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Threads and Passing Variables in AHK_H?

Posted: 01 Mar 2023, 10:44
by mattjgale
Hey all, I know this is probably fairly simple but even after a few hours of research and testing I'm still struggling to wrap my head around threads and passing variables in AHK_H so I'm hoping to get some help?

For learning - I'm simply trying to pass a variable between two scripts. Ideally I'd like this to be using threads but honestly at this point I can't even figure out how to simply store a variable in the autohotkey.dll that I can reference from other scripts so I don't want to overcomplicate my thought process with threads. So far it seems like the two ways to pass the variable is either criticalobject or ahkassign / ahkgetvar?

For testing purposes I'm trying to create two scripts - the first to simply set the variable that I can access globally, and then a second script that shows a msgbox with the new global variable.

Code: Select all

; #persistent

; Load the autohotkey.dll library
ahkDll := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "str", "AutoHotkey.dll")

; This script defines a variable and stores it in a critical object

criticalObject := CriticalObject()
myVariable := "Hello, world!"

msgbox %myVariable%
ExitApp ; End of script

Code: Select all

; #persistent

; Load the autohotkey.dll library
ahkDll := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "str", "AutoHotkey.dll")

; This script displays a MsgBox with the value of the critical object set in the first script

criticalObject := CriticalObject()
MsgBox %myVariable%

ExitApp ; End of script
Obviously I'm doing something wrong here as the msgbox displayed in the second script is blank.

The bigger use case is to multithread some imagesearches on a loop so that I can call the information returned on-demand as opposed to having to wait for each imagesearch seperately.

To do that I was thinking of something like the following:

Code: Select all


; This function will run the image search loop in a separate thread
	    Images := {}
        Loop, Read, HekiliSpells.csv
		For k, img in Images
			;wabox3 1820, 1255, 1885, 1300
			ImageSearch, FoundXWA3, FoundYWA3, 1820, 1255, 1885, 1300, % img[1]
			if ErrorLevel = 0
				wabox3found := 1
				wabox3key := % img[2]
			Sleep, 1500 ; Wait for 1.5 seconds before running the loop again
[Mod edit: c-tags replaced with [code][/code] tags.]
This doesn't work either. I've been wracking my brain over this for a while. Can anyone provide help or at least point me in the right direction? Any idea's are genuinely appreciated!