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Could not extract script from EXE (AHK_H)

Posted: 01 Dec 2015, 00:12
by scsnake
Recently I was learning multithreading in AutoHotkey_H (AHK_H v1, Win XP SP3). The test script is:

Code: Select all

obj := CriticalObject() ; Create new critical object
Loop, 4 ; Create 4 Threads.
 AhkThread%A_Index% := AhkMini("obj:=CriticalObject(" (&obj) ")`nLoop`nobj[" A_Index "]:= A_Index")
Loop ; Show current content of object.
 ToolTip, % obj.1 "`n" obj.2 "`n" obj.3 "`n" obj.4
and it's compiled by Ahk2Exe for v1.1.22.09 with AHK_H's base file. However, the error (Could not extract script from EXE) showed up when I executed the output EXE. I also tested the script by dragging .AHK onto AutoHotkey.exe and every was fine, so I think there's something wrong with the compilation.

By the way, when using the AutoHotkey.exe and InternalAHK.exe of AHK_H, the SciTE doesn't show any variable in variable list during debugging. Anyone has the same problem?

Re: Could not extract script from EXE (AHK_H)

Posted: 01 Dec 2015, 14:38
by HotKeyIt
You will need AHK_H compiler that is included in downloads to compile AHK_H.

For SciTE4AutoHotkey you will need to update SciTEDebug.ahk to support static variables:
AutoHotkey v1
AutoHotkey v2 (latest SciTE4AutoHotkey version)