Noob question about "goto" not working

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Noob question about "goto" not working

Post by jdelaney993 » 07 Feb 2023, 20:47

I am very new and confused :( I am trying to make a macro to detect when a roulette wheel displays certain numbers in a row (like 5 blacks, reds etc). I am using the if image found function and nesting a goto command inside of it. It goes down a list of all the black number images and if it detects none of them it is supposed to display a message. If it detects any of them it is set to goto the red search. Same thing with reds, if it detects none it should display a message and if it detects any it should goto the top of black search. I assumed this would just loop until it found no blacks or reds in the search zone but its just running through the macro list and displaying both messages of black and red not found. I am not sure why its not looping, i have the detection zones set correct, the labels set at the top of the image search groups and im just not sure whats going on.
if image found is set to goto red_search, if not found go down the list
blackssearchend.PNG (11.65 KiB) Viewed 599 times
if end of list is reached and last # not found, display message, if is found, continue to next operation which is red search.
blacksearch.PNG (39.77 KiB) Viewed 599 times

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