Wrong use of IfWinExist into a thread ? Topic is solved

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Wrong use of IfWinExist into a thread ?

29 Sep 2020, 06:57

Hi, my goal is to continue thread only if the named windows exist:

Code: Select all

PacchiMisteriosi("1", 560, 323, 0x381605, 320, 300, 0xBC8328, 345, 310)
PacchiMisteriosi("2", 560, 323, 0x381605, 320, 300, 0xBC8328, 345, 310)
PacchiMisteriosi("3", 560, 323, 0x381605, 320, 300, 0xBC8328, 345, 310)
PacchiMisteriosi("4", 560, 323, 0x381605, 320, 300, 0xBC8328, 345, 310)
PacchiMisteriosi("5", 560, 323, 0x381605, 320, 300, 0xBC8328, 345, 310)
PacchiMisteriosi("Alexa", 560, 323, 0x381605, 320, 300, 0xBC8328, 345, 310)
PacchiMisteriosi("Destiny", 560, 323, 0x381605, 320, 300, 0xBC8328, 345, 310)
PacchiMisteriosi("Supermario", 560, 323, 0x381605, 320, 300, 0xBC8328, 345, 310)

PacchiMisteriosi(wname, xclick_0, yclick_0, color_0, xclick_1, yclick_1, color_1, xclick_2, yclick_2)
return AhkThread("
if WinExist(" wname ") ; ----> it work only for windows named 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5  .... NOT for other :( olso try   IfWinExist, " wname " and NOT work
	CoordMode ,Pixel,Screen ;set this to use absolute coordinates and for specific thread
	Sleep 100
	YYY := " yclick_0 " -20
	WinGetPos, X, Y, , , " wname " ; ----------------------------------- This work ok for all windows (if not use winexist check)
	xPixel := X + " xClick_0 " ;screen coords X for chek
	yPixel := Y + " yClick_0 " ;screen coords Y for chek
	Sleep 100
	xxPixel := X + " xClick_1 " ;screen coords X for chek
	yyPixel := Y + " yClick_1 " ;screen coords Y for chek
	xxxPixel := X + " xClick_2 " ;screen coords X for chek
	yyyPixel := Y + " yClick_2 " ;screen coords Y for chek
	Sleep 100
were i mistake ?
Posts: 227
Joined: 25 Feb 2016, 09:01

Re: Wrong use of IfWinExist into a thread ?

30 Sep 2020, 04:11


Code: Select all

return AhkThread("
NomeFinestra = " wname "
Sleep 300
IfWinExist, %NomeFinestra%
Posts: 227
Joined: 25 Feb 2016, 09:01

Re: Wrong use of IfWinExist into a thread ?

01 Oct 2020, 07:13

Thanks, i try this ... bu you can explain more about ? Why triple quotation marks ??

I think you put " like a text: """ (central quotation mark) and wname like variable, correct ?
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Joined: 11 Jan 2017, 17:59

Re: Wrong use of IfWinExist into a thread ?

01 Oct 2020, 08:58

return AhkThread("
if WinExist(""" wname """) ; ---...

simply obey the rules for escaping quotation marks inside quoted string literals
  • green - start/end of quoted string literal
  • red - quote inside a quoted string literal, requiring escaping
  • blue - quote inside a quoted string literal which escapes a quote
if u find this confusing u can use Format(), or pass ur variables in A_Args, or use ahkv2
Posts: 227
Joined: 25 Feb 2016, 09:01

Re: Wrong use of IfWinExist into a thread ?

01 Oct 2020, 10:39

ok, i understand :thumbup:

really thanks

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