Can't figure out how to close Else

Advanced Macro Recorder/Editor.

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Joined: 08 Apr 2024, 12:47

Can't figure out how to close Else

11 Apr 2024, 14:56


I am new to ahk and pulover and i managed to do quite a few tricks with imagesearch and ifs etc but i can not, for the life of me, figure out how to link elses to ifs or even do a simple if-else script

chained ifs work just fine but else just sits there. you can even see it in code, else just stays open {
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Re: Can't figure out how to close Else

11 Apr 2024, 18:00

I'm not sure what "end if" is (Basic syntax maybe?), but proper blocks should look like this...

Code: Select all

if (condition1)
	; do something
else if (condition2)
	; do alternate
else	; any other condition
	; do for all others
Posts: 21
Joined: 08 Apr 2024, 12:47

Re: Can't figure out how to close Else

12 Apr 2024, 06:13


I figured it out. That it's how it's supposed to look in Pulover, the else is nested and before the [end if]. to be as a beginner it didn't make sense, i was putting the else after the [end if]

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