PMC: Object assignment syntax error on succeeding runs

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Joined: 17 Jun 2023, 01:42

PMC: Object assignment syntax error on succeeding runs

Post by vitronish » 17 Jun 2023, 02:08

I want to create a function that loads and parses a file with contents similar to an environment file. The run succeeds the first time but succeeding runs throws a syntax error.
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Code: Select all

    obj := Object()
    IfNotExist, %location%
        MsgBox, 0, , File %location% does not exist
        return obj
    Loop, Read, %location%
        parts := StrSplit(A_LoopReadLine, "=", A_Space)
        key := parts[1]
        value := parts[2]
        obj[key] := value
    return obj
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