__Item not working and outdated documents

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Joined: 07 Mar 2017, 05:31

__Item not working and outdated documents

04 Sep 2019, 12:16

Array of Arrays in documents is outdated
code in http lexikos.github.io /v2/docs/Objects.htm#Usage_Arrays_of_Arrays Broken Link for safety
was totally unusable now.

The Ahkv2 support someting like Array[j, k] these days, however the __Item would not work properly since it's always interpret something like grid[3,5] as multi-dimensional arrays. As a result the property get and set defined in class will never be called by the script(see it below).
class Array2D {
__new(x, y) {
this.Length := x * y
this.Width := x
this.Height := y
__Item[x, y] {
MsgBox "get"
return this.a[this.Width * (y-1) + x]
MsgBox "set"
this.a[this.Width * (y-1) + x] := value
return value

grid :=new Array2D(1, 1)
grid[1, 4,1] := "#"
grid[2, 3,1] := "#"
grid[2, 2,1] := "#"
grid[3, 1,3] := "#"
gridtext := ""
Loop 3 {
x := A_Index
Loop 4 {
y := A_Index
gridtext .= grid[x, y,1] || "-"
gridtext .= "`n"

MsgBox gridtext
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Joined: 11 Jan 2017, 17:59

Re: __Item not working and outdated documents

04 Sep 2019, 12:30

the latest hv2 is based on a100
u can download a100's docs here from this link https://www.autohotkey.com/download/2.0/AutoHotkey_2.0-a100-52515e2.zip

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