Crashing Macro (out of memory)

Advanced Macro Recorder/Editor.

Moderator: Pulover

Posts: 20
Joined: 09 Jun 2016, 07:44

Crashing Macro (out of memory)

08 Jul 2021, 13:29

I think I posted this before but in the wrong place. For some reason my Pulover crashes constantly. I thought it was something in my macro that is running continously or something but sometimes it crashes before I even run a macro.

I open Pulover and just leave it there before even activating macros and it crashes.

When I run macros it ALWAYS crashes after a bit. This is a macro example. Is there something that needs to be in my code that releases memory or something for the loops?

Code: Select all

InputBox, DCvar_date, My Input Box, What is the Campaign Date? (eg June 1)
InputBox, DCvar_delspaces, My Input Box, How many chars to delete?
KeyWait, LButton
KeyWait, LButton, D
Sleep, 300
Click, Rel -50, 100 Left, 1
Sleep, 300
Click, 1218, 261 Left, 1
Sleep, 300
Send, {Home}{Right 19}{Delete %DCvar_delspaces%}  ; Change Delete Count (for date)
SendRaw, %DCvar_date%  ; Change to Campaign Date 
Send, {End}
Loop, 5
    Send, {Backspace}
Click, 1168, 334 Left, 1
Sleep, 10
MsgBox, 32, , Continue?
Send, {Home}
Sleep, 3000
Click, 516, 326 Left, 1
Sleep, 10
Goto, DC_Start
Posts: 9113
Joined: 30 Sep 2013, 06:48

Re: Crashing Macro (out of memory)

08 Jul 2021, 13:35

Don't know enough about Pulovers Macro Creator.
But this is regular AHK code. Why do you run it via Pulovers anyway ? What happens if you just run in like a normal ahk script (double-clicking it in explorer, eg)?

Btw, the code above will just run once (for about 1 second, once you are past the KeyWaits) and then exit, afaics. There won't be any "after a bit". Perhaps you are misinterpreting this as "crashing"?
what do you exactly mean by "crashing"?
Are there any crashes with the script itself? I don't see, why there would...

Just found this in your other topic:
NewYears1978 wrote:
08 Jul 2021, 13:33
It's Pulovers that is crashing. I think I even got an out of memory popup a few times.
Well, that's really a question for Pulover then.
Posts: 20
Joined: 09 Jun 2016, 07:44

Re: Crashing Macro (out of memory)

20 Aug 2021, 15:20

Yeah sorry for multiple posts, I was trying to post only in Pulover area and at first I thought my macros were wrong but it only crashes if I am in Pulover. Exporting them and running separately causes no crash but some macros don't work properly.

These crashes happen even when I don't run a macro, just opening Pulover sometimes sitting still awhile the program crashes.

I never could figure out what is going on.

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