Pulover Macro Creator - How do I decrease time between each loop iteration?

Advanced Macro Recorder/Editor.

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Pulover Macro Creator - How do I decrease time between each loop iteration?

Post by raze2397 » 21 Feb 2022, 12:07

Hello there, I am using Pulover Macro Creator to create a macro for minecraft. I created the macro and its working BUT I need to make the infinite loop tick faster between each loop iteration.- How do I decrease time between each loop iteration?
Problem is that when I run the macro without open minecraft , one iteration occurs every half second. When I open minecraft and run it it occurs once every second and a half. Not sure what is causing it.

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Joined: 21 Feb 2022, 11:58

Re: Pulover Macro Creator - How do I decrease time between each loop iteration?

Post by raze2397 » 21 Feb 2022, 12:10

Code: Select all

    text := OCR([1298, 691, 617, 248], "eng")
    If text contains Fishing
        Click, Right, 1
        Sleep, 10
        Sleep, 3000
        Click, Right, 1
        Sleep, 10
This is the code,
Basically what it does is - it is checking accessibility subtitles for fishing bobber alarm and when it shows up it right clicks and waits

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