Macro Pmc file just disappeared within 10 seconds

Advanced Macro Recorder/Editor.

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Joined: 03 Jan 2020, 08:44

Macro Pmc file just disappeared within 10 seconds

31 Oct 2023, 04:12

I was working on a Macro project, that had some 4 macros/tabs in it. I had worked on this very file for the past few days and today I had opened this very file for just 5-10 minutes when I found that PMC was almost hung up/got very very slow. Some clicks on Menu bar worked and some missed (this had happened earlier also, when some clicks didn't work in PMC, some did). Then I had to either restart PMC, and sometimes even had to logoff windows and log back in.

So today again I 'End The Task' thru Windows Task Manager. But when I reopened PMC, and clicked the same file in Open> Recent Files, it said 'File Not Found'.
I went to the desired file location thru Windows Explorer and was surprised to find that even though some other 4-6 pmc files were present there, but this particular file was no where to be found. I even Windows Searched the file, but didn't find it.

Then I tried to find the 'Auto Backup' version of the file in '%AppData%\MacroCreator'. But here also I couldn't find the file. Nor in the MacroCreator's own folder.
All this had happened just before my own eyes within 10 minutes.

How could this happen?

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