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Re: Maths Calculations With AutoHotKey

Posted: 29 Nov 2017, 13:02
by Guest
Nightwolf85 wrote:
Manlikezab12 wrote:Yeah that's the problem, I don't want to type = button before it will give me answer. I want to type it plain without = and then it gives answer.
Is there a trigger key such as enter key? Like It triggers when you press enter key? I'm not too sure if that would work. I'm new to this so I'm struggling.
Sorry in your OP you listed out equations ending in an equal sign.

Just change the result_endkey to enter

Code: Select all

enable_hotstrings = yes
trigger_key       =
result_endkey     = enter
equation_endkey   = #

result_hotkey   = !=
equation_hotkey = !#
history_hotkey  = ^!=
history_max     = 15

enable_number_row  = yes
enable_number_pad  = yes
numpadEnter_endKey = no
timeout            = T60
Still the same problem. I have to type = button before answer pops up. If this is too much hassle for you don't worry about it.

Re: Maths Calculations With AutoHotKey

Posted: 29 Nov 2017, 13:46
by Nightwolf85
Manlikezab12 wrote:Still the same problem. I have to type = button before answer pops up. If this is too much hassle for you don't worry about it.
Strange with that as my settings file for the script I only have to hit enter and it evaluates the answer.

Since I'm not the creator of that script I can't really provide any more insight outside of the ReadMe.

Sorry it didn't work for what you need.

Re: Maths Calculations With AutoHotKey

Posted: 15 Jun 2018, 05:23
by Guest
Manlikezab12 wrote:
BoBo wrote:So you want to use it for a game as well?!
Yes preferably, an in-client virtual game.

Re: Maths Calculations With AutoHotKey

Posted: 17 Mar 2023, 23:06
by boiler
@Manlikezab12 — Please do not remove the contents of your posts as you did with the first post. It removes the context for all the subsequent posts. And we don’t delete entire threads as you requested in your post report. That also deletes the posts that the other members contributed and may be valuable to others or even for their own reference.