Detect if an explorer window with a filepath is already open.

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Detect if an explorer window with a filepath is already open.

18 Jun 2021, 01:14

Method to detect if an MS Windows explorer window is already open the user's desktop, when given a filepath.

e.g. In the below sample image, this user's desktop, the filepath "D:\My Cool Folder" is already open in an explorer window. So the function would return TRUE. Else the function would return FALSE.

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Joined: 04 Jun 2014, 08:33
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Re: Detect if an explorer window with a filepath is already open.

18 Jun 2021, 01:42


Code: Select all

FilePath = D:\My Cool Folder

q::ToolTip,% Explorer(FilePath)

	SetTitleMatchMode, 3
	Return, !!WinExist(FilePath " ahk_exe Explorer.EXE")

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