Pulover's Macro Creator v5.4.1 - The Complete Automation Tool

Advanced Macro Recorder/Editor.

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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool - Random Coordinates ImageSearch

11 Apr 2019, 17:24

Hey, Amazing Software!

Was wondering if its possible to make a ImageSearch click randomly within the picture its found?
Would be awesome to have!

Been looking around and coudnt find much, all i found was AHK solutions!
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

12 Apr 2019, 08:32

please need help for this little macro:

Code: Select all

FileRead, book, C:\BOOK.txt


	MsgBox, 0, , %book%
	If (book != 0)

		book :=
		SubStr(book, InStr(book,"
		") + 1)


Code: Select all

[PMC Code v5.0.5]|F4||1|Window,2,Fast,0,1,Input,-1,-1,1|1|Macro1
1|FileRead|book, C:\BOOK.txt|1|0|FileRead|||||
4|Evaluate Expression|book != 0|1|0|If_Statement|errorlevel=0||||
5|[Assign Variable]|book :=  SubStr(book, InStr(book,"`n") + 1)|1|0|Variable|Expression||||
6|[End If]|EndIf|1|0|If_Statement|||||

Code: Select all

The problem is that the loop doesn't break after the third window but continues.
Thanks for any tips
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

27 Apr 2019, 17:42

I have an .exe file which is displayed only in the system tray when it is run. So it is not a window. I needed to know what command in the Macro Creator can send the Exit command to an .exe file in the system tray.
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

02 May 2019, 09:42

I don't know how to use this macro creator but you can use...

Code: Select all

Process, SubCommand [, PIDOrName, Value]

Code: Select all

Process, close,YourFileName.exe
Check out my scripts. (MyIpChanger) (ClipBoard Manager) (SavePictureAs)
All my scripts are tested on Windows 10, AutoHotkey 32 bit Ansi unless otherwise stated.
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

24 May 2019, 08:20

Anyone can explain what is wrong, I want to get picture to find picture\pixel features, but I can't mark a part of windows. When I try to do it, instead of a piece of window, the whole area is marked like in the picture. I've got Win10, but the same was on Win7.

Image Broken Link for safety

there is link to print screen, I don't know how to paste picture to post
https imggmi.com /full/2019/5/24/87658a7db82eb1d8b73b352975c3cb81-full.jpg.html Broken Link for safety
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

24 Jun 2019, 05:07

Is there some way to add a shortcut to do "show window" for MacroCreator? Really find myself wishing I could find a way to quickly open the UI with a shortcut instead of needing to use the system tray icon.

Other than that, I love this app! My sincerest gratitude to everyone who had a hand in making this available, and for free! :)
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

13 Jul 2019, 08:22

I'm really sorry if this has been asked before - in fact I'm sure it has - but I can't find anything using the search box.

I am trying to automate crafting in Final Fantasy XIV, which is essentially a case of clicking a few times to run an in-game macro.
I have managed to figure that much out myself, but what I can't figure out is how to do it in the background, so I can do other things on the computer (and also so it's a bit less of a strain on my PC).

I tried to edit the 'click' commands, but the option to make them 'control' clicks is greyed out. I've also tried toggling the 'Record ControlClick' on, but it doesn't seem to work.

I know I could manually add the commands in, but to be honest, it's too much work to sort something like that out for a macro which will need to be changed a lot (the in-game macro length changes depending on the recipe, so the PMC macro will need to be changed every time the recipe is).

Oh, while I'm here, is it a known bug that none of the settings persist once PMC is closed? Is there a fix for it?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

17 Jul 2019, 15:55

how can I use the "win" key in pullover macro creator? anyone help please
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

04 Aug 2019, 03:22

I wanna mouse recorder feature. However, I only want the macro run in the background. How record my mouse without take control it?
Thank you.
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

29 Aug 2019, 08:22


I'm using Pulover macro creator 5.0.5 version

I've encountered some weird limitation of the program ( or maybe my knowledge so far haha). The problem is the following:

I created a macro, where the user answers some prompt question via the InputBox command method which will store the answer as a variable.
As far I noticed, this variable is only usable till the macro isn't closed / the software is open.

My question is, is it possible to store these variables in the macro, so after we close the program, and we would like to use it again a few days / weeks later, then we still could use the same variables, without answering to the prompt questions again?

Also in case if this isn't possible, then is it possible to change Used defined global variables (which usually can be defined at the settings tab) via prompt command of the software, or with some kind of variable assignment?

Thank you for the answers in advance!
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

07 Sep 2019, 09:05

i am trying to make a macro, i want the pixel colour change in an aria of the screen to cause a key press. i can see a way through the image capture menu, but the only option is that a mouse key is pressed when the pixel colour is seen. i need a key press. how do i do this?(also im a total noob and a bit slow)
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

07 Sep 2019, 15:44

I use 3rd party software.
I want the commands to be executed to start after the cursor flashes. which commands should I use for this?
Information worth everything....
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

18 Nov 2019, 13:35


I am new in this forum, I did make a simple macro for mouse clicking and converted to exe file, it works, but I see that everytime I excute the the macro, I can see that still active,

my question is which option do I have to add in macro to make the icon directly dissapear. because I made a several simaliar macro which all work but they still kind of active on the taskbar thanks
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

20 Nov 2019, 21:06

I work in a multinational company here in Brazil.
I wonder if I can use Pulover's Macro Creator normally or would I have to pay a license?

Another point would be the need for a license document or agreement to be able to use. Who can I deal with?
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

20 Nov 2019, 21:14

lcsnaves wrote:
20 Nov 2019, 21:06
I work in a multinational company here in Brazil.
I wonder if I can use Pulover's Macro Creator normally or would I have to pay a license?

Another point would be the need for a license document or agreement to be able to use. Who can I deal with?
The license is available on Github, where also the source code is hosted: https://github.com/Pulover/PuloversMacroCreator/blob/master/License.txt
That should tell you all you need about the use terms - it's a pretty standard license for open source projects. If you need help understanding it, you should probably ask your company's legal advisers.

Pulover doesn't seem to update the program anymore, but if you want to contact him, you could also try on Github: https://github.com/Pulover
There is also an email address available - perhaps he will provide special support, if you make him a good offer (he even comes from Brazil, too). Good luck!
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

28 Nov 2019, 04:04

Does it work only on admin account? When I start it from a regular user Windows 10 account it gives me error "missing language files" :-(

Best regards,
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

08 Dec 2019, 03:03


I just installed it on a win7 mashine on a user accout and get the same error "... missing language files".
I logged into admin account and copied the laguage files from the admin appdata folder to the user appdata folder. (It was empty)
After logging back into user account the programm starts with no problem.
However a message-box pops up with the tip to use it from admin account.
Toggling the "Do not show this again" does not help. It shows up on every start.
However it seems to be a nice tool and a good addition to the toolbox.

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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

08 Dec 2019, 14:50

Please, I've been cracking my head recently, I've been trying to execute 2 macros simultaneously and really could'n find anything that resolved it. Being more specific, I want 2 macros, each one reads a different image, when image 1 appears the software will make appear a box message x, and when image 2 appears will appear a box message y, but not relying with any order, I would like it to be independent. How it is now, the only macro that is executed is that which I've been played the button in.

Por favor, eu venho quebrando minha cabeça recentemente, eu queria poder executar 2 macros ao mesmo tempo. Mais especificamente, o macro 1 iria ler uma imagem 1 e iria aparecer uma caixa de mensagem x, e o macro 2 iria ler uma imagem 2 com caixa de mensagem y, como faço para toda vez acontecer isso, independente da ordem? Do jeito que está agora, o único macro que é executado é o qual eu aperto o botão Play. Os demais, ignorados.
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

09 Dec 2019, 14:15


The link to the online help on the Homepage is not working:

https www.macrocreator.com /docs Broken Link for safety

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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

13 Dec 2019, 03:08


I try to make a macro with macro option that include the keystroke, but the keystroke does not record and I have try to edit it by inserting the keystroke I want to (shift+2) but still does not work, can anyone tell me how to fix this thank you
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