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Error CryptAES and UnZipRawMemory

Posted: 01 Aug 2022, 15:02
by serzh82saratov
v1.1.33.10 Win32w AutoHotkey.exe
windows 10x64

My goal is to write the text to the file, and then decipher it.
Both methods are error.

Code: Select all

string:="This is a message from AutoHotkey."
sz := ZipRawMemory(string, StrLen(string) * 2, var, "password")
UnZipRawMemory(&var, sz, text, "password")
MsgBox % text 

Code: Select all

FileRead string, % A_ScriptFullPath 

VarSetCapacity(str, StrLen(string) * 2)  
len := StrPut(string, &str) 
size := CryptAES(str, len * 2, "sdfKIop", true, 128)  

FileDelete, mk.code  
FileAppend % StrGet(&str), mk.code, UTF-16   
FileRead string, mk.code  
size := StrLen(string) * 2   
CryptAES(&string, size, "sdfKIop", false, 128)
MsgBox % StrGet(&string)

Re: Error CryptAES and UnZipRawMemory

Posted: 10 Aug 2022, 12:32
by serzh82saratov
It turned out that it does not work on several computers, everything is fine on others.
What could be the problem on the computer?