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MsgBox move

Posted: 11 Jan 2022, 02:29
by Holger_H
[Mod edit: Original post in german:]
[Mod edit: english version from a later post:]
Holger_H wrote:
12 Jan 2022, 02:53
is there actually a possibility to place the MsgBox somewhere else on the window,
than in the middle of the screen, so similar to how you can specify it for the InputBox?

The following background:
The MsgBox contains information about the content of the website you have just accessed,
unfortunately you have to move the MsgBox out of the middle to read this.

The InputBox is not suitable for larger information and
there do not have to be any parameters.

have already scoured the forum but unfortunately found nothing.


Re: MsgBox verschieben

Posted: 11 Jan 2022, 10:20
by gregster
Hallo Holger, welcome to the AHK forums!

Is your post really about Pulovers Macro Creator?
If yes, you should post in English in this subforum. (You can edit your original post.)
If no, and your question is about AHK in general, your (german) post would belong into our german language subforums... we can move it for you.

(Ist deine Frage wirklich auf Pulovers Macro Creator bezogen? Dann frage hier bitte in Englisch! Oder falls nein, verschieben wir deinen Post gerne ins deutsche Hilfeforum.)

Re your question: Sorry, I have never used PMC, so I can only answer your question in a general AHK way...

For displaying data (and other things), you could always use a GUI (graphical interface) which is much more versatile than a msgbox.
The problem with a msgbox is that it halts code execution. So, if you really want to use a msgbox and move it, you'll need a little trick:

Code: Select all

SetTimer, moveMsgbox, -50		
Msgbox, , MyMsgbox, Hello World!

	Winmove, MyMsgbox ,, 200, 200

Re: MsgBox verschieben

Posted: 12 Jan 2022, 02:52
by Holger_H
Danke gregster für die Antwort,
Forum ist schon das Richtige, da ich wirklich mit dem PMC arbeite, das Grafikvergleichstool ist einfach gut und einfach zu handhaben.

Ich hab das mit dem Englisch wahrscheinlich nicht so wahrgenommen, da mein Browser grundsätzlich auf übersetzten steht.
Werde die Frage nochmal in Englisch einstellen.

Re: MsgBox move

Posted: 12 Jan 2022, 02:53
by Holger_H
is there actually a possibility to place the MsgBox somewhere else on the window,
than in the middle of the screen, so similar to how you can specify it for the InputBox?

The following background:
The MsgBox contains information about the content of the website you have just accessed,
unfortunately you have to move the MsgBox out of the middle to read this.

The InputBox is not suitable for larger information and
there do not have to be any parameters.

have already scoured the forum but unfortunately found nothing.


Re: MsgBox move

Posted: 12 Jan 2022, 02:57
by Holger_H
Thanks gregster for the answer,
Forum is the right one, because I really work with the PMC, the graphic comparison tool is simply good and easy to use.

I probably didn't notice it that way with English because my browser is always set to translated.
Will post the question again in English.

Re: MsgBox move

Posted: 26 Jan 2022, 09:39
by Holger_H
I guess I have to go through it alone as a complete beginner

Re: MsgBox move

Posted: 26 Jan 2022, 10:32
by Pulover
Gregster already pointed you to the solution, using SetTimer and WinMove.

Re: MsgBox move

Posted: 02 May 2024, 13:00
by RSable
Its in an area for v2 code, but I believe it is written in v1

Re: MsgBox move

Posted: 02 May 2024, 13:11
by boiler
RSable wrote: Its in an area for v2 code, but I believe it is written in v1
If you're referring to PMC in general, then this thread isn't necessarily the place to discuss this, but yes, it is written in v1 and produces v1 code. But it was one of the "editors" that was given a place under the Editors section of the forum before it was partitioned into v2 and v1 sections. It makes sense for the Editors section in general to be under the main part of the forum (i.e., the v2 section), and yes, maybe PMC doesn't really fit here anymore, but I don't think there is any desire to create a v1-specific Editors sub-forum, so at least for now, it's still here as a bit of a misfit.