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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.3 - The Complete Automation Tool

Posted: 10 Jul 2016, 13:10
by Gaiiden
joshatt wrote:"action commands"?
All of these:


Plus some more in the right-click menu (inserting a keystroke). I just created them all manually after seeing what commands the recording uses

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.3 - The Complete Automation Tool

Posted: 10 Jul 2016, 18:30
by joshatt
Gaiiden wrote:
joshatt wrote:"action commands"?
All of these:


Plus some more in the right-click menu (inserting a keystroke). I just created them all manually after seeing what commands the recording uses
I see.

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.3 - The Complete Automation Tool

Posted: 11 Jul 2016, 01:43
by wisecracker
Okay so i just recently started using Pulovers and its a little confusing. Im trying to make a macro that if a single key is pressed, then spam another key, but if key is pressed, them spam this key.

For example: If i press a, i want it to spam q until toggled again. but if s is pressed, then spam w.

If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated. im not good at this whole coding thing so i have no clue what to do. i tried the tuts on yt and helping little to none.

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.3 - The Complete Automation Tool

Posted: 11 Jul 2016, 22:23
by ULandreman
I'd like to insert come documentation comments within the macros. I haven't seen a way to do that yet. If it's possible, could someone point me in the right direction? Thanks!

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.3 - The Complete Automation Tool

Posted: 11 Jul 2016, 23:28
by Gaiiden
ULandreman wrote:I'd like to insert come documentation comments within the macros. I haven't seen a way to do that yet. If it's possible, could someone point me in the right direction? Thanks!
You can add a comment that shows up in the code preview window (on the right) but I would like to see comments appear in the script actions window on the left, so I can better remember what groups of actions are doing what

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.3 - The Complete Automation Tool

Posted: 19 Jul 2016, 04:26
by jemtan

Just recently discovered Pulover's Macro Creator, and I found it a great tool for automating a whole bunch of stuff. Kudos to you Pulover!

I recently have been using it to copy and paste some data from a website and to then email that using PMC's inbuilt emailing macro while i'm asleep. However, occasionally i get an error message saying that the "message could not be sent to the SMTP server". It then prompts me whether to continue or not. I think this error is unavoidable and it happens maybe once out of every five times while using my Yahoo as the outgoing mail server. I'm ok with it happening occasionally as I thought I would just get the script to keep trying and it succeeds.

The problem is that when the error message appears, the script will not continue unless I manually click Yes. I tried using Image Search and an IF statement to look for that error box and to then click Yes to proceed and try to send another email until it succeeds. However I notice that the PMC script actually stops working when the error message appears and there appears to be no way I can automate the clicking on the error message box to proceed on. This means my whole script hangs until I get to it in the morning. Is there a workaround to keep the script running in spite of the error message?

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.3 - The Complete Automation Tool

Posted: 19 Jul 2016, 09:21
by Pulover
jemtan wrote:[...] email that using PMC's inbuilt emailing macro while i'm asleep. However, occasionally i get an error message saying that the "message could not be sent to the SMTP server". [...] Is there a workaround to keep the script running in spite of the error message?
Options > Settings > Playback > Do not display errors

Forgot to document that in the email page...

Version Update: 5.0.4

Posted: 19 Jul 2016, 13:31
by Pulover
Version 5.0.4
  • Fixed wrong options set for Message Box when editing the command.

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.4 - The Complete Automation Tool

Posted: 26 Jul 2016, 07:15
by Mock

Im pretty new to working with Macros, but would try to create a simple Macro using commandline parameters, im able to get it working by editing the AHK exported file. but can't get pullover Creator to do the same. could it be a bug?

Code: Select all

userid_value := 1
time_value := 2
description_value := 3
Sleep, 333
ie.document.getElementsByName("technicianID")[0].SelectedIndex := userid_value
ie.document.getElementsByName("requestType")[0].SelectedIndex := 1
ie.document.getElementsByName("workMinutes")[0].Value := time_value
ie.document.getElementsByName("description")[0].Value := description_value
I have tried to do a %1% in the end of "ie.document.getElementsByName("technicianID")[0].SelectedIndex := userid_value" and also to define a variable like at the top, But Pulover removes % everytime so it don´t work. but with Edit AHK and manually compile including %1% everything works.

Am i doing something wrong?

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.4 - The Complete Automation Tool

Posted: 26 Jul 2016, 10:16
by Acuena

I must say, exelent tool :)
It helps out alot.


I just found out that there is one thing that is a bit anoying.
I have this code inside of the Macro Creator:

Code: Select all

InputBox, VarSubject, Subject, Plase add a subject
If VarAmne =
    MsgBox, 16, Add Subject from line, You have to enter a subject`, Restart the script, 6

However when this is run and the user dosent enter a subject, it shows the msgbox and then closes the macro creator.
If I havent saved before I ran the code, I lose some if it hasent found a backup at start.

This is a tad inconvinient, it messes with the workflow. Can this be fixed somehow? I have tried it a few times.

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.4 - The Complete Automation Tool

Posted: 26 Jul 2016, 12:12
by Pulover
Mock wrote:I have tried to do a %1% in the end of "ie.document.getElementsByName("technicianID")[0].SelectedIndex := userid_value" and also to define a variable like at the top, But Pulover removes % everytime so it don´t work. but with Edit AHK and manually compile including %1% everything works.

Am i doing something wrong?
PMC is written in AHK, so it uses AHK command line parameters internally, which means you cannot use them on playback. Additionally read about variables and expressions in the help file.

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.4 - The Complete Automation Tool

Posted: 26 Jul 2016, 12:14
by Pulover
Acuena wrote:I just found out that there is one thing that is a bit anoying.
I have this code inside of the Macro Creator:

Code: Select all

InputBox, VarSubject, Subject, Plase add a subject
If VarAmne =
    MsgBox, 16, Add Subject from line, You have to enter a subject`, Restart the script, 6

However when this is run and the user dosent enter a subject, it shows the msgbox and then closes the macro creator.
If I havent saved before I ran the code, I lose some if it hasent found a backup at start.

This is a tad inconvinient, it messes with the workflow. Can this be fixed somehow? I have tried it a few times.
You are executing ExitApp, what do you expect to happen?

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.4 - The Complete Automation Tool

Posted: 26 Jul 2016, 13:17
by Acuena
Pulover wrote:
Acuena wrote:I just found out that there is one thing that is a bit anoying.
I have this code inside of the Macro Creator:

Code: Select all

InputBox, VarSubject, Subject, Plase add a subject
If VarAmne =
    MsgBox, 16, Add Subject from line, You have to enter a subject`, Restart the script, 6

However when this is run and the user dosent enter a subject, it shows the msgbox and then closes the macro creator.
If I havent saved before I ran the code, I lose some if it hasent found a backup at start.

This is a tad inconvinient, it messes with the workflow. Can this be fixed somehow? I have tried it a few times.
You are executing ExitApp, what do you expect to happen?
I know I executiong ExitApp, what I intended to happend is to stop the script I am making, not the Macro Creator. I want it to stop executing the script and just close it if the If statment triggers. Maybe it's a bit tricky to implement a check for that, I don't know how the program is coded.

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.4 - The Complete Automation Tool

Posted: 26 Jul 2016, 13:48
by Pulover
To stop execution use Return. It's in the same list.

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.4 - The Complete Automation Tool

Posted: 26 Jul 2016, 14:44
by bdalt2
Hi is it possible with the image search to make it go to a specific step if found and another step if not found? Thanks

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.4 - The Complete Automation Tool

Posted: 26 Jul 2016, 14:54
by bdalt
Hi. With the image search, is it possible to go to a specific step if image is found and go to a different step if image is not found? Thanks.

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.4 - The Complete Automation Tool

Posted: 27 Jul 2016, 02:57
by Acuena
Pulover wrote:To stop execution use Return. It's in the same list.

Ow, forgot about that xD
I am used to use ExitApp :P

Anyway, I have looked around but I can't find out how to make a hotkey.

I want to make it execute some code when I press a key.
Like in this code:

Code: Select all

	Msgbox Do some random stuff here
Been looking around but I can't seem to find out how to do :(

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.4 - The Complete Automation Tool

Posted: 27 Jul 2016, 12:52
by Pulover
The hotkeys are Play, Manual, Pause and Stop. They are on the top-right corner of the main window.

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.4 - The Complete Automation Tool

Posted: 27 Jul 2016, 17:39
by Acuena
I don't know if I managed to express what I wanted to do correctly.

I wantet to know how to add a hotkey (like the ones on this page that enables the user of the script press for an example alt+space (!space) to execute a comman, when the script is exported.

Like in AHK you use this code:

Code: Select all

	Msgbox Hello World
	click, 109 ,123
I think I have seen others done this in images I have seen, but not how to add it.
Sorry if I fail/failed to express myself in a way that is understandeble, English is not my native language.

The "Play, Manual, Pause and Stop" looks to be keys to run the script and such, I can't figure out how that works.
Ow, had some problem getting the dialog to show. If i assign "Play" to f, nothing happends if I press f. If I assign in to the enter key, it shows a dialog box but it closes it very fast, have to try pressing the enter key very fast and release it to be able to get the dialog box to show.

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.4 - The Complete Automation Tool

Posted: 27 Jul 2016, 21:09
by Pulover
It's very simple. Click on the Play hotkey control and press the key or combination to set the hotkey for the macro. I don't know how to make it clearer...