Pulover's Macro Creator v5.4.1 - The Complete Automation Tool

Advanced Macro Recorder/Editor.

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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.1 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

03 Jul 2014, 13:19

Version Update!

Version 4.1.2
  • Added Options toolbar items to Options Menu.
  • Added support for WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1 object methods in COM Interface.
  • Added debugging messages for missing "End Loop" and "End If" statements (highlighting must be enabled).
  • Added Deactivate Macros command to Macro, Play Button and Tray Icon menus.
  • Changed commands, except Send and Click, to not stop playback when main window is active.
  • Fixed bug with Pause button of Controls Toolbar.
  • Fixed bug with Gosub command inside loops.
  • Fixed bug with A_Loop variables in Compare Variables statement.
  • Fixed bug with A_Space variable in Functions.
  • Fixed escaped comma bug in Assign Variable command.
  • Fixed Get Coordinates tool in Image/Pixel Search window not getting correct values in Window Coord mode.
  • Fixed Copy to command not copying Comment and Color fields.
  • Fixed some minor bugs.
Download version 4.1.2
Rodolfo U. Batista
Pulover's Macro Creator - Automation Tool (Recorder & Script Writer)
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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.2 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

03 Jul 2014, 17:01

Using portable 4.12, image capture not working properly. I found a region without controls but it instantly takes the click as a region. If swipe and click, it does get an area. I tried with 32 and 64 bit versions, and also ran the main exe which I guess figures out 32/64 and runs the right one.

For this project I wont be using any controls, and some windows are full of them.... would be helpful to have a choice between controls+Area, controls only, and area only :)

I tried with mspaint and got the results mentioned, and also could not find any area without a control.

My system is win7-64.

I've not use this tool before, maybe I'm doing something wrong.
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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.2 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

03 Jul 2014, 17:07


I'm not sure what you mean. If you click on the title bar of any window it will mark the window area. If you want an specific region just click and hold to draw the rectangle manually. You can also set the tool to wait for you to press enter to take the screenshot in options.
Rodolfo U. Batista
Pulover's Macro Creator - Automation Tool (Recorder & Script Writer)
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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.2 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

03 Jul 2014, 17:13

It wont let me click-drag. I tried the enter-key option. I know what you mean, I've played with some scripts that let you draw a rectangle to select the area. Without the program running, I can drag on the desktop and get the rectangle from windows to select icons, so I don't think I'm getting interference from another app or something.
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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.2 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

03 Jul 2014, 18:14

It is working fine on my other PC, also win7-64. I can't look into why right now, but probably the PC.
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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.2 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

03 Jul 2014, 18:41

tsfmahk wrote:It is working fine on my other PC, also win7-64. I can't look into why right now, but probably the PC.
Yes, I was going to say that. It works fine for me in win7 x64. Maybe it's your mouse...? Did you try with LButton or MButton? Do you have other scripts running?
Rodolfo U. Batista
Pulover's Macro Creator - Automation Tool (Recorder & Script Writer)
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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.2 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

05 Jul 2014, 08:33

; This script was created using Pulover's Macro Creator

SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
CoordMode, Mouse, Window
SendMode Input
#SingleInstance Force
SetTitleMatchMode 2
DetectHiddenWindows On
SetControlDelay 1
SetWinDelay 0
SetKeyDelay -1
SetMouseDelay -1
SetBatchLines -1

WinActivate, Aria - Aria Live - Realm 5 ahk_class AriaClient Window
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 1211, 222, 1645, 832, C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20140705225839.png
If ErrorLevel = 0
Sleep, 1
If ErrorLevel = 0
Sleep, 333
Sleep, 968
Click, 1261, 284 Right, Down
Sleep, 187
Click, 1261, 284 Right, Up
Sleep, 405
Click, 1260, 284, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 1254, 285, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 1242, 287, 0
Click, 1241, 287, 0
Sleep, 15
Click, 1215, 292, 0
Click, 1213, 292, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 1184, 297, 0
Sleep, 15
Click, 1147, 303, 0
Click, 1145, 303, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 1112, 308, 0
Click, 1109, 309, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 1078, 315, 0
Click, 1076, 315, 0
Sleep, 15
Click, 1046, 322, 0
Click, 1044, 322, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 1017, 329, 0
Click, 1015, 330, 0
Click, 1014, 330, 0
Sleep, 15
Click, 990, 337, 0
Click, 989, 338, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 970, 343, 0
Click, 969, 343, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 957, 346, 0
Sleep, 15
Click, 949, 348, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 942, 350, 0
Click, 941, 350, 0
Sleep, 15
Click, 933, 352, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 925, 353, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 914, 355, 0
Sleep, 15
Click, 903, 356, 0
Click, 902, 356, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 896, 357, 0
Click, 895, 357, 0
Sleep, 15
Click, 887, 358, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 879, 358, 0
Click, 878, 358, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 872, 359, 0
Click, 871, 359, 0
Sleep, 15
Click, 867, 359, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 864, 360, 0
Sleep, 328
Click, 864, 361, 0
Sleep, 15
Click, 864, 362, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 864, 365, 0
Sleep, 15
Click, 864, 366, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 864, 369, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 865, 370, 0
Sleep, 15
Click, 865, 371, 0
Sleep, 31
Click, 865, 371 Left, Down
Sleep, 110
Click, 865, 371 Left, Up
Sleep, 358
Click, 867, 371, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 872, 370, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 882, 367, 0
Click, 884, 367, 0
Sleep, 15
Click, 899, 364, 0
Click, 900, 363, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 927, 359, 0
Click, 928, 359, 0
Sleep, 15
Click, 961, 355, 0
Click, 963, 354, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 1001, 350, 0
Click, 1003, 350, 0
Click, 1006, 349, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 1034, 347, 0
Click, 1036, 346, 0
Sleep, 15
Click, 1069, 343, 0
Click, 1071, 343, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 1099, 340, 0
Click, 1100, 340, 0
Sleep, 15
Click, 1126, 337, 0
Click, 1128, 336, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 1148, 333, 0
Click, 1149, 333, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 1166, 330, 0
Click, 1167, 329, 0
Sleep, 15
Click, 1179, 327, 0
Click, 1180, 326, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 1191, 324, 0
Click, 1192, 323, 0
Sleep, 15
Click, 1200, 321, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 1207, 319, 0
Click, 1208, 319, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 1215, 316, 0
Sleep, 15
Click, 1222, 314, 0
Click, 1222, 313, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 1228, 311, 0
Click, 1229, 311, 0
Sleep, 15
Click, 1233, 309, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 1234, 308, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 1235, 308, 0
Sleep, 31
Click, 1235, 307, 0
Sleep, 15
Click, 1236, 306, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 1238, 305, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 1240, 303, 0
Sleep, 15
Click, 1243, 302, 0
Click, 1244, 302, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 1249, 299, 0
Sleep, 15
Click, 1255, 297, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 1262, 294, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 1268, 291, 0
Sleep, 15
Click, 1272, 289, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 1274, 288, 0
Sleep, 15
Click, 1275, 288, 0
Sleep, 266
Click, 1275, 287, 0
Sleep, 31
Click, 1274, 286, 0
Click, 1273, 286, 0
Sleep, 31
Click, 1272, 286, 0
Sleep, 16
Click, 1271, 285, 0
Sleep, 31
Click, 1270, 285, 0
Sleep, 15
Click, 1269, 285, 0
Sleep, 1810
Click, 1269, 285 Left, Down
Sleep, 125
Click, 1269, 285 Left, Up

Until ErrorLevel = 0



the problem is image appeared but the script still works
can u help me? :P
ty ^^
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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.2 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

08 Jul 2014, 12:32

Hello again,
Thanks for the update.
I seem to have ran into a few issues though:

1) If I highlight and delete one or more lines, the editor screen doesn't always refresh. It often leaves part of the lines behind as a "ghost" that I intended to delete. If you press the delete key again thinking that the first key press didn't take, it will delete the next line below what you originally selected. You can see the chaos only after changing to another macro tab then back to the original Macro tab.

2) Minor issue - Noticed that the error checker at times, seems to ignore the checkmarks that enable or disable lines of script. Not usually a problem unless you have some code you want to switch back & forth at times. As an example, if I have 2 different "IF" statements that I only want to enable one or the other, but never both, then the error checker complains that I don't have enough "END IF"s to close the "IF" calls, even if one of the "IF"s is disabled. Should the error checker ignore all lines that are not enabled?

3) Minor issue from 4.1.1 - If I create a label in 2 different macros that are has the same name, they cause a conflict even if I disable one by un-checking it/re-saving etc. I literally have to change the label name or delete one to make the error go away. Is there a way to make a label only local to that macro and not global? or at least be able to disable it and save it for later use?

Thanks for your help.
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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.2 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

09 Jul 2014, 06:21

Meticulator wrote:Hello again,
Thanks for the update.
I seem to have ran into a few issues though:
Hi Meticulator,

Thanks for the feedback! I will check issues and release an update soon. I've made some comments about them below.
Meticulator wrote:1) If I highlight and delete one or more lines, the editor screen doesn't always refresh. It often leaves part of the lines behind as a "ghost" that I intended to delete. If you press the delete key again thinking that the first key press didn't take, it will delete the next line below what you originally selected. You can see the chaos only after changing to another macro tab then back to the original Macro tab.
This must have been caused by the change I made to allow the main window to be on foreground during playback. This was a long time request of some users, so I'll check what's happening to fix it.
Meticulator wrote:2) Minor issue - Noticed that the error checker at times, seems to ignore the checkmarks that enable or disable lines of script. Not usually a problem unless you have some code you want to switch back & forth at times. As an example, if I have 2 different "IF" statements that I only want to enable one or the other, but never both, then the error checker complains that I don't have enough "END IF"s to close the "IF" calls, even if one of the "IF"s is disabled. Should the error checker ignore all lines that are not enabled?
Well, maybe so... Having 2 END IF's shouldn't cause any problems, but I'll see if I can make it ignore unchecked rows.
Meticulator wrote:3) Minor issue from 4.1.1 - If I create a label in 2 different macros that are has the same name, they cause a conflict even if I disable one by un-checking it/re-saving etc. I literally have to change the label name or delete one to make the error go away. Is there a way to make a label only local to that macro and not global? or at least be able to disable it and save it for later use?
Making label check local to a macro defeats the purpose of goto/gosub working on all macros. It won't let you add a duplicate label, but you can still copy and paste. Of course it would be better to simply not have duplicate labels....
Last edited by Pulover on 12 Jul 2014, 09:39, edited 1 time in total.
Rodolfo U. Batista
Pulover's Macro Creator - Automation Tool (Recorder & Script Writer)
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Joined: 12 Jul 2014, 08:20

Re: Macro Creator v4.1.2 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

12 Jul 2014, 08:29

Hello guys! Pulover, thank you very much for your awesome Macro Creator!!!!

I have a question for you; I need to record a long macro and I need to "edit" it many times. When I say "edit" I mean I would stop recording after X seconds (for example 100s), play the macro I've just recorded and then after Y seconds (for example 95s) I would start recording again, overwriting the last 5 seconds of the macro.
I noticed that actually the application just append the new recorded actions at the end of the macro, without replacing the existing ones.

Can this behavior be setted somewhere?

I hope to have been clear enough. :)

Thank you very much!
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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.2 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

12 Jul 2014, 08:44

Hi 7brutus7,

No, currently there's no such feature implemented. What it has now is the option to start recording in a new macro instead of appending to the end of the selected one.

I have some updates to do so I'll see if I can implement this in the next release.
Rodolfo U. Batista
Pulover's Macro Creator - Automation Tool (Recorder & Script Writer)
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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.2 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

12 Jul 2014, 10:58

Great, thank you very much!
In the meantime I'll try to edit the source code to reach my goal! :)

Thank you again!
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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.2 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

13 Jul 2014, 16:37

Great App,

Is there a way to completely remove the "Controls Bar"?

I have the "Display Controls Bar on startup" disabled and the "Auto Hide Controls toolbar" active but still it pop's up when "play current marco"

cheers :)
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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.2 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

14 Jul 2014, 07:03

FilipeMeiraCastro wrote:Great App,

Is there a way to completely remove the "Controls Bar"?

I have the "Display Controls Bar on startup" disabled and the "Auto Hide Controls toolbar" active but still it pop's up when "play current marco"

cheers :)
Well... there should be, but I guess I forgot to add this option. :P I'll add it in the next release. Thx.
Rodolfo U. Batista
Pulover's Macro Creator - Automation Tool (Recorder & Script Writer)
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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.2 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

14 Jul 2014, 09:29

Greeeaatt, Thank you so much Pulover.
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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.2 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

15 Jul 2014, 13:58

Thank you for reply Pulover. Somehow after i post the question here the loop work lol. Quick question, how do i use put if else if statement? For example this is what i want

pixel find
if pixel find
else if pixel find
else if pixel find
end if.
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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.2 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

20 Jul 2014, 10:46

My questions are of the newbie type.

1) (found the answer in the toolbar)

2) (edit: I discovered timed intervals!)

3) Sometimes, after I start recording with the F9 key, my attempt at ending the recording with the F9 key again is not recognized, regardless of how many times I press the key. This used to be much more frequent in v3. I end up stopping the recording by maximizing the main window, hitting the red circle and then cleaning up all the extra recording that was done. It happens much less in v4, but it does happen.

Thanks for the tool. You have no idea how much time and more importantly, boring movements it has saved me.
Last edited by caltino on 25 Jul 2014, 06:16, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.2 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

23 Jul 2014, 09:57

Is it possible to read text from Firefox's screen? For example, gettext from the url bar, or perhaps a field in a message board posting?

The standard method of getting the name of a control works in things like notepad, but I have not been able read off of Firefox. My work takes place within the pages of a browser, commenting on posts and what not, so I was trying to read from the various parts of a posting environment. For example, at the bottom of this page it tells you which page we are on (page 10 of 10). Is it possible to read that? Or perhaps, some text sitting in a text box on a forum page?
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01 Aug 2014, 08:23

Can ControlGet be configured to retrieve the text of the command instead of it's name?
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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.2 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

01 Aug 2014, 20:15

First of all, thanks so much for the program Pulover, it's such a powerful comprehensive tool and is going to help me a lot .... :)

I am quite new to AHK and MacroCreator and just need help with something because I tried and failed miserably lol....

Basically what I am trying to do is constantly scan the screen for images that match with the images in the directory and then if found run a simple co-ordinates/click command. This is in respect of Skype contacts and whether or not they are accepted according to country/device (ie mobile or pc) .... The reason for this is that minor countries such as India,Luxembourg,Croatia,Poland etc are just not profitable and need to be automatically weeded out and rejected.....

So , a constant scan of the "flags" of the users and if a blacklisted flag/image is found then to execute a macro/mouse co-ordinates/click to reject and block the user.

Is this possible ?

Thanks so much in advance :)

PS. I am going to spread the word about Macro Creator as much as possible on different forums etc . It is just brilliant , especially being free, and deserves as much popularity/attention as possible !

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