Ahk_H doesn't work with FindText.ahk

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Ahk_H doesn't work with FindText.ahk

07 Apr 2024, 09:43

Hi, I want to use AHK_H to run multiple settimers in parallel, not sure if that's the right word, but it's as if these settimers are launched from multiple new script files. One issue is that I can't launch the script if I include FindText.ahk, if I comment out "#Include FindText.ahk", then the script runs. I've already searched the forum for this, it seems like this issue wasn't resolved? Any ideas will be greatly appreciated, thanks!

The below script won't launch:

Code: Select all

#Include C:\Ahk\Library\
#Include FindText.ahk

msgbox, %A_AhkVersion%
; Version running :

The below script will launch:

Code: Select all

msgbox, %A_AhkVersion%
; Version running :

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