[Solved] How to browse functions in library file?

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Joined: 28 Sep 2016, 11:14

[Solved] How to browse functions in library file?

Post by freespacing » 14 Apr 2019, 09:23

Howdy Maestrith,

Hope your weekend started well. It's Sunday, obviously not an urgent question. :)

A couple weeks ago, I started using AHK studio, and have been really impressed so far. A bit of a learning curve of course, but that's the same with PyCharm, Visual Studio, any sophisticated IDE. Huge thanks for sharing your astounding work.

Here is a newbie question for you. I looked around in the alt-M menu and tried a number of things but without success, so it's time to come here and ask.

My project has a lot of regex functions which I want to offload to a library file in order to make it easier to find things in the file navigator.

So I put everything regex-related in a separate AHK file, and reference that file is an include. The functions show up in the navigator, but still mixed in with all the other functions of the main file. I'm sure there's a special way to include / reference that file, or special naming conventions, so that in the navigator panel I'm able to click "Function" just for the regex file. What would that be?

I have tried both adding and not adding the new files containing folder to the list of library folders, but I haven't found the secret yet.

Looking forward to your kind advice, if you find the time.

Wishing you a fun Sunday,

Last edited by freespacing on 15 Apr 2019, 10:17, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 150
Joined: 28 Sep 2016, 11:14

Re: How to browse functions in library file?

Post by freespacing » 15 Apr 2019, 10:17

Finally got it.

It's not enough to reference the file as an Include in the master file. Yes, that will make the functions available, but only by browsing the master file's functions in the code browser.

What's needed is to specifically open the library file also in AHK Studio (for instance, Right-Click / Edit). This adds the file at the bottom file of the Code Navigator, where you can browse specifically the functions in that file (less messy than having to look through the entire list of functions).


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