Background":"qfb"}
	3846: TimerClass.Timers := []  
	3863: Toolbar.keep := [], Toolbar.order := [], Toolbar.list := [], Toolbar.imagelist := ""  
	3865: count := 0
	4455: Order := {"!t":1,"!a":2,"!u":3,"!i":4}
	4665: Last := []
--->	4694: Shell := ComObjCreate("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	4879: Options := {Show_EOL:2356,Show_Caret_Line:2096}
	4879: list := {Font:2056,Size:2055,Color:2051,Background:2052,Bold:2053,Italic:2054,Underline:2059}
	4879: kwind := {Personal:0,indent:1,Directives:2,Commands:3,builtin:4,keywords:5,functions:6,flow:7,KeyNames:8}
	4995: ifurl := {between:"commands/IfBetween.htm",in:"commands/IfIn.htm",contains:"commands/IfIn.htm",is:"commands/IfIs.htm"}
	5169: FindFirst := "O)^[\s|}]*((\w|[^\x00-\x7F])+)"
	5169: ColorShow := 0
	5396: UnRedo := {Undo:2174,Redo:2016}

Continue running the script?
Yes   No   
I'm using AutoHotkey v1.1.28.00 on Windows 7 SP1 x64.
Interesting, I did a quick search for %1 in the source code and didn't find it anywhere. Have you opened it in the past and has it worked? If so try to download Studio again From Here but save it to a new folder. If the error persists please let me know.
John H Wilson III 05/29/51 - 03/01/2020. You will be missed.AHK Studio OSDGUI Creator
All code is done on a 64 bit Windows 10 PC Running AutoHotkey x32
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Re: AHK Studio

29 Aug 2019, 22:24

It has worked in the past. Maybe a year ago was the last time I used it and it didn't have this error.
I have downloaded the link you provided and started in another folder. Same problem.
BTW, if I click yes, a second error comes up:

Code: Select all

AHK-Studio (1).ahk
Error:  0x80030002 - %1 could not be found.

	10208: cookieJar := {}
	10225: Select := []
	10574: list := {Virtual_Space:[2596,3],End_Document_At_Last_Line:2277,Show_EOL:2356,Show_Caret_Line:2096,Show_Whitespace:2021,Word_Wrap:2268,Hide_Indentation_Guides:2132,Center_Caret:[2403,0x04|0x08],Word_Wrap_Indicators:2460,Hide_Horizontal_Scrollbars:2130,Hide_Vertical_Scrollbars:2280}
	11124: QuickFind := []
	11124: LastFind := []
	11124: MinMax := new XML("MinMax")
	11377: Controls := {1:"projectexplorer",2:"codeexplorer",3:"trackednotes",msctls_statusbar321:"statusbar"}
--->	11577: FSO := ComObjCreate("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	11743: TVRCM := new EasyView()
	11743: find := []
	11897: Shell2 := ComObjCreate("WScript.Shell")
	12271: SP := new XML("SP")
	12641: widths := []
	12805: List := new XML("OSD")
	12805: Win := "OSD"

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Re: AHK Studio

01 Sep 2019, 13:31

Wow, I just took the time to read your error. ComObjCreate("Scripting.FileSystemObject") is something that is built into Windows and might be something that you are missing.
Try to run:

Code: Select all

 FSO := ComObjCreate("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
and see if you get the same error
John H Wilson III 05/29/51 - 03/01/2020. You will be missed.AHK Studio OSDGUI Creator
All code is done on a 64 bit Windows 10 PC Running AutoHotkey x32
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Re: AHK Studio

02 Sep 2019, 00:43

I have testet this line. It works with Autohotkey 64 bit. But with 32 bit I get the Error again. I have also tested with AutoHotkey_1.1.30.03.
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Re: AHK Studio

02 Sep 2019, 07:28

I am at a loss. I run 99% of the scripts that I have in 32 bit and have not had any issue with the FileSystemObject. Sadly Scintilla, the main control that handles the color coding makes a lot of what Studio does, only runs with AHK 32 bit. I am sure that there are people smarter than I am out there that can help with this. I am sorry :(
John H Wilson III 05/29/51 - 03/01/2020. You will be missed.AHK Studio OSDGUI Creator
All code is done on a 64 bit Windows 10 PC Running AutoHotkey x32
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Re: AHK Studio

04 Sep 2019, 20:45

COM classes are registered separately for 64-bit and 32-bit under the HKCR\CLSID and HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID keys. They are also implemented in separate binary files, since a 32-bit process cannot load and execute a 64-bit dll or vice versa. It is possible for the registration or files to be missing or corrupt for one while the other works.

The registry key HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{0D43FE01-F093-11CF-8940-00A0C9054228}\InprocServer32 should contain the default value C:\Windows\SysWOW64\scrrun.dll, and (obviously) this file should exist. It is the 32-bit version of C:\Windows\System32\scrrun.dll, not a copy.

Scintilla works just fine with AutoHotkey 64-bit - you just need the 64-bit version of SciLexer.dll, which I presume is included in the 64-bit download for the official SciTE. It is not possible to build a native dll that works with both 32-bit and 64-bit processes.
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Re: AHK Studio

05 Sep 2019, 13:00

maestrith wrote:
02 Sep 2019, 07:28
I am at a loss. I run 99% of the scripts that I have in 32 bit and have not had any issue with the FileSystemObject. Sadly Scintilla, the main control that handles the color coding makes a lot of what Studio does, only runs with AHK 32 bit. I am sure that there are people smarter than I am out there that can help with this. I am sorry :(
As Lexikos stated, Scintilla most definitely does work with 64-bit as there is a 64-bit dll.
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Re: AHK Studio :?:

07 Nov 2019, 13:02


Edit > Compare (Alt+F1) - I don't have one of those. In `Omni-Search` - none. Okay, where is it? Screen.
How to set Encoding - UTF-8 with BOM?
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Re: AHK Studio

20 Dec 2019, 02:14

I don't want to keep backups in the working directory. In older versions, a global backup folder was becoming. Is there an option on that?
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Re: AHK Studio

04 Feb 2020, 07:33

@maestrith how to bring default theme back? I checked few themes but now I'm stuck with them without a way to use the default one :(
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Re: AHK Studio

04 Feb 2020, 07:40

81793 wrote:
04 Feb 2020, 07:33
@maestrith how to bring default theme back? I checked few themes but now I'm stuck with them without a way to use the default one :(
Alt+M Theme {Enter}
Theme/Color/Default/Reset To Default
John H Wilson III 05/29/51 - 03/01/2020. You will be missed.AHK Studio OSDGUI Creator
All code is done on a 64 bit Windows 10 PC Running AutoHotkey x32
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Re: AHK Studio

04 Feb 2020, 07:50

@maestrith thank you!

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