Need a freelancer for translation C++ to AKK

Talk about things C/C++, some related to AutoHotkey

Need a freelancer for translation C++ to AKK

Post by Hubauer » 04 Mar 2016, 06:00

I need the translation of a script in C++ to Autohotkey, but with only reduced functionality.


In a technical device I use the electronic component Spinwarrior SW24R4 for input.
SW24R4 has 4 encoders an 7 buttons/switches. I need this translation as a part
of a script in Autohotkey that controls the device.

OS Windows 7 32 bit

Spinwarrior can be used to create keycodes via USB. E.g. 1 encoder turning clockwise
creates the keycode “up” and vice versa turning anti-clockwise creates keycode “down”.

The supplier supports with SDK and a sample called “Spincontrol” which is written in C++

Documents to SW24R4 API the SDK (ZIP-File). This ZIP-File includes as well the application “Spincontrol” and its source code
This can be used in parts as sample code.

The ZIP-File can be downloaded from the suppliers site with this link: ...

What I need in the Autohotkey scipt is

- Reading the signals of SW24R4 permanently

- Creating keycodes by turning encoders

Turning first encoder A0/B0 clockwise send keycode “up”, anti-clockwise keycode “down”

Analogical 2nd to 4th encoder A1/B1 .. A2/B2 – I will change the programmed keycode later if necessary

- Creating keycodes out of the 7 switches
SW0 ….. Keycode “a”
SW1 ….. Keycode “b”
SW2 ….. Keycode “c”
SW3 ….. Keycode “d”
SW4 ….. Keycode “e”
SW5 ….. Keycode “f”
SW6 ….. Keycode “g”

I don’t need a GUI for programmable input/change of the keycodes with 2 levels, as it is solved in
The sample code “Spincontrol”.

I will integrate this script as a building block in my application.
For testing it should work stand-alone

In my opinion this shouldn’ t be a big thing. Since I have no time for incorporation into C ++ I need help.
Please make an offer to if interested

Posts: 150
Joined: 16 Dec 2015, 02:42

Re: Need a freelancer for translation C++ to AKK

Post by wdmodlin » 14 Mar 2016, 23:18

Puzzled here. Why would you want this done in AHK? Why are you not looking for a C++ coder to do what you want in the supported framework? That should be easier than supporting the extra baggage of cross-language interfacing. It sounds like it should be just about as easy to do in C++....


Re: Need a freelancer for translation C++ to AKK

Post by Hubauer » 16 Mar 2016, 03:34

I use Autohotkey script to control a device with at least 2 monitors in a dashbord of a vehicle(small aircraft) to control (OS WIN 7)

- data acqusition software
- navigation software
- videosoftware

AHK enables e.g. switching applications/windows between displays and commands within these apps and further apps
very easy. Pre-defined structured data-input can be done as well.
In "standard use" of this device the control of the above mentioned apps has to be simplified.

The C++ script is available (see sample link), it even works in collaboration with AHK.
The encoders can be programmed to deliver an Keycommand that can be used within
AHK-script when turned.

I want to integrate this in the "over all" AHK-script above to reduce compexity.
In the end there will be only one Script.exe on a system with embedded WIN7.

Using C++ would force me to write the future Script.exe with all the features above in C++.
There I have no experience


Re: Need a freelancer for translation C++ to AKK

Post by Hubauer » 22 Mar 2016, 11:29

In the meantime I found some help. Problem solved

Posts: 21
Joined: 09 Jun 2016, 14:44
Location: Canada

Re: Need a freelancer for translation C++ to AKK

Post by victorel » 10 Jun 2016, 08:47

Then the topic should be closed?

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