Cant focus on a folder entry or file entry in file explorer

Advanced Macro Recorder/Editor.

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Joined: 21 Nov 2020, 12:52

Cant focus on a folder entry or file entry in file explorer

Post by sameclarke » 21 Nov 2020, 13:22

HI I am a newbie to Pulover. Gradually getting the hang of it but I have three problems I cannot solve. (I am not using recorder)
Problem 1

I want to get a folder name from a list of subfolders in explorer. I can get the list displayed OK but when I try to select the top folder the click control focus seems to give random selection in the list. How can I select the top folder with a control?

Problem 2

If I select the folder in the list I want to get to properties via a right click so I can gettext the folder name.
I can get the Right button click OK but I cant see how to select the properties.
When I try to add mouse-click-control I can't select the control because the right click menu is closed before I can select it.

Problem 3 which I can see coming up .....

I can't figure out how to do a cursor control so I can cursor down to select the next folder in the list.

Any help would be most appreciated


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Joined: 10 Dec 2020, 13:24

Re: Cant focus on a folder entry or file entry in file explorer

Post by Hazix » 10 Dec 2020, 13:29

I think it would be better if you use the loop files

Posts: 5
Joined: 21 Nov 2020, 12:52

Re: Cant focus on a folder entry or file entry in file explorer

Post by sameclarke » 11 Dec 2020, 11:39

thanks for the help, looks like I have to dust down my programming skills.
I guess my dilemma is do I ditch Pulover and learn Autohotkey native or do I spend even more time figuring out how to use the loop file in a Pulover Macro Script, which doesn't appear easy.
For background I decided to use a Pulover Macro to load up all my photos to Google photos taking the folder name (of which I have hundreds ) and pasting as the Album name and then load up the photos from that folder to that album.

Looked straight forward but it's been two steps forward three steps back lol. Learnt a lot though.

Latest issue is to get the path (from a variable) into the OPEN window (ahk_class #32770, ComboBox3) by clicking on LHS of the box without using mouse. There doesn't seem to be a way of finding or selecting the controls in the ComboBox3 aaaagh

One more try ......

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