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Re: AHK Howto - Wish I had known from the start

Posted: 04 Apr 2016, 17:46
by WhatIsWindows
Okay, I kind of get it, but I don't fully understand it. I'll keep watching rest of the tutorials, maybe it'll hit me down the line.

Thanks again for all the info.

Re: AHK Howto - Wish I had known from the start

Posted: 05 Apr 2016, 08:55
by SifJar
Think of it like this:

para_Range is the "internal" name of the variable within the function. In the definition of the function, we have Fn_Convertlvl(para_Range). In the parentheses are a list of the parameters for the function. The names listed here are the internal names for the functions within the variable. Essentially what is happening is that AHK makes a new, temporary variable called para_Range and stores whatever the first (and in this case, only) parameter is that is passed to the function.

So when you call Fn_Convertlvl(Range) what AHK does is look up the value stored in Range (i.e. 75 in this example), copy that into a new temporary variable called para_Range and lets the function work on this copied variable. So if you change the value stored in para_Range as part of the function, it won't change the variable Range which is external to the function.

You could just as easily call the function like Fn_Convertlvl(75) and get exactly the same output - here AHK would simply set para_Range equal to 75, without having to look up a value in a variable.

Re: AHK Howto - Wish I had known from the start

Posted: 08 Apr 2016, 05:05
by nnnik
This post pretty much sums up why I do not like Video tutorials.

Re: AHK Howto - Wish I had known from the start

Posted: 22 May 2016, 21:55
by Turtle
Hey, i just started using AutoHotKey because I wanted a script for a game. Im not new to coding etc. I am actually in my senior year of college to be a programmer. Like any language there are differences so i always start with looking at some tutorials. Yours are the best ones I've seen. I've only scimmed through them to just get an idea of what AutoHotKey is about, but you've done a great job. I understood what you were trying to say in your videos, but sometimes you do get ahead of yourself. I do the exact same thing when i try to teach someone how to program something. It's because you know the information well and sometimes the small details get away and mid stride you remember they should know them so you try to backtrack. I was able to easily keep up, but this could get confusing for brand new people with no experience in coding. Regardless in my fully honest opinion these are really good guides. Keep doing them don't stop because they really help new people. Thank you.

Re: AHK Howto - Wish I had known from the start

Posted: 10 Jun 2016, 13:33
by ahkDustVorteX
Hey, Chunjee

Very good videos, congrats!

Re: AHK Howto - Wish I had known from the start

Posted: 08 Aug 2016, 22:44
by Chunjee
Will be starting this back up soon. Ideally I'll redo some as there are some gaps apparently in the explanation of scope.

The URL linked in the video will also be fixed shortly.

Re: AHK Howto - Wish I had known from the start

Posted: 16 Aug 2016, 03:30
by Salkhir
Hi Chunjee,

I used to AHK Script a lot, but been out of the mix for a couple of years. I love how far it has come, and getting back into it, it has been great watching our videos again.

I do have a question though, I always struggled with printing / reading information in an array. I noticed that you have Array_Gui() which is being read from util_array.ahk. However, the link that you provided ( is broken and having a crawl through the online forums I can't find an easy way of displaying the information as you did.

I was wondering if you could share the function if possible?

Thanks in advance :superhappy:

Re: AHK Howto - Wish I had known from the start

Posted: 16 Aug 2016, 10:45
by Chunjee
Sorry for causing you some trouble with that. I do not claim ownership of that function but it is included in some of my projects on github: ... arrays.ahk

Re: AHK Howto - Wish I had known from the start

Posted: 22 Aug 2016, 11:33
by DeepMind
Hi Chunjee thanks for your tutorial, I hope you keep them up. so I downloaded the AHK Studio but I don't see the toolbar that you have at top of Ahk Studio in your tutorial, where can I download the version that you use?

Re: AHK Howto - Wish I had known from the start

Posted: 24 Aug 2016, 15:30
by Chunjee
maestrith re-wrote AHK Studio for some reason. Will post the old version as soon as I can because I don't see that he has it available anywhere.

Re: AHK Howto - Wish I had known from the start

Posted: 25 Aug 2016, 03:13
by DeepMind
Chunjee wrote:maestrith re-wrote AHK Studio for some reason. Will post the old version as soon as I can because I don't see that he has it available anywhere.

Re: AHK Howto - Wish I had known from the start

Posted: 27 Aug 2016, 02:00
by DeepMind
Chunjee wrote:maestrith re-wrote AHK Studio for some reason. Will post the old version as soon as I can because I don't see that he has it available anywhere.
Chunjee could you upload the version that you have (if you have the .ahk file at all)?

or anyone that have the version of AHK_Studio that is in vids, cause it has toolbar but the last version don't, and I was using Scite before this, but autohotkey studio seemed a bit better to me, and the main reason I'm switching is because AHK_Studio has bigger toolbar icons than Scite4AHK

Re: AHK Howto - Wish I had known from the start

Posted: 05 Sep 2016, 11:41
by Chunjee
Very sorry for the delay.

I have started a fork of the current AHK-Studio and reverted to the version seen in the videos:

Re: AHK Howto - Wish I had known from the start

Posted: 05 Sep 2016, 14:34
by DeepMind
Chunjee wrote:Very sorry for the delay.

I have started a fork of the current AHK-Studio and reverted to the version seen in the videos:
No Problem man, thanks :)